How Do We Eradicate Religion From Modern Society?

Education is the only way, but even some otherwise very intelligent people have grown up with this indoctrination of lies and refuse to see logic and reality. I have tried so many times to point out the fallacies in "god's" word and their answer is always the same. (It's all about faith in the unseen, or, It's god's way and we aren't meant to understand) Bill Maher said it best "Praying to god is like telepathically communicating with your imaginary friend." The truth is that religion has done so much more harm than good. It has caused the death of more people than we can ever know and caused so many psychological problems due to guilt. And let's not forget all the child raping priests out there. Heaven has streets paved with gold or you get 70 virgins???? That shit is just crazy. I always recommend Bill Maher's documentary "Religulous" then urge them to research the points made in the movie. Peace And Love:weed:
Education is the only way, but even some otherwise very intelligent people have grown up with this indoctrination of lies and refuse to see logic and reality. I have tried so many times to point out the fallacies in "god's" word and their answer is always the same. (It's all about faith in the unseen, or, It's god's way and we aren't meant to understand) Bill Maher said it best "Praying to god is like telepathically communicating with your imaginary friend." The truth is that religion has done so much more harm than good. It has caused the death of more people than we can ever know and caused so many psychological problems due to guilt. And let's not forget all the child raping priests out there. Heaven has streets paved with gold or you get 70 virgins???? That shit is just crazy. I always recommend Bill Maher's documentary "Religulous" then urge them to research the points made in the movie. Peace And Love:weed:'s funny how people shouldn't read a book and make changes in life. Yet, you can watch a movie and fix the world of its 'indoctrination'. You're saying believers have all these problems that need to be fixed but you do not understand the meaning of symbols (OR the need for them).

Good luck to you :)
...I read the stuff in here about how you have to eradicate religion, etc. etc. 'Attack the foundations' was a good one.

Tell me, what are the foundations of religion? How can you attack something that is immaterial? Man, this is good. Believers are nuts because they believe in sht they can't see, right? I guess I'll grab a chair and watch you guys strike blows at the invisible pillars.
