How to Combat Sunni Jihad

Sorry you're wrong again zealot... Kaffir is not the common spelling for Kafir. Even the Quran states Kafir as in Al-Kafirun or unbelievers.

Please stop spewing your garbage, you're full of shit and many if not all here can see that. If you think Judaism or Christianity is somehow a "better" religion than Islam you're are as crazy as you sound.


you are still wrong.
No way. All these scripture are about war. Kishnas entire story is from the back of a War Chariot where he is natting about killing off his Uncles family arrayed against him.

Of course, making things up, John Said: For God so loved the World...those who believe have Everlasting Life. (I don't bother quoting. This "book" has been shredded by lies."

Not so in Islam the Book is the same as it was. But, the result is the same. The message, not the words are still shredded by lies of the Clerics. That Book is extended by lies not edited by lies. NO DIFFERENCE.

Why? One book beget the other. By the time, the one that shall not be named was born, the BIBLE had been around for 500 years.

So, dueling these religions is not only stupid it is the very PROBLEM. So, I looked. All religions are associated with War Cult in some way. ALL OF THEM. And I mean back to Lau Tsu, 2500 BC. He wrote of Tao, long before the Buddha and long before the concept of the Hinudu Dharma wheel. His contrtibutiont to thought was how to deal with Warlord in the period of China that is known as the Time of the Warlords.

So, to me, there is one Force. War Cult. And when that get's rolling it becomes a snowball, proselytized religion and very often by force.

What the war cult leaves behind is the religion. All Christians were persecuted by the War Cult of Rome and rose up to kick ass. All Muslims were turned to conquest early, and fell on Medina to begin their domination.

The difference between S'hia and Sunni is much more basic and confrontational than even Protestant and Catholic.

How was Christianity brought to South America? As a War Cult.

There are two things. The War Cult and the Religion.

Take the Jews. (Or take my wife, please.) The War Cult of Abraham, plowed under by Pharaoh, become a religion of Peace. Then came Gestapo, a cult of Black Magic, they thought, Necromancers. Magic from killing and death.

They revived the War Cult of Zion. Good job.

Zion still fights Sunni Gestapo. Great.

Dr. Keynes, please, if you will quote the Prophet. Do so. Don't claim. But, you better bring, Muslim translations into English, like I do. And you can do a better job of separating religious freedom from our duty to suppress this Jihad.

yes, many religions are toxic, but the current Grand Champion of inciting violence, crazy actions, crazy rhetoric and general backwardness is islam.

two wrongs dont make a right, and the crazy in other religions does NOT excuse the insanity found so commonly in islam and moslems.
I love it when we agree like this. We are not talking about, as you say, the Billion Muslims. We are talking about a war machine that we have beaten the crap out of every time they get organized.

We don't jump in on a side of a religion. This about the Warlord Assad, a Sunni Baathist Gestapo Nazi, in Syria.

But the Nazi link is just an earlier chapter of Jefferson's War in the Med. And the Sunni Jihad is the war machine we cripple every time it tries lately with the Brotherhood.....Boom.
But, such a quiet boom this time. Coup? What Coup? :)

Not Religion. I like Islam as much as any religion, ie NO like for any particular religion but seeing the need for religious freedom.

The importance of separation of state and church right there in a nutshell.

The coup is funny isn't it... Far too transparent yet they ride the story as if no one knows
what a coup is..... Dumb'd down? Maybe, but surely this can't be gobbled up as fact by the mainstream.
An insult to intellect or a much larger un forseen picture?

I suppose we minions wont know the full truth until the end is long past.
A coup, is a coup, is a coup.......
well said , why are these type of people (DR Kynes) unable to differentiate between regular folk and extremists / terrorists
it almost seems like he is mental or something


i wonder how Dr k would cope living in an area with a high concentration of muslims
maybe its this kind of stuff that turns folk into haters :confused:

i have no problem at all with people who leave me alone, they can wear all the burkhas, yamulkes, roman collars, magic underwear and topknots they like, and that dont befront me.


when somebody starts talking about how i MUST change my beliefs/religion/lifestyle to suit their particular brand of crazy thats where i draw the line.
door to door proselytizers, chrisitan dominionists, rapture mad evangelicals, mormon missionaries etc are JUST SELLING THEIR SHIT. those who do not buy it do not get imprisoned, enslaved or murdered.

islam explicitly says that they WILL conquer the world,, and everyone will either pray towards mecca or become dhimmi, slaves or corpses.
when it's just words, thats noxious, but it's still just talk. when it becomes DEEDS (Abu Saif, Al Queda Al Nuswra, Al Aqusa, Moslem Brotherhood et al) it becomes something more dangerous and evil.
Further, when the nutbars make some new atrocity, the "Moderate" moslems rarely deplore these actions, while the mad durkha durkhas in sandland throw a street party in celebration.

i would not live in an area with a high concentration of moslems, just as i would not live in a barrio, the ghetto, or any other enclave of a society different from my own. i am a rural americannn, and thats how i CHOOSE to live.

i realize that every culture must be protected and preserved (except rural america) and every group has a right to live as they choose (except rural america) and it is forbidden to say anytyhing about the REAL AND OBVIOUS PROBLEMS in any culture (except rural america) because EVERY CULTURE is unique and beautiful (except rural america) so we should all just STFU and start bagging on "hillbillies red-necks and white trash" cuz thats just good clean fun.

it's funny how you dont see that i have no problem with moslems, as long as their religious freedom doesnt infringe on mine, and as long as they arent the crazy violent savages which their religion produces in abundance.

It's HILARIOUS the way you set up strawmen to battle when you could easily argue against what i ACTUALLY said, but strawmen are so much easier to knock down...
Extremes are extremes. I know many Islamic people. They are kind folks, more gentle than most. Much more gentle than average Christians really. All fundamentalism is dangerous. But most humans are essentially decent regardless of religion.
yes, many religions are toxic, but the current Grand Champion of inciting violence, crazy actions, crazy rhetoric and general backwardness is islam.

two wrongs dont make a right, and the crazy in other religions does NOT excuse the insanity found so commonly in islam and moslems.

Who of these billion peaceful, pleasant and pastoral, do you mean? You can't even count all of Gaza in that. Say a million Sunni males, could you possibly stretch count as part of this, all over the world. Don't you realize this is Jihading back?

Peel the war cult off the religion. Don't paint with broad bias brush. We honor all of Islam. And we honor all Religions...knock yourself out. :)
i have no problem at all with people who leave me alone, they can wear all the burkhas, yamulkes, roman collars, magic underwear and topknots they like, and that dont befront me.


when somebody starts talking about how i MUST change my beliefs/religion/lifestyle to suit their particular brand of crazy thats where i draw the line.
door to door proselytizers, chrisitan dominionists, rapture mad evangelicals, mormon missionaries etc are JUST SELLING THEIR SHIT. those who do not buy it do not get imprisoned, enslaved or murdered.

islam explicitly says that they WILL conquer the world,, and everyone will either pray towards mecca or become dhimmi, slaves or corpses.
when it's just words, thats noxious, but it's still just talk. when it becomes DEEDS (Abu Saif, Al Queda Al Nuswra, Al Aqusa, Moslem Brotherhood et al) it becomes something more dangerous and evil.
Further, when the nutbars make some new atrocity, the "Moderate" moslems rarely deplore these actions, while the mad durkha durkhas in sandland throw a street party in celebration.

i would not live in an area with a high concentration of moslems, just as i would not live in a barrio, the ghetto, or any other enclave of a society different from my own. i am a rural americannn, and thats how i CHOOSE to live.

i realize that every culture must be protected and preserved (except rural america) and every group has a right to live as they choose (except rural america) and it is forbidden to say anytyhing about the REAL AND OBVIOUS PROBLEMS in any culture (except rural america) because EVERY CULTURE is unique and beautiful (except rural america) so we should all just STFU and start bagging on "hillbillies red-necks and white trash" cuz thats just good clean fun.

it's funny how you dont see that i have no problem with moslems, as long as their religious freedom doesnt infringe on mine, and as long as they arent the crazy violent savages which their religion produces in abundance.

It's HILARIOUS the way you set up strawmen to battle when you could easily argue against what i ACTUALLY said, but strawmen are so much easier to knock down...

Without seeing and interacting with other cultures you are doing yourself and others an injustice, more yourself than others because
for the most part they probably wouldn't care what you thought anyways, and rightfully so, given your admission to not want to know about
life outside "rural Merica" (see what I did there ;) )

How would you even consider having knowledge of any group without first learning first hand who
and what they are about... I know all kinds of "educated" people who read something somewhere and think they are
an expert, yet until they live and learn they have no clue.

I as a "rural Canadian" went out from my 7000 person town and saw a portion of the world with an open mind and a desire
to learn to better myself. I'm glad I did, I just wish some of the ignorant fools who were friends could have done the same.
Good people, just misguided.
i have no problem at all with people who leave me alone, they can wear all the burkhas, yamulkes, roman collars, magic underwear and topknots they like, and that dont befront me.


when somebody starts talking about how i MUST change my beliefs/religion/lifestyle to suit their particular brand of crazy thats where i draw the line.
door to door proselytizers, chrisitan dominionists, rapture mad evangelicals, mormon missionaries etc are JUST SELLING THEIR SHIT. those who do not buy it do not get imprisoned, enslaved or murdered.

islam explicitly says that they WILL conquer the world,, and everyone will either pray towards mecca or become dhimmi, slaves or corpses.
when it's just words, thats noxious, but it's still just talk. when it becomes DEEDS (Abu Saif, Al Queda Al Nuswra, Al Aqusa, Moslem Brotherhood et al) it becomes something more dangerous and evil.
Further, when the nutbars make some new atrocity, the "Moderate" moslems rarely deplore these actions, while the mad durkha durkhas in sandland throw a street party in celebration.

i would not live in an area with a high concentration of moslems, just as i would not live in a barrio, the ghetto, or any other enclave of a society different from my own. i am a rural americannn, and thats how i CHOOSE to live.

i realize that every culture must be protected and preserved (except rural america) and every group has a right to live as they choose (except rural america) and it is forbidden to say anytyhing about the REAL AND OBVIOUS PROBLEMS in any culture (except rural america) because EVERY CULTURE is unique and beautiful (except rural america) so we should all just STFU and start bagging on "hillbillies red-necks and white trash" cuz thats just good clean fun.

it's funny how you dont see that i have no problem with moslems, as long as their religious freedom doesnt infringe on mine, and as long as they arent the crazy violent savages which their religion produces in abundance.

It's HILARIOUS the way you set up strawmen to battle when you could easily argue against what i ACTUALLY said, but strawmen are so much easier to knock down...

Have you ever met a Muslim, face to face and had a conversation ?
are all members of the Islamic community, terrorists ?
Without seeing and interacting with other cultures you are doing yourself and others an injustice, more yourself than others because
for the most part they probably wouldn't care what you thought anyways, and rightfully so, given your admission to not want to know about
life outside "rural Merica" (see what I did there ;) )

How would you even consider having knowledge of any group without first learning first hand who
and what they are about... I know all kinds of "educated" people who read something somewhere and think they are
an expert, yet until they live and learn they have no clue.

I as a "rural Canadian" went out from my 7000 person town and saw a portion of the world with an open mind and a desire
to learn to better myself. I'm glad I did, I just wish some of the ignorant fools who were friends could have done the same.
Good people, just misguided.

assumption 1: i have never left East Podunk Nebraska, and view the world outside my tiny heterogeneous community with fear and suspicion FALSE
assumption 2: i do not want to know about anything that goes on in the terrifying world outside my safe enclave of likeminded ignorant hillbillies FALSE
assumption 3: i have "admitted" that i have no desire to know anything about anything from any social group outside my own FALSE
assumption 4: i am therefore closed minded clueless, a fool and utterly misguided FALSE

funny how you can read a couple statements and presume make broad pronouncements on my life experience.

even stranger, you can IGNORE THE ACTIONS OF THE BARBARIANS and excuse it with a wave of your hand cuz "well, they arent ALL like that"

in any l;and where islam rules, anyone who does not become a moslem is a second class citizen, gays are executed, little girtls have acid thrown in their faces, and extremism runs rampant.

yes. even turkey.
Have you ever met a Muslim, face to face and had a conversation ?
are all members of the Islamic community, terrorists ?

yes i know some moslems. and no they are not all barbarians.

your strawman is pathetic and worthless.

i also know a LOT of mexicans, and they are not slothful dirty lazy illegals who sell meth for a living. they are not members of street gangs, nor do they participate in cockfighting.

i also know many blkacks and they are not shucking and jiving hoodrat misntrel show stereotypes, nor do any of the black persons i associate with engage in selling crack, robbing old ladies for their ssi checks, nor do they enjoy dog fights.

i know a few asians too, and some of them arent that good at math.

apparently you are the only one allowed to discuss a social group which is different from your own. Because YOUR stereotypes are GOOD, and you use them to invalidate those who hold an opinion different than your own.
assumption 1: i have never left East Podunk Nebraska, and view the world outside my tiny heterogeneous community with fear and suspicion FALSE
assumption 2: i do not want to know about anything that goes on in the terrifying world outside my safe enclave of likeminded ignorant hillbillies FALSE
assumption 3: i have "admitted" that i have no desire to know anything about anything from any social group outside my own FALSE
assumption 4: i am therefore closed minded clueless, a fool and utterly misguided FALSE

funny how you can read a couple statements and presume make broad pronouncements on my life experience.

even stranger, you can IGNORE THE ACTIONS OF THE BARBARIANS and excuse it with a wave of your hand cuz "well, they arent ALL like that"

in any l;and where islam rules, anyone who does not become a moslem is a second class citizen, gays are executed, little girtls have acid thrown in their faces, and extremism runs rampant.

yes. even turkey.

Perhaps I may be wrong in an assumption possibly 2 , I'm sure you left your town or small city at some time, but I don't know what you desire to learn.

Your op that I quoted pretty much sums up everything I said, I don't ignore barbarians. Hmmmm, why did I quote you again?
You see, most people don't paint all person's with the same extremist brush. Most people take the time to stop, listen and learn.

For me to live my life without fear of the "mad durkha durkhas in sandland" as you so elegantly put it as a tolerant person outside of your "enclave of likeminded ignorant hillbillies" is far more justified than labeling all of one group to be out to harm others.

Geez, I made a slight redneck insinuation (which you clearly got) and you seemed cheesed off enough to mention it. What what you do if I called
you a murderer or insinuated you were a horrible person because you believe the sky is whatever color you think it is.
Perhaps I may be wrong in an assumption possibly 2 , I'm sure you left your town or small city at some time, but I don't know what you desire to learn.

Your op that I quoted pretty much sums up everything I said, I don't ignore barbarians. Hmmmm, why did I quote you again?
You see, most people don't paint all person's with the same extremist brush. Most people take the time to stop, listen and learn.

For me to live my life without fear of the "mad durkha durkhas in sandland" as you so elegantly put it as a tolerant person outside of your "enclave of likeminded ignorant hillbillies" is far more justified than labeling all of one group to be out to harm others.

Geez, I made a slight redneck insinuation (which you clearly got) and you seemed cheesed off enough to mention it. What what you do if I called
you a murderer or insinuated you were a horrible person because you believe the sky is whatever color you think it is.

the blood crazed durkha durkhas in sandland = every moslem of course. otherwise the strawman wouldnt be made of straw.

since strawman construction is the order of the day, i went out to the barn and crafted a few myself.
try these on for size:

not a fan of the Phelps Clan? YOU HATE ALL CRISTIANS
opposed to the Klan? YOU HATE ALL WHITE PEOPLE
believe in global warming? EVERYONE MUST LIVE IN A CAVE AND EAT TWIGS
the blood crazed durkha durkhas in sandland = every moslem of course. otherwise the strawman wouldnt be made of straw.

since strawman construction is the order of the day, i went out to the barn and crafted a few myself.
try these on for size:

not a fan of the Phelps Clan? YOU HATE ALL CRISTIANS
opposed to the Klan? YOU HATE ALL WHITE PEOPLE
believe in global warming? EVERYONE MUST LIVE IN A CAVE AND EAT TWIGS

Nah man, I'm/this is not like that at all.
Im not making an excuse for hate or tolerance of hate and aggression.
Im not drawing a line saying someone is one or the other, I could possibly learn from
what people have to say and the knowledge they choose to share.

The straw man crap is just that, more like a crutch for those who have no legitimate argument.
Fuck man, and I say this to not just you but anyone, next time you see someone of a different race or religion
talk to them, try to strike a conversation you could both relate to you might just enlighten yourself.....
Nah man, I'm/this is not like that at all.
Im not making an excuse for hate or tolerance of hate and aggression.
Im not drawing a line saying someone is one or the other, I could possibly learn from
what people have to say and the knowledge they choose to share.

The straw man crap is just that, more like a crutch for those who have no legitimate argument.
Fuck man, and I say this to not just you but anyone, next time you see someone of a different race or religion
talk to them, try to strike a conversation you could both relate to you might just enlighten yourself.....

mmm.... nope.

that just doesnt wash.

guy in a burnoose: sallam bro!
a guy wearing a turban or a topknot: Sup bro!
black guy: whats happenin bro!
mexican guy: buenos dias bro!
Chinese guy: Ni hao bro!
guy wearing a yamulke: hey Bro!
militant durkha durkha: wheres my rifle?

i dont hang out with crips, bloods, latin kings, prison gang members, mafiosos, dog fight promoters, or rapists either.
i have NO interest in "getting to know them" or learning why they do the things they do. they are BARBARIANS (and not the good kind) and as such they can eat a bag of dicks.
a moslem who is NOT a "drive the jews into the sea" looney is just fine with me, but when i see dudes with gingham dishtowels on their heads or green hamas headbands in my town, they best keep their heads down, cuz im a good shot.