How Do We Eradicate Religion From Modern Society?

lol, the title sounds like something Hitler would say.

But instead of just killing all the Jews, it would be anyone who believes in something.
You just made Godwin's ghost grin.

I cannot imagine many here would equate "religion" with "the religious". Terminology matters. cn
I don't mind if people play with god, just don't bring him over to my house...

Saying people will always need god so lets give them religion is like saying people will always need entertainment so lets give them snuff films...

(Shakes head smiling) Classic Glacier shit :)
Originally Posted by VILEPLUME
lol, the title sounds like something Hitler would say.

But instead of just killing all the Jews, it would be anyone who believes in something.

i dont want to kill people , infact quite the opposite,i want to free people , i want religion eradicated , because its supresses human life , its evil , imorral ,and overall damaging to humans , its the cause of allmost every conflict man has ever fought so yes i think eradicating religion from peoples lives would be a good thing not a bad thing , so your comparason to hitler was stupid , i think following religion would be more like hitlers style , he wanted every to worship him and obey his rules , just like religion , and he promised great things if you did lol .
Originally Posted by VILEPLUME
lol, the title sounds like something Hitler would say.

But instead of just killing all the Jews, it would be anyone who believes in something.

i dont want to kill people , infact quite the opposite,i want to free people , i want religion eradicated , because its supresses human life , its evil , imorral ,and overall damaging to humans , its the cause of allmost every conflict man has ever fought so yes i think eradicating religion from peoples lives would be a good thing not a bad thing , so your comparason to hitler was stupid , i think following religion would be more like hitlers style , he wanted every to worship him and obey his rules , just like religion , and he promised great things if you did lol .

Yes, but how do you force billions of people to stop? And if they dont stop, what do you do with them? Maybe this...

I hate extremism is any case. I like the state of western humanity(though not perfect) that we are in now. We have freedom to believe in what we want, more food then we can eat and are entertained like nothing before in history and have more MJ strains to pick from then we can grow lol.

Just because people use something for evil doesnt make it evil. It is like a gun, it can save a life or it can take it.
Religion will never go away completely. It was started to control the masses and to feed the heads of poor people or people thinking, "damn, there HAS to be something better than my crappy life here on earth!"

It will hopefully fade through the generations. My life is case in point. I am from an extremely religious "Church of christ" family and my wife is from a "Methodist" family. Both of us learned at a young age you can question what you are told. Both of us have done hours of research on multiple religions. Neither one of us believe the silly stories we were taught as children. We will pass this on to our children. We are both great people and don't have to worry about the day of judgement.
God talked to me last night he said he heard about this post and isent very happy. he says as punishment he might make anyone who reads these posts very very high indeed that should teach you!
naw i have no belief either i think we need to move on from false gods as i feel everyone of them is false. if there was a god and he wanted us to live under such mafia governments he would be a real dick.
I distrust those people who know so well what their religion wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.

If you are to believe in anything, do not believe in god... because it gives you the excuse to keep living life as you always have been, which is very very easy.

Believe in love, peace, and compassion... and you will be forced to observe yourself in everything you do or say, which will inevitably force you to change your behaviors, which is very very hard.

above all else... believe in yourself

"with great power comes great responsibility, with great knowledge comes even greater responsibility"
I distrust those people who know so well what their religion wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires.

If you are to believe in anything, do not believe in god... because it gives you the excuse to keep living life as you always have been, which is very very easy.

Believe in love, peace, and compassion... and you will be forced to observe yourself in everything you do or say, which will inevitably force you to change your behaviors, which is very very hard.

above all else... believe in yourself

"with great power comes great responsibility, with great knowledge comes even greater responsibility"

...all kinds of diminished fear. that's a good start.
That's going to be about as easy as eradicating drugs . People need to just learn to ignore each other better and we'll all get along fine.
How do you propose people ignore each other when it's chiseled in someones faith that they must spread the word? Many of them believe this is a requirement by God.
its up to the individual to take the first step toward enlightenment, or "waking up" to the ultimate truth.

we as humans do not know what happens when you die, nor do we know what the point of life is, nor do we know why we are here. accept it, face it, live without fear for it is the only true way to be happy, the only true way to be free.

just thought that needed to be said again
nothing was ever "chiseled" and i was not told i must spread the word in the fashion in which you all give it.

How do you propose people ignore each other when it's chiseled in someones faith that they must spread the word?