Well-Known Member
Well you don't speak for millions of believers.
nothing was ever "chiseled" and i was not told i must spread the word in the fashion in which you all give it.
god's sheep are suppose to spread the word. what i wanna know is what happened to all the people after jesus died that lived in different places that have never heard of jesus or god. did they all go to hell because they believe in other gods? because thats how they were brought up and seein as how they didnt have the internet back then i doubt that kinda info spread fast so did like more than half of the world back then go to hell?
im not sayin blankness is what we're all goin too, but why would someone believe in god if that wasnt it? im sorry if thats rude or not but i dont have a vagina between my legs so im not gonna be scared of somethin that one i dunno whats gonna happen and two if it it nothingness why would anyone be afraid/ you arent gonna feel it
Alright I'm gonna say a bunch of nonsense that will make sense in the end, so just stick with me,.
Have you heard of George Harrison? He had many great messages, I choose to apply those messages to my life. If it's an uplifting message I like to live by it. You may have an "idol"... Right? Well that idol probably taught you some important lessons in life. Like if you have one of your parents, and you love them, didn't you try to make them proud when you were young? Or at least respect them and follow their rules?
Well Jesus is my George harisson and idol. I don't follow him for comfort of an afterlife (I will explain my afterlife views in a little while), I follow him because he was a very good guy. He taught many valuable lesson that I apply to my life everyday. By following his lessons I have made better choices in some situations.
I'm not saying atheists can't make good decisions, I'm saying that our morals are influenced from our idols. So I like to follow Christ, hence being a "Christian".
Ok now on to the vagina between your legs thing.
I'm not a pussy, lol. I believe god is going to end my existence, does that mean I should start acting badly? No, because I would like to live my 1 life as happy as possible. I don't believe in modern day interpretation of "hell". But that's a whole other story. It would take to long to explain, may even be thread worthy (I'm not gonna start the war thread though, lol). I believe few people will see heaven, and the rest of us shall go to Sheol (hell) which is translated to grave. We go to a grave when we die, << that's what I believe.
So in conclusion I follow Christ not out of fear but out of love (I know sounds corny). Such as one might follow his parents rules out of love. His parents promise no afterlife, yet he will love them because he knows they love him. I do not believe I will go to heaven, so really I have no "comfort" based on afterlife.
However (lol I don't shut up) I do find some comfort in his teachings, just like an atheist would find comfort and happiness in hanging out with his/her friends and family. I said that's rude because many atheists (just look. At the title of the thread) want to take this "comfort" away from me. I call bullshit on that.
i never really had anyone teach me what i learned i just was always an observant person that likes to question things alot, but i see what you're talkin about with the idol and to me what you're doin is how bein a christian is suppose to be. sadly that isnt the case with the majority and i know because i was baptised catholic (eshh) went and did my communion and came out questionin the bible and that religion more than ever. then i went to christianity and i went full devote into it like girls flat out sayin the wanna fuck me and me just bein like nah, no more drugs, no cursin just went into it and realized half the people i went to church with went for the wrong ass reasons so ive seen it from more than one religion and people like you and myself at one time were few and far between because we actually were tryin to be christ like. then i just didnt care about or think of what i believed for a long time and then i started readin up on things about other gods and thats when i found other gods that had shockingly similar trats to jesus and it just kept goin from there.
the vagina was just a joke though lol i was tryin to say in a funny way people need comfort for death because more times than not not knowin will make someone afraid and religion has a answer for that and thats a very powerful thing. if anyone wants to follow the man jesus and his morals then i say by all means do you man cause i believe in those kinda morals too. and honestly i try to avoid sayin shit like that because i dont want to take that comfort away from someone who believes it. for example right now my mawmaw is real real sick and prolly has a year left max and she talks about god and jesus and i dont say a word id feel terrible if i took that away from someone but at the same time i wanna make them open to other things.
damn im high and tired and i cant see shit without my contacts in!
god's sheep are suppose to spread the word. what i wanna know is what happened to all the people after jesus died that lived in different places that have never heard of jesus or god. did they all go to hell because they believe in other gods? because thats how they were brought up and seein as how they didnt have the internet back then i doubt that kinda info spread fast so did like more than half of the world back then go to hell?[/QUOTE
bloody and horrific crusades helped spread the word ,along with torture, rape and anything else you can get away with, under the name of god , the christians were barbaric animals, ten times worst than the muslim fanatics we have today .they forced there beliefs on many weak civilisations using fear and violence .Im glad i wasnt an athiest back then .although i reckon there were lots of athiests who didnt dare speak out .
human emotions
no hate from me sunshine , i have no hatred, no god to promote or force upon people, my lack of belief has never invaded other countrys, and my disbelief has never killed anyone , can you say the same for your twisted christianity ? ..............thought not mum allways said ' if you aint got nuffin nice to say , then dont say nuffin;i believe you have no emotion brother. All this hate you spew around here just does not support that statement coming from you.
Lol hepatitis? Steal that one off sutra? Ha, make your own heppatitus dont understand why or how you get love and peace from religion , especially the christian bible ?but why cant you just steer your life to love and peace without the bible ? love n peace are human emotions and we dont need religion to teach us it , look at other animals that live in peace and show love they have never read the bible
Yup but good thing the crusades aren't around anymore. Nope just regular people, I mean I'm a Christian and I don't think I killed anyone in the name of god. Hmm but that's strange; you make it seem like I'm evil just like the crusades, yet I'm nothing like that.god's sheep are suppose to spread the word. what i wanna know is what happened to all the people after jesus died that lived in different places that have never heard of jesus or god. did they all go to hell because they believe in other gods? because thats how they were brought up and seein as how they didnt have the internet back then i doubt that kinda info spread fast so did like more than half of the world back then go to hell?[/QUOTE
bloody and horrific crusades helped spread the word ,along with torture, rape and anything else you can get away with, under the name of god , the christians were barbaric animals, ten times worst than the muslim fanatics we have today .they forced there beliefs on many weak civilisations using fear and violence .Im glad i wasnt an athiest back then .although i reckon there were lots of athiests who didnt dare speak out .
Anyone who is anyone"? so what your saying is atheists are someone, while believers are nothing
I tot ur mum tot u bedder dan dat
Damn I'm really sorry about your mom dude. I'm kinda a pussy when it comes to losing people you love. My whole life I only saw my parents like 5 minutes a day if I'm lucky (I'm completely serious, just fucking 5 minutes) and I would cry ALOT when I was little. Oh man I was a little wuss, I would ball all day because I thought they would die each day. Well needless to say their lack of parenthood made me depressed (not emo, just depressed). Anyways getting WAY off subject. I would like to say your mom will go somewhere great, but I just don't know what happens. Best wishes towards your mom, and whatever you do make sure she knows you love her,.
Believe me dude, I question the bible everyday (I'm not gonna lie to myself, and block out all reality to fit the bible) but for sure the people of the bible where on to something about love and peace. And that love and peace is what I follow. And yeah I believe alot of religions had the same idea but disagree on certain things, so they make their own religion. I too have looked at other religions, but I just like Christianity for some reason. But (sadly) you had religion stuffed down your throat, my parents didn't tell me anything about religion, so I never really cared. Until my teen years then I started looking into religion because I was curious to the meaning of life. All in all what I learned from religion is to do good deeds. My favorite lesson from any religion is from the bible, and that is that we are like trees we can "bare good fruit or bad fruit". << that alone is enough for me to follow Christianity. It holds a very powerful message to me.
Ha yeah I know the vagina thing was a joke, that's why I put "lol". To show it's all good,.
And I'm just speaking for myself on why I follow religion, to give you an insight on a specific persons view on religion. I respect your views a great deal and love to hear everyone's views. The only thing that pushes me is when people judge others based on their beliefs, you have not done that which is great,. But I must agree, many MANY people follow religion out of "fear", that's just not right.
But yeah your mom lived her whole life with those beliefs, and honestly I think it would crush her if you tried to take away her "comfort". So good job on just letting her be, a very noble thing to do. Well contradictory to my beliefs, I hope someday MAYBE we will know about afterlife and maybe you can meet your mom. Keep in mind I don't believe in to much afterlife, bt I'm open minded and admit I don't know shit about life or afterlife.
Well keep your head up high, and much respect to you.
Lol contacts have to suck (I don't have them).
Damn I went off topic alot, I'm high high and really tired so I'm just typing everything that comes to my head, lol. Peace.
mawmaw=grand mother in the south, but thanks dude i appreciate it. ive always been a type of person that i dont judge someone until they open their mouth. i tell you what tho i figured out all the fakes that use to go to church with me by seein that after i left church they never tried to chill or talk to me. they knew of my past so i guess they assumed i went back to the same shit. (which i did HAHA) the true followers in my eyes still talk to me and wanna hang out and that shows me that they're right with their god. i never understood why all the kids in my church never wanted to hang out with anyone besides the kids in our church. i always wondered why when i would talk and chill with anyone in the school. i feel they felt that if they started hangin with others that didnt go to church they would fall into their habits. im a strong minded/willed person so i talked to whoever cause at that time i knew christianity was the right thing and no matter who i was around that still held true. thats another reason why i see half of them as fake.