I worry that possibly we may never get rid of it as it is a side effect of peoples inability to understand chain of events and ultimate causality,its a coping method to make sense of that which we dont really understand but always wonder about. Socialogically speaking,aside from those with anxiety disorders or ocd etc., people are more likely to be more superstitious the less educated they are. This ties in with what I was saying previously. I do believe though that as information and science pushes forward it will help to reduce the amount of rediculousness. Think for example how a long time ago people jsed to think that thunder was ghe sound of an angry god and such. Now, as science.has helped assure us, we know this is not the case. But to ask people to stop with the religios rediculousness is equal to asking people to get smarter faster. Sorry if I sound pompous, but this is just my opinion. We just need to leave them alone and politely insist they give us the same courtisy. If they arent in your face with it,then I dont hate them, only feel bad for them. Compassion is the answer for now and probably a while to come...IMO
so who created all that that unitelligent man back then saw and heard and experienced? who created the intelligence that we know have? what about the things we still don't know. is an intelligent man(one who knows something) better than an ignarant man(whos not quite familiar). u sir subscrie to the worlds opinion and view and i tend to beleive that there is something better. u continue in ur vain boundless pursuits in hopes that man as he get more intelligent he becomes more moral, social and humane. I dont see that and history doesnt show that. if anything as man becomes more intelligent he seems to become more brutal, secretive, evil. I mean wat history are u looking at and can i have a pair of the rose colored glasses so I can view pollyannah!