How Do We Eradicate Religion From Modern Society?

Listen to what you're saying, essentially this argument breaks down to "I don't know how _________ happened, so God must have done it". That is not an explanation for anything.

This is called the 'God of the gaps argument';

What we need is positive evidence for God's existence, not gaps where science hasn't filled in the holes yet and claim that because there's a hole there, it MUST be God. What happens when we do find the answer to the question that filled the hole (flat Earth, demons as the cause for illness, geocentric universe, etc.)? God becomes essentially moot.

Because wanting to believe in something doesn't give me any kind of false comfort to cope with existence. If you thought a little bit about that you would realize it's only an illusion, in the same way drugs help drug addicts cope with their existence. It's a false comfort. Is it wrong? Not necessarily, but it can, and often does, become dangerous. At that point no amount of comfort, even if it was real, would make any difference to me. My comfort isn't worth someone elses pain.

^What he said^
Out of the 613 laws in the bible, only about 3 of them are also laws in secular society and even those three are not unique to and actually predate the bible.
Why is the bible so big in the US then? Serious question... I'm not asking an any kind of tone.
dismiss the ideas of faith, limited liability, "teaching someone a lesson", punishment, authority, etc and enforce the ideas of personal liability and responsibility, and individual spiritual growth.
Rome kept Christianity illegal for over 400 years after the death of Jesus Christ. Basically.... laws still will not keep people from believing in god. Criminalizing all acts of worshiping god would be a good start though. Anybody caught with a bible will be charged with possession lol. And anybody caught praying will spend an over nighter in jail. To stop, what has gone out for thousands of years will be very difficult, Maybe put all the religious folk on an island and then god will have an easier time keeping track of his believers.
a bigot asking how to eliminate religion is like a racist asking how to eliminate another race.

if your too ignorant to understand the audacity of your request then im afarid your past the point of hope.

the question you should be asking is how can we (those who are religious and those who are not) adapt to fit into a world together and get along.

your basically a back woods white supremacist asking how can we get rid of black people rather than asking how can we work together to not have a problem anymore. and the sad part is you don't even see it.

i understand why you think religion its self is causing a problem for you but your overlooking so many things. the fact is that you are accepting the modern media bandwagon stereotypes and directing them at a minority for selfish reasons.

thats all i'm going to say on the matter, i HATE bigots and hypocrites no matter who they are targeting be it a race, a religion, a nationality, ect. you are the problem not the world. learn to adapt and thrive in diversity and use it to benefit the growing and expanding culture of humanity.
a bigot asking how to eliminate religion is like a racist asking how to eliminate another race.

if your too ignorant to understand the audacity of your request then im afarid your past the point of hope.

the question you should be asking is how can we (those who are religious and those who are not) adapt to fit into a world together and get along.

your basically a back woods white supremacist asking how can we get rid of black people rather than asking how can we work together to not have a problem anymore. and the sad part is you don't even see it.

i understand why you think religion its self is causing a problem for you but your overlooking so many things. the fact is that you are accepting the modern media bandwagon stereotypes and directing them at a minority for selfish reasons.

thats all i'm going to say on the matter, i HATE bigots and hypocrites no matter who they are targeting be it a race, a religion, a nationality, ect. you are the problem not the world. learn to adapt and thrive in diversity and use it to benefit the growing and expanding culture of humanity.

Ever ordered Sea Monkeys from the back of a comic book? They are not monkeys at all, but brine shrimp, tiny creatures whose eggs survive long periods in a nearly-dry state.I can only hope that you will join with me in my outrage. Brine shrimp eggs are ripped from their natural habitat and shipped to hatch far from family and friends. Many eggs do not survive the arduous trip. The lucky ones that survive do not live free, but are doomed to an unfulfilling aquarium life as the “property” of snot-nosed kids. It is not unlike the early slave trade in the U.S.

If you are tempted to click “Add Comment,” be forewarned. Should you challenge my likening the brine shrimp trade to the slave trade, or question whether brine shrimp are capable of feeling fulfilled or unfulfilled, or ask me to back up the claim that kids are snot-nosed … I have an ace up my sleeve. I shall call you a racist. Nay, even better, I shall accuse you of being pro-slavery.

It’s a nifty, sleight-of-mind trick that lets me get away with begging the question, setting up a straw man and launching an ad hominem attack, all while looking like I’m defending decency. Heck, I may even fool myself.

If you’d like to try my trick, here are the steps: (1) Make a claim and apply it to a worthy cause. (2) Should people challenge assumptions underlying the claim, accuse them of opposing the cause. (3). Call them names and encourage others to jump on your bandwagon Thus it will make short work of any opponents.

Of course, this doesn't happen in the real world. Skeptics aren’t so inhuman as to indulge such tactics, wittingly or unwittingly, much less fall for them. Thank goodness for that.

Written by Steve Cuno
Wednesday, 18 January 2012

a bigot asking how to eliminate religion is like a racist asking how to eliminate another race.

if your too ignorant to understand the audacity of your request then im afarid your past the point of hope.

the question you should be asking is how can we (those who are religious and those who are not) adapt to fit into a world together and get along.

your basically a back woods white supremacist asking how can we get rid of black people rather than asking how can we work together to not have a problem anymore. and the sad part is you don't even see it.

i understand why you think religion its self is causing a problem for you but your overlooking so many things. the fact is that you are accepting the modern media bandwagon stereotypes and directing them at a minority for selfish reasons.

thats all i'm going to say on the matter, i HATE bigots and hypocrites no matter who they are targeting be it a race, a religion, a nationality, ect. you are the problem not the world. learn to adapt and thrive in diversity and use it to benefit the growing and expanding culture of humanity.

Funny, I do not like religious zealots. I would say the world would be a better place without organized religion. Period. Most of the world's wars have been fought over some form of religion, etc. This is part of what KEEPS us divided, RELIGION. If everyone believes THEIR religion is right, then WHO is wrong? Someone HAS to be, and everyone is always sure it is not them.

Overall, being born a certain color is a lot different than putting the blinders on and condemning all other religions. Religion is an idea, and a crappy one at that. I can judge you on your stupid ideas all day long. I do not think it is ok to judge you for being born a certain, white, gay, lesbian, straight. In my opinion, no one is born a are baptized after you are born, not while you are in the womb. And you certainly lack the cognitive abilities when you are born to decide what religion you are.....

Eradicating an idea is not always a bad thing. Eradicating a RACE, is. Big difference, there.
I know in the uk, religion has become less n less popular in the last 15 years , most people who claim to be religious have never even been to church and only say they believe in there god because they have been told to do so growing up .when you question there beliefs they have no idea what they are talking about .I truly believe people in the uk are slowly waking up to religion and it lies . but what about places like america ? religion has a massive grip on the people and has a massive wealth behind it able to indoctrinate religious belief to children in schools on the tv and at your doorstep .
How do we go about erradicating this evil and hatred for good ?
i didnt bother reading this ignorant thread,i just wanted to quote you and ask you why is it everytime i see a thread started by you,it knocks on other peoples beliefs.Obviously your a very scared and lonely atheist,and the only way to make yourself feel better is to keep making these dumb threads.If your not able to see through religon and realize its sole purpose is for moral values than your as dumb and ignorant as i thought.
i didnt bother reading this ignorant thread,i just wanted to quote you and ask you why is it everytime i see a thread started by you,it knocks on other peoples beliefs.Obviously your a very scared and lonely atheist,and the only way to make yourself feel better is to keep making these dumb threads.If your not able to see through religon and realize its sole purpose is for moral values than your as dumb and ignorant as i thought.

Name one moral value that is unique to religion. What morals would we lack if religion had never been invented? Is there anything amoral proposed in religion? Do you agree that women are inferior? Do you think it's okay to kill people who work on Sunday? Do you suppose it's okay to threaten someone with eternal punishment without being sure hell even exists?

The evils that come from religion are unique and cruel, the morals that come from religion are generic and borrowed from basic human decency. People pick the morals they agree with and discount the rest.
Name one moral value that is unique to religion. What morals would we lack if religion had never been invented? Is there anything amoral proposed in religion? Do you agree that women are inferior? Do you think it's okay to kill people who work on Sunday? Do you suppose it's okay to threaten someone with eternal punishment without being sure hell even exists?

The evils that come from religion are unique and cruel, the morals that come from religion are generic and borrowed from basic human decency. People pick the morals they agree with and discount the rest.
what religon says women are inferior?muslim?theyve had the same religous values for thosands of years,even though i do not agree with some of it,they have the right to Worship god however they want.And hell is just another word for"cosequence" as heaven is "reward".Without these established religons,we'd still be worshiping hawks,bears,etc. and sacrificing people so it might rain that season.
what religon says women are inferior?muslim?theyve had the same religous values for thosands of years,even though i do not agree with some of it,they have the right to Worship god however they want.And hell is just another word for"cosequence" as heaven is "reward".Without these established religons,we'd still be worshiping hawks,bears,etc. and sacrificing people so it might rain that season.

We are not talking about the right to worship, we are talking about establishing moral values. You claimed the sole purpose of religion is for moral values, and I asked you to list one, just one, moral value that is unique to religion. I then pointed out some amoral teachings of scripture, which you rationalized away instead of considering.

Is there any morals unique to religion?

Is any amoral behavior commanded by religion?

Of course blanket statemented are always wrong, there are always exceptions, but the context of this thread has been established as speaking of biblical religions.
i didnt bother reading this ignorant thread,i just wanted to quote you and ask you why is it everytime i see a thread started by you,it knocks on other peoples beliefs.Obviously your a very scared and lonely atheist,and the only way to make yourself feel better is to keep making these dumb threads.If your not able to see through religon and realize its sole purpose is for moral values than your as dumb and ignorant as i thought.

You just knocked his beliefs, and called him dumb and ignorant for not thinking the same way you do....that religions are for moral values. Silly dude, didn't you learn anything in church. Do unto others.........turn the other cheek.....laughing wholeheartedly, outloud at your last 3 posts. Silly arguments at best. And putting down the very thread you posted in.....fucking
if you find peace and happiness in Atheism than hats off to you.When you start a thread asking how to 'eradicate' my religon thats when i take offense.