How Do We Eradicate Religion From Modern Society?

I worry that possibly we may never get rid of it as it is a side effect of peoples inability to understand chain of events and ultimate causality,its a coping method to make sense of that which we dont really understand but always wonder about. Socialogically speaking,aside from those with anxiety disorders or ocd etc., people are more likely to be more superstitious the less educated they are. This ties in with what I was saying previously. I do believe though that as information and science pushes forward it will help to reduce the amount of rediculousness. Think for example how a long time ago people jsed to think that thunder was ghe sound of an angry god and such. Now, as science.has helped assure us, we know this is not the case. But to ask people to stop with the religios rediculousness is equal to asking people to get smarter faster. Sorry if I sound pompous, but this is just my opinion. We just need to leave them alone and politely insist they give us the same courtisy. If they arent in your face with it,then I dont hate them, only feel bad for them. Compassion is the answer for now and probably a while to come...IMO

so who created all that that unitelligent man back then saw and heard and experienced? who created the intelligence that we know have? what about the things we still don't know. is an intelligent man(one who knows something) better than an ignarant man(whos not quite familiar). u sir subscrie to the worlds opinion and view and i tend to beleive that there is something better. u continue in ur vain boundless pursuits in hopes that man as he get more intelligent he becomes more moral, social and humane. I dont see that and history doesnt show that. if anything as man becomes more intelligent he seems to become more brutal, secretive, evil. I mean wat history are u looking at and can i have a pair of the rose colored glasses so I can view pollyannah!
A simple solution is getting rid of atheism and those who go against religion.

this is the harvest and our mission field. they will soon relent when they run out of reasoning and face insurmountable odds. after all when any one i have ever seen or heard experienced difficulty the say Jesus Christ or OMG or for the Love of God. they all eventually come to the Lord. every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord above all.
for the last time, the big bang theory is just our best theory at the moment. we dont know what was before the big bang. but just because we dont know DOES NOT give us the right to suggest we do know a god did it. that sounds MUCH more ridiculous. especially considering you have NOTHING to even suggest it is true. and even if that god did exist, why do you think he would give a shit about us? we are EXTREMELY insignificant in the universe.

edit: just like if i were to say that i know for a fact what happened before the big bang. there was a spaghetti god that combined with some special god sauce. then a reaction occurred, and a new universe came forth from the god sauce. we are that universe. i know this happened because i have this old book here that tells me. the spaghetti god came down and talked to people, and they wrote the book. i have faith, and you should too.
how stupid does that sound? that is exactly what the religious do. they say they know for a fact, but they have ZERO backup for their claims. and their excuse for it all is that they have faith. its utter bullshit

i beleive in God, Jesus, and the big bang. after all God had to do it some how. the precarious and intricate way in which all things the science of it chemically, physically God use element to make all things possible. after all ur composed of elements and the beath of God. someone is responsible, and continues to be responsible to keep things in alignment when man corrupts it. again man corrupts.
i beleive in God, Jesus, and the big bang. after all God had to do it some how. the precarious and intricate way in which all things the science of it chemically, physically God use element to make all things possible. after all ur composed of elements and the beath of God. someone is responsible, and continues to be responsible to keep things in alignment when man corrupts it. again man corrupts.

we are made of atoms so god must have made the atoms right?!
if a kid wants to know ware we all came from, expand his mind with science. not the bible. we created this religion war lets leave our new generations out of it. let our new generations shape our world without the contrasts of religion. because obviously the bullshit everyone taught you mother fuckers aint workin so well for us, if you havnt noticed. everything we know is based on a tug and pull system. one guy pulls while someone else sits around telling him why hes wrong and then we kill eachother... now if we taught our kids about the universe and how things are created in nature there brains would then solve problems together in our world and universe instead of arguing about a god and waiting for him to come save us. religion is war because thats what it is based off of. every one is just to stupid to realize it because its been disguised so well now
this is the harvest and our mission field. they will soon relent when they run out of reasoning and face insurmountable odds. after all when any one i have ever seen or heard experienced difficulty the say Jesus Christ or OMG or for the Love of God. they all eventually come to the Lord. every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord above all.

get rid of atheism???? you need to focus more on gettin the person you worship down before you start trhin to get rid of the only ppl who took a step back from religion and went HOLY FUCK THEY BEEN LYIN THIS WHOLE TIME. just as a little side not to see if you know..did you know that the jesus you worship is based off of like 4 other gods from other religions that were dated BEFORE jesus?

religion is not about church. This is an unfortunate misinterpretation. The reason churches have a declining population is because real religion is taking its place. Anyone who has made a real attempt at understanding this knows that the church is God's body ( = people in general). Churches were initially made to be communal structures. The money thing came after the templars lost control of banks to the 'money-changers'.

No God is a shitty one...whether muslim, christian or jewish. It's just a God. The tags added to it are man-made...God, or the planets, or the stars, were not. In other words, opinions - and we all know that those are like ash-holes, everyone has one to spew whatever kind of sht they want to. It's totally normal.

Create some fresh, brand new DNA for me..something no one has ever seen or known. Then I'll believe there is no God. I mean, create it from scratch without all of the matter we currently know of.

If you can't describe a protein, maybe best to veer away from describing God.


ps: right side of the brain = art and spirituality - left side = science and matter - in the middle of that is us. SO, go ahead and get rid of one or the other and see what happens. There would be nothing.
will this magical god step in and stop our sun from burning out when the time comes ? or will our sun just burn out like all the other millions of suns in space ?
can someone please create some DNA for us? I want someone to create DNA from nothing.

im pretty sure they have scientist workin on that right now and i dunno how close they are but they're doin some pretty crazy stuff. as for your question above this one plain and simple...proof! thats all ppl ask for is proof and its never given. there is NOTHIN on this earth that can be directly linked to god. if you were lookin for a house and the real estate dude said yo we got this amazin house on yada yada street lets go look. then when you get there its just a blank lot im sure your response would be "wtf you said they had an amazin house here" and he says nah its there dude you just gotta believe it was there. its 250,000 for the house, you gonna accept that?
proof of athiest going out of there way to try and make people not believe. witch is proof that they are jelouse of people of faith and wish they had some. witch is proof that they are insecure in what they believe in. and is proof that misery loves company.

if people are so athiest why do they care so much about what other believe in? its because they question them selfs if god is real or not.
proof of athiest going out of there way to try and make people not believe. witch is proof that they are jelouse of people of faith and wish they had some. witch is proof that they are insecure in what they believe in. and is proof that misery loves company.

if people are so athiest why do they care so much about what other believe in? its because they question them selfs if god is real or not.

or its because they see their fellow human race being lied to with the most outrageous stories out of a book of LITERATURE and people still believe it. maybe thats why. you wanna take shots at people who dont believe well lemme ask you this have you ever stepped out of your "i love jesus" bubble for any amount of time and thought maybe it could be wrong? or are you too scared that when you die you're gonna go into nothingness and you are beggin and prayin to somethin that isnt there to save you from that?
proof of athiest going out of there way to try and make people not believe. witch is proof that they are jelouse of people of faith and wish they had some. witch is proof that they are insecure in what they believe in. and is proof that misery loves company.

if people are so athiest why do they care so much about what other believe in? its because they question them selfs if god is real or not.

Of course we question if god is real or not, how else does one arrive at atheism? I am quite happy as an atheist, and I know many others who are. An atheist is simply someone who remains unconvinced of the theists argument. It may be easier for you to blame jealousy and fight strawmen, but faith is believing for no other reason than you want to, which is certainly not a virtue I am interested in.
or its because they see their fellow human race being lied to with the most outrageous stories out of a book of LITERATURE and people still believe it. maybe thats why. you wanna take shots at people who dont believe well lemme ask you this have you ever stepped out of your "i love jesus" bubble for any amount of time and thought maybe it could be wrong? or are you too scared that when you die you're gonna go into nothingness and you are beggin and prayin to somethin that isnt there to save you from that?
How do you know what happens when we die? Have you died and come back to life? That's pretty awesome that you are the only person in the world who knows what happens.

So you're saying religious people find comfort from religion and you wish to take away this comfort? Well that's rude.
Almost all the questions of interest to speculative minds are such that science cannot answer, and the confident explanation of theologians no longer seem as convincing as they did in former centuries. Is the world divided into mind and matter, and if so… what is mind and what is matter? Is mind subject to matter, or is it possessed of independent powers? Has the universe any unity or purpose? Is it evolving towards some goal? Are there really laws of nature, or do we believe in them only because of our innate love for order? Is man what he seems to the astronomer? A tiny lump of impure carbon and water impotently crawling on a small unimportant planet? Is he perhaps both at once?

Is there a way of living that is noble and another that is base? Or are all ways of living merely futile? If there is a way of living noble in what does it consist and how shall we achieve it? Must the good be eternal in order for it to be valued? Or is it worth seeking even if the universe inexorably moving towards death? Is there such a thing as wisdom, or is what seems such merely the ultimate refinement of folly?

To such questions, no answers can be found in the laboratory. Theologies have professed to give answers all too definitely… but there very definiteness causes modern minds to view them with suspicion.

The studying of these questions, if not the answering of them is the businesses of philosophy.

Science can tell us what we can know, but what we can know is little, and if we forget how much we cannot know we become insensitive to many things of very great importance in the universe.

Theology on the other hand induces the dogmatic belief that we have knowledge, where in fact we have ignorance, and by doing so generates a kind of impertinent insolence towards the universe.

Uncertainty in the presents of vivid hopes and fears is painful, but must be endured if we wish to live without the support of comforting fairy tales……..