How Do We Eradicate Religion From Modern Society?

You just knocked his beliefs, and called him dumb and ignorant for not thinking the same way you do....that religions are for moral values. Silly dude, didn't you learn anything in church. Do unto others.........turn the other cheek.....laughing wholeheartedly, outloud at your last 3 posts. Silly arguments at best. And putting down the very thread you posted in.....fucking
he is dumb and ignorant and you are too.And i didnt call him dumb and ignorant because he doesnt believe in god or has different beliefs.Hes dumb and ignorant for starting a dumb and ignorant thread
if you find peace and happiness in Atheism than hats off to you.When you start a thread asking how to 'eradicate' my religon thats when i take offense.

Being offended is part of life, and a risk you take when you subscribe to irrational unjustified claims. Criticism and doubt are basic tools of progress. How fragile are religious beliefs if they can't stand up to dispute? You use your offense to double down on your bad ideas, instead of noticing that this thread took the time to establish why religion is bad and why it should go. Your problem is with the simple sentiment that it should go, yet you don't care to take the time to actually examine and refute the motivation behind the sentiment. Your attitude and approach resembles bigotry more than intelligent debate.
We are not talking about the right to worship, we are talking about establishing moral values. You claimed the sole purpose of religion is for moral values, and I asked you to list one, just one, moral value that is unique to religion. I then pointed out some amoral teachings of scripture, which you rationalized away instead of considering.

Is there any morals unique to religion?

Is any amoral behavior commanded by religion?

Of course blanket statemented are always wrong, there are always exceptions, but the context of this thread has been established as speaking of biblical religions.
there isnt any morals unique to religon,the purpose of religon is spirituality.When my mother got sick,i had somewhere to turn to,to keep me going through the "black and white" in life.If there was a moral unique to religon id say id be the will to do good and others good as well.
there isnt any morals unique to religon,the purpose of religon is spirituality.When my mother got sick,i had somewhere to turn to,to keep me going through the "black and white" in life.If there was a moral unique to religon id say id be the will to do good and others good as well.

That is a moral which is NOT unique to churches and religion. Having the will to do good and do good to others is a HUMAN set of morals, found in almost EVERY religion, community, etc. Not unique at all to religion, or to any subset of religion.
there isnt any morals unique to religon,the purpose of religon is spirituality.When my mother got sick,i had somewhere to turn to,to keep me going through the "black and white" in life.If there was a moral unique to religon id say id be the will to do good and others good as well.

So religion provides certainty and security during a time when we need answers. That is a fine point to make, but does nothing to back up your statement that the sole purpose of religion is for moral values. You made this statement after accusing someone of being ignorant and inconsiderate. You called the kettle black.

There are three ways to defend religion, and this thread has disputed them all.

1) religion is true - no one can responsibly claim this

2) religion does good - religion does nothing good that can't be found elsewhere, and fosters many unique cruelties

3) Atheism is wrong/amoral - Atheism is the lack of a belief, and makes no claims nor proposes no policies. It is utterly without content.
he is dumb and ignorant and you are too.And i didnt call him dumb and ignorant because he doesnt believe in god or has different beliefs.Hes dumb and ignorant for starting a dumb and ignorant thread

Are you going to pray for forgiveness for calling so many people names. SINNER! LOL. Fact is, you have no idea what he is talking about in this thread. Having a discussion about the idea of ridding man of religion for the betterment of man is an intellectual discussion. Maybe you should pray about it, and God will tell you I am right.

Overall, I think this thread is targeting religion because religion and people's faith has often been the reason for so many wars, and bloodshed. Intellectuals (atheists as you call them) have taken note of this fact, and are now having a discussion about how nice the world would be without religion in it. Where is the problem? It is not like he said we are going to eradicate YOU for thinking that way, just get rid of religion as a common stumbling block for our society.

Tell me this.....which religion has it right? There are SOOOOOO many different religions, someone HAS to be wrong, don't they? So who has it right, and who decides this?

Sure, I can credit religion with getting you through rough times, but the same can be said for good friends and family. What you rely on religion for, I rely on my friends and family for. And with friends and family, I get to have an actual discussion with PEOPLE........not some discussion with a made up god in my mind who agrees with everything I think.

I am glad some people get strength from faith. But faith has caused so much bloodshed, it is impossible for any historian or intellectual to ignore.
Are you going to pray for forgiveness for calling so many people names. SINNER! LOL. Fact is, you have no idea what he is talking about in this thread. Having a discussion about the idea of ridding man of religion for the betterment of man is an intellectual discussion. Maybe you should pray about it, and God will tell you I am right.

Overall, I think this thread is targeting religion because religion and people's faith has often been the reason for so many wars, and bloodshed. Intellectuals (atheists as you call them) have taken note of this fact, and are now having a discussion about how nice the world would be without religion in it. Where is the problem? It is not like he said we are going to eradicate YOU for thinking that way, just get rid of religion as a common stumbling block for our society.

Tell me this.....which religion has it right? There are SOOOOOO many different religions, someone HAS to be wrong, don't they? So who has it right, and who decides this?

Sure, I can credit religion with getting you through rough times, but the same can be said for good friends and family. What you rely on religion for, I rely on my friends and family for. And with friends and family, I get to have an actual discussion with PEOPLE........not some discussion with a made up god in my mind who agrees with everything I think.

I am glad some people get strength from faith. But faith has caused so much bloodshed, it is impossible for any historian or intellectual to ignore. the height or religion stands esoteric teachings. What I read is my choice to make. How you label my choice of reads is not something I can control. Esoteric teachings are unitive in principle (I suppose the ultimate of that being a solid family), more or less the opposite of a view that divides with the razor.

At any rate, every religion says that they are 'the word'. A person has to know that they are all right. Everything else, the madness, the bloodshed, these things are done by humans, not the principles that these books try to portrait. You're basically trying to say that if 'holy' books didn't exist, then war would surely follow. I can't say that is accurate. the height or religion stands esoteric teachings. What I read is my choice to make. How you label my choice of reads is not something I can control. Esoteric teachings are unitive in principle (I suppose the ultimate of that being a solid family), more or less the opposite of a view that divides with the razor.

At any rate, every religion says that they are 'the word'. A person has to know that they are all right. Everything else, the madness, the bloodshed, these things are done by humans, not the principles that these books try to portrait. You're basically trying to say that if 'holy' books didn't exist, then war would surely follow. I can't say that is accurate.

That was not my point at all.....just that without religion, there would be LESS to fight about.
That was not my point at all.....just that without religion, there would be LESS to fight about.

...the fight is cultural. I think religion, as a reconciliation of opposites, tries to balance the fighting. I'm just saying that the psycho bastards would be howling at the moon either way. Take religion out of the picture and the there would have been another name for us to discuss :)
s´funny about the middle eastern religions.

here we got adam and eve.


so basically, their kids had sex with one another. (that musta been a fun scenario)

and the entire human race is inbred. (basically its a deliverance scenario but on a large scale)

which would incidentally explain alot of things,us being inbred beyond fuckdom. but not how the big g didnt see that coming :)

all religions fall apart at closer inspection.

though, the way humanity really fucked itself in the rear.

was by paying all the attention on the small things, like god and angels and crap like that, and missing the really important message.


caring, sharing.

being a one big family instead of this collection of hillbilly fucktards that occasionally go serialkiller.
Aliens are the key to end religion. as soon as we see some aliens all those Ancient-Aliens-Theorist will take a big old shit on religon and be like i told you so bitches aliens are our gods mothafuckas!
So religion provides certainty and security during a time when we need answers. That is a fine point to make, but does nothing to back up your statement that the sole purpose of religion is for moral values. You made this statement after accusing someone of being ignorant and inconsiderate. You called the kettle black.

There are three ways to defend religion, and this thread has disputed them all.

1) religion is true - no one can responsibly claim this

2) religion does good - religion does nothing good that can't be found elsewhere, and fosters many unique cruelties

3) Atheism is wrong/amoral - Atheism is the lack of a belief, and makes no claims nor proposes no policies. It is utterly without content.

Are you going to pray for forgiveness for calling so many people names. SINNER! LOL. Fact is, you have no idea what he is talking about in this thread. Having a discussion about the idea of ridding man of religion for the betterment of man is an intellectual discussion. Maybe you should pray about it, and God will tell you I am right.

Overall, I think this thread is targeting religion because religion and people's faith has often been the reason for so many wars, and bloodshed. Intellectuals (atheists as you call them) have taken note of this fact, and are now having a discussion about how nice the world would be without religion in it. Where is the problem? It is not like he said we are going to eradicate YOU for thinking that way, just get rid of religion as a common stumbling block for our society.

Tell me this.....which religion has it right? There are SOOOOOO many different religions, someone HAS to be wrong, don't they? So who has it right, and who decides this?

Sure, I can credit religion with getting you through rough times, but the same can be said for good friends and family. What you rely on religion for, I rely on my friends and family for. And with friends and family, I get to have an actual discussion with PEOPLE........not some discussion with a made up god in my mind who agrees with everything I think.

I am glad some people get strength from faith. But faith has caused so much bloodshed, it is impossible for any historian or intellectual to ignore.

alright,i apologize for being a total bigot coming on this thread the other day.I still want to discuss one thing however.

Now was it the teachings in holy documents that caused so much bloodshed?or was it the tyrants who twisted the teachings for propaganda of their own gain?(just want to discuss and see what your view on this is)
alright,i apologize for being a total bigot coming on this thread the other day.I still want to discuss one thing however.

Now was it the teachings in holy documents that caused so much bloodshed?or was it the tyrants who twisted the teachings for propaganda of their own gain?(just want to discuss and see what your view on this is)

The tyrants had a large part to do with twisting the words of holy books....this much we all know to be true. I think a large part of the problems is this.....most of the world's religions are used by man to JUDGE, instead of to open up the heart to generosity, love, caring, forgiveness.

Overall, I think the bible is a book of stories and fables for folks to read and enjoy. Take from it what you will, but DO NOT try to push it on me. And DO NOT condemn me because I do not agree with your belief in a little story book. Next thing we know, people will be saying that if you do not believe in Santa Claus, you are going to hell, and unAmerican.

I think people just take religion too seriously. And wars would still exist without religion. We still fight over food, love, land, water, etc. It would just take one big fight out of the human existence. A fight where NO ONE wins. Why does no one win? Because no one can ever prove that THEIR religion is right. They just sit there and fucking preach at you, like it is fact, and they look like fucking idiots to a guy like me.
I agree wars would still be waged if religion in today's sense was eradicated, but I can't imagine they'd be on the same scale as today.

Invasions took place when the world was being colonized, today, there are people on every speck of the planet, not much to go explore anymore and stake land for your home country and fight off natives. Resources, sure, we see that happening all over the place, but when this reasoning is brought up it always makes me wonder 'would it be that easy to get people to go along with stealing another group of peoples resources without religion?', I guess it's similar to Weinberg's quote. You're getting ultimate authority and justification from God (according to the clergy), without that what justification is there? Maybe I'm thinking too much into it, who really needs justification when it comes down to survival? When it comes to survival, morals go out the window to a lot of people. Then you could always argue 'is stealing another group of peoples resources really "survival"?'.. What implications are there if it is, if it isn't?

We're still just apes with computers.
Religion is the ultimate mind control programming. I have religious wacko friends that I have for years tried to break them. They just aren't open minded- the programming has been that good
Padawan, I think that religion is typically used as a pretext for war, but only rarely as the prime mover. The prime movers are and will be territory and resources.
Invoking religious belief andor destiny is pure whitewash designed to make an act that is as inevitable as it is immoral ... somehow right. cn