How does religfious belief carry on ?

as an athiest ive heard your claims of a god yet im not convinced of anything you type , please type your evidence of a god existing
you can keep waiting cause you know damn straight that what you are asking is impossible and possible at the same time... dichotomy if you will, if you know what that is...

either way, i will leave the beast alone
you believe in something yet you have no evidence of that something even existing ?
i dont care about tsh thread... it makes no sense that he continues to make threads about the same thing and no mod does anything... so i thought i would troll his dumbass threads... and the toke and talk is filled with people that are just waiting to post stupid shit on a serious thread...

anyways, getting back on topic... that 69'mach sounds sweet man... i bet it was black with white racing stripes... 400horses is a lot, but this guy is pushing 1000+ to the rear wheel.... my dream truck is that ford lightning man, if you have ever driven one, it is an awesome trip... smoking a jay going to school and passing everyone doing 130... back in high school though, nowadays, i aint that dumb lol...

that sucks for your friend man, must of been paralyzed or something for such motor lose...

...he landed a good 30 yards ahead of the car without a visible scratch on him. All head injury, possibly from taking out the targa top on his way out (snapped the steering column too). According to the RC's, the car traveled 1/2 a kilometer before stopping. Other friend in the car was thrown out and landed on the shoulder of the highway. Good for some skin grafting, but otherwise walking and normal. When I got to the scene, the car was still running. Long time ago so it's easier to talk about. :)
you believe in something yet you have no evidence of that something even existing ?

So the inability to prove the actual existence of any God is proof enough that there is not one? Rather short and close minded.

Atheism is often noted for being close minded. Religion is a blind faith. But the very existence of a god is not a matter of religion.

You should ponder and question everything anyone tells you. DONT BELIEVE ANYTHING I HAVE SAID.....THINK FOR YOURSELF :)

Food For Though : Without the actual existence of a god, how does a human create such a thing? Such a unimaginable thing to conceive if there was indeed no possibility of a God whatsoever?? Even as a believer in GOD I still consider the possibility that I could be wrong. Your close mindedness shows in your biasness to only created someones faith if they can actual prove their higher power's existence. What would be the point of a higher power/God if you could easily prove him to anyone at anypoint. Doesnt sound like a God or higher power to me.

All the proof in the world still does not stand as a concrete answer that he does not exist. I would imagine if one did exist it would be well beyond the means of any human proving ...regardless of means.

Finding god is something you must do on your own in my eyes. IMVHO Hes not in a book, nor a piece of history, nor any scientific calculation. Hes in your heart, your soul homie! Hard to prove something you can't see but may be able to feel. There is a reason for this. Anything from the flesh inwards is created by God. It's his jurisdiction and residence. Regardless of what any government may think.

Lastly , and to wrap this all into one focus. The point of this thread was to ask how does religious belief carry on? Well, logic would say that if there was absolute definition in a God not being a real entity that many would lose the faith and eventual faith in a god would die out. However, Im more likely to think god works in the upmost mysterious and complex was that no human can ever compute. Its beyond our compacity as a species to prove who designed/created us.

And for clarification I was raised a Jew but have not followed the faith since not being forced to. Religion tends to be a thing of tradition for most and my upbringing was no difference. Similar to subcool for example, I say I am NOT a religious person, but I am a very Spiritual person, and YES I DO believe IN A GOD :)

Happy Smoking-Blessings Irie!
lets have some veiws from a real christian , i dont count olly as a true christian as he distances himself from the bible and everything a proper christian believes in.
its to easy for him to claim to be a christian yet distance himself from what real christians believe in , its an easy scape goat
lets have some veiws from a real christian , i dont count olly as a true christian as he distances himself from the bible and everything a proper christian believes in.
its to easy for him to claim to be a christian yet distance himself from what real christians believe in , its an easy scape goat

Translation: Dealing with real people and their nuanced beliefs is too hard. Lets hear from a fundie who comes across as an idiot so I can sling my usual mud instead of having to actually think about my answers.
Translation: Dealing with real people and their nuanced beliefs is too hard. Lets hear from a fundie who comes across as an idiot so I can sling my usual mud instead of having to actually think about my answers.
lol coming from a hypocrite like you lol just cause you use long drawn out posts to make your point dosent make you any better . ive allready posted a previous long drawn out thread from you mocking olly , you seem to think mocking someone isnt so bad if you do it more interlectualy but i simply cant be botherd to construct those kind of posts id rather just get right on down to the point .
lol coming from a hypocrite like you lol just cause you use long drawn out posts to make your point dosent make you any better . ive allready posted a previous long drawn out thread from you mocking olly , you seem to think mocking someone isnt so bad if you do it more interlectualy but i simply cant be botherd to construct those kind of posts id rather just get right on down to the point .

My point was not that it's okay to intellectually mock someone, but that an intellectual could see I was mocking behavior, not beliefs. I was mocking oly's behavior in the same way, and for the same reason, as I mock yours. Quite frankly, it begs to be mocked. You are the polar opposite of a fundie, running around certain that your views are right and eager to belittle those who see it differently. You hide behind a pretense of reason, when you are unable to reasonably explain anything yourself, and have openly admitted to trolling. You want to simply regurgitate rebuttals you have heard from Hitchens and the like, but are unable to dynamically utilize your views to roll with the punches, so you fall back on insults and flaming. This behavior seems odd to reasonable people which is why we speak out about it. It serves to erode the atheistic stance in the same way fundamentalism is detrimental to the religious stance.
actually my point is simple and no one has yet to come up with anything that is worth a decent response to .............if you believe in a god prove it exists dont have to answer and you dont have to respond its simply a challenge im putting forward ,
My point was not that it's okay to intellectually mock someone, but that an intellectual could see I was mocking behavior, not beliefs. I was mocking oly's behavior in the same way, and for the same reason, as I mock yours. Quite frankly, it begs to be mocked. You are the polar opposite of a fundie, running around certain that your views are right and eager to belittle those who see it differently. You hide behind a pretense of reason, when you are unable to reasonably explain anything yourself, and have openly admitted to trolling. You want to simply regurgitate rebuttals you have heard from Hitchens and the like, but are unable to dynamically utilize your views to roll with the punches, so you fall back on insults and flaming. This behavior seems odd to reasonable people which is why we speak out about it. It serves to erode the atheistic stance in the same way fundamentalism is detrimental to the religious stance.
athiesm cant be eroded its a personal response to someones claim, its not a group or gathering of people , you could say im eroding my own athiestic stance but you cant say, im eroding 'the ' athiestic stance .
and im yet to meet someone here who has said anything to me i havent easily replied to .
[Nobody fucking likes you dude, dont you get it?

You think you are so cool in your small simple world..

You bring nothing worth discussing and you expect everyone to respond. You are a douche bag, so what, we aint bothering you cause of it, its just you are petty and foolish and not worth engaging interlectualy, lol i mean INTELLECTUALLY

How tall are you dude?

And why dont you take heis's advice?

You would probably get sympathy from someone willing to give you the benefit of the doubt.

QUOTE=ThE sAtIvA hIgH;6717652]actually my point is simple and no one has yet to come up with anything that is worth a decent response to .............if you believe in a god prove it exists dont have to answer and you dont have to respond its simply a challenge im putting forward ,[/QUOTE]
At least you know how to copy and paste,

athiesm cant be eroded its a personal response to someones claim, its not a group or gathering of people , you could say im eroding my own athiestic stance but you cant say, im eroding 'the ' athiestic stance .
and im yet to meet someone here who has said anything to me i havent easily replied to .
athiesm cant be eroded its a personal response to someones claim, its not a group or gathering of people , you could say im eroding my own athiestic stance but you cant say, im eroding 'the ' athiestic stance .
and im yet to meet someone here who has said anything to me i havent easily replied to .

You made a deceptive thread asking why religious beliefs persist. If you were really interested in an answer you would investigate and attempt to be unbiased. You would have a real desire to seek the information. Instead, this is just another thread designed to entrap believers into answering one narrow question so that you can be in the position to feel superior. You act as if most people who believe in God claim there is evidence, when in fact the bible itself addresses this issue with faith. Your question of proof is really only useful on the level of Sunday school, and is in fact quite easily answered in the mind of a believer.

Why is it important to have evidence for beliefs? Why is someone not entitled to decide god exists, despite lack of evidence? Why does someone have a responsibility to question what they believe? These are the serious questions that come up when we examine proof of god, and these are the angles which will cause a believer to doubt. Do you feel your few lines of diatribe thrown at these serious issues have done a good job of making a difference in these threads? Why do you expect religious people to provide you with answers you could find on your own, when you use links or videos to do your articulation for you? Why should they take the time to research your stance when you only take the time to mock theirs? The answer is of course that your interest is mental masturbation in front of an audience, which is a problem that is compounded by your pretense of progress.

You make a mockery of atheism just as a fundamentalists makes a mockery of theism. There is no reason, substance or intellect involved in your behavior, just childish mud slinging. Just because you figured out Jesus doesn't exist doesn't mean that it's okay to be a petty superficial prick.
Every man has free will to follow what he wants, and the thing isee in churches is that some peopl think their men and women of God because they read the bible and go to church, and they proclaim the word of God to people and tell them of God and this is where the issue comes into play, because they have no faith. you see, God is not in the flesh like we humans are, therefor we cant know him from a earthly standpoint. its in the spirit through faith that we believe in God, not in the flesh. In the flesh we feel we have no need/want of Jesus, we want to do our own thing, so we cast him aside and lead our own lives, but this seperates us from him more and more and eventually we stop seekin him and eventually stop believin the word of God. Through faith in spirit you believe in God and know and have undeniable evidence of God. An earthly man wont understand this.. You seekin God in a way you wont never find him.