How to Combat Sunni Jihad

If they don't appreciate the good work we do, maybe we should just pack up and go home?

i wish.

the french germans and japanese have been shitting on us sinnce ww2, and NONE of them have paid back the costs of rebuilding their crappy little countries.

Edit: the italians too, but they cant help it.
they really got nothing else to help them get out of bed in the morning.
If they don't appreciate the good work we do, maybe we should just pack up and go home?

We are not doing good work. We are fomenting chaos against this Jihad. Of course, they don't like it. And they are a very cunning opponent.

Cunning opponents teach each other more cunning.
Upping the ante
The New York Times reported on June 30 that the Qatari Emir, despite warnings from Washington, sent shoulder-fired heat-seeking missiles to the rebel groups it favours. The Obama administration fears that these weapons will be used by Al Qaeda against U.S. targets. There are credible reports that Qatar is sending its special forces to Syria as it did in Libya. The special forces instructors hail from Pakistan. Many Pakistani Sunnis have been given citizenship in Gulf countries such as Bahrain and have come to occupy senior positions in the security networks. Qatar has so far spent $3 billion in its efforts to overthrow the Syrian government. Its efforts included massive airlifting of ammunition and fighters from Libya and funding of Al Nusra. A CNN report has said that Al Nusra is the best equipped among the militant groups fighting inside Syria. The U.S. and its Western allies now want to prop up more palatable “moderate” militias inside Syria to do their bidding. In this context, the U.S. is keeping a tighter leash on Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which have a particular fondness for Salafi groups.

When they say Pakistan, they're referring to veteran mujahedeen fighters aligned with the Haqqani network with the full support of Pakistans ISI... These are the people the afghan arabs help to train and mobilise against allied forces in Afghanistan.
Upping the ante

When they say Pakistan, they're referring to veteran mujahedeen fighters aligned with the Haqqani network with the full support of Pakistans ISI... These are the people the afghan arabs help to train and mobilise against allied forces in Afghanistan.

why do you even bother posting your fail theories after the uber-timely egyptian military slaughtering the muslim brotherhood incident?

you ever gonna explain why the muslim brotherhood spent decades infiltrating the egyptian military only to oust their own president and then slaughter hundreds of their own?

you gonna reconcile that massive failure with all of your other little "theories", tardbot?
why do you even bother posting your fail theories after the uber-timely egyptian military slaughtering the muslim brotherhood incident?

Someone needs to educate your dumb ass apart from fat ass... I backed up my position provided citations and fact... The person you voted for fostered that failed government made up of jihadists and now he is supporting the same groups responsible for 9/11... You love everything he does so why do you support designated foreign terrorist organisations?

you ever gonna explain why the muslim brotherhood spent decades infiltrating the egyptian military only to oust their own president and then slaughter hundreds of their own?

you gonna reconcile that massive failure with all of your other little "theories", tardbot?

Lets see;

KFC is a nickname for KSM, not racial resentment...

And Obama has connected his intentions for regime change in Syria to his proposed military action to increase jihadist support to ultimately topple assad...

It also fits into a broader strategy that can bring about over time the kind of strengthening of the opposition and the diplomatic, economic and political pressure required – so that ultimately we have a transition that can bring peace and stability, not only to Syria but to the region

Weren't you the asshat continually claiming obamas focus on Syria isn't about regime change? God damn you're a gullible little walrus fucker...
Someone needs to educate your dumb ass apart from fat ass... I backed up my position provided citations and fact... The person you voted for fostered that failed government made up of jihadists and now he is supporting the same groups responsible for 9/11... You love everything he does so why do you support designated foreign terrorist organisations?

Lets see;

KFC is a nickname for KSM, not racial resentment...

And Obama has connected his intentions for regime change in Syria to his proposed military action to increase jihadist support to ultimately topple assad...

Weren't you the asshat continually claiming obamas focus on Syria isn't about regime change? God damn you're a gullible little walrus fucker...

really i think the walruses are the ones getting the Short End of the stick.

maybe he gets them drunk first.
way to address that head-on by changing the subject completely, ausfailian :lol:

you only posted because I called you out for your ridiculous notions and instance that US intervention in Syria is not about regime change;

One would hope considering you are claiming Syria is "not about regime change"

Now I cited evidence for my claims in the thread pertaining to the brotherhood and it's no secret the MB were forced under ground as Mubarak cracked down on its supporters.

That was made very clear when the Freedom and Justice Party became the first "democratically elected" government in Egypt's history... Do you think that kind of support just one day popped up? Or was it festering away culminating in Mubarak's departure and the election of the Egyptian brotherhoods political arm?

My god you are a dumb one... As displayed by your instance I referred to KSM as KFC in an attempt at racism, then you attacked a WND article I DID NOT cite because you were caught out bullshitting again...
you only posted because I called you out for your ridiculous notions and instance that US intervention in Syria is not about regime change;

no, i called you out on your history of ridiculous, failed theories because you were on a self-masturbatory acronym salad attack once again.

obama has wanted regime change in syria for years. but regime change is not the point of the current intervention, as evidenced by the limited scope of any authorization.

there goes another one of your fail theories, bloodied to a pulp just like a morsi supporter at the hands of the gyptian military.


no, i called you out on your history of ridiculous, failed theories because you were on a self-masturbatory acronym salad attack once again.

obama has wanted regime change in syria for years. but regime change is not the point of the current intervention, as evidenced by the limited scope of any authorization.

there goes another one of your fail theories, bloodied to a pulp just like a morsi supporter at the hands of the gyptian military.



You are dumb... I back up what I have to say something you don't seem capable of. The jerkstore called bucky boy...:dunce:

So why do you support the "rebels" in... oops terrorists in Syria?
you only posted because I called you out for your ridiculous notions and instance that US intervention in Syria is not about regime change;

Now I cited evidence for my claims in the thread pertaining to the brotherhood and it's no secret the MB were forced under ground as Mubarak cracked down on its supporters.

That was made very clear when the Freedom and Justice Party became the first "democratically elected" government in Egypt's history... Do you think that kind of support just one day popped up? Or was it festering away culminating in Mubarak's departure and the election of the Egyptian brotherhoods political arm?

My god you are a dumb one... As displayed by your instance I referred to KSM as KFC in an attempt at racism, then you attacked a WND article I DID NOT cite because you were caught out bullshitting again...

Buck has a persecution complex. He gets all butt hurt when people call him a rat. Although there's a saying, "thou protests too much."

The same goes for when he's called a: racist, freeloader, or how he eats cruelty murdered animal parts.
You are dumb... I back up what I have to say something you don't seem capable of. The jerkstore called bucky boy...:dunce:

So why do you support the "rebels" in... oops terrorists in Syria?

ooooh, bucky boy. that hurts.

that hurts almost as much as a morsi supporter meeting his fate at the hands of the egyptian military.
ooooh, bucky boy. that hurts.

that hurts almost as much as a morsi supporter meeting his fate at the hands of the egyptian military.

The Stockholm Syndrome has you bad. You must've got beat in high school constantly. I don't know if I should be laughing, or pissed as fuck at you. There's something wrong with a system which can produce those who inflict so much psychological on another it drives them to suicide. Just be glad you weren't like those other Marilyn Manson fans who killed themselves. Is that why you hate guns so much? It's not that you're really afraid what others will do with a gun, you can't trust yourself with one. Shoot, shoot, shoot MUTHA FAKA!
Dr Kynes am still waiting for those quotes! come on be a man either post them or admit you are wrong!!
Upping the ante

When they say Pakistan, they're referring to veteran mujahedeen fighters aligned with the Haqqani network with the full support of Pakistans ISI... These are the people the afghan arabs help to train and mobilise against allied forces in Afghanistan.

And didn't the people and the Taliban turn against these mutts fighters of Sunni. They don't like Arabs....and really who does?
Well,, I read. And I propose that to you. You with closed mind cannot be proven to. But, you may educated yourself in neutral to all the viewpoints.

See the diagram about the scriptural sources. I included the list below.,d.cGE

Paper Conclusion : The dogmatic basis for jihad and martyrdom attacks (Sunni Tradition) are the core values and themes in Islam‘s doctrinal texts: The Quran and the Hadiths.

―Jihad means to war against non-Muslims and is etymologically derived from the word mujahada, signifying warfare to establish the religion.‖lxxxiv

Jihad‘s perpetual character. ―The duty of the jihad exists as long as the universal domination of Islam has not been attained.‖ lxxxv,lxxxvi,lxxxvii,lxxxviii,lxxxix

Scriptural Basis for Jihad. The scriptural basis for jihad is identified in juridical texts
The Distinguished Jurist’s Primer,
Reliance of the Traveller and al- Shafii’s Risala
and the Chief Justice of Saudi Arabia‘s Call to Jihad as:clxxvi
2 (Al-Baqarah):216clxxxi,clxxxii,clxxxiii,clxxxiv,clxxxv,,
3 (Al-Imran):140,clxxxvi,clxxxvii,clxxxviii,
3 (Al-Imran):141clxxxix,cxc,cxci ,
3 (Al-Imran):142cxcii,cxciii,cxciv,
3 (Al-Imran):169-172 cxcv,cxcvi,cxcvii,
4 (An-Nisa):74cxcviii,cxcix,cc ,
4 (An-Nisa):89cci,
4 (An-Nisa):95ccii,cciii,cciv,
4 (An-Nisa):104ccv,ccvi,ccvii,
8 (Al-Anfal):39-42ccviii,
9 (At-Taubah):5ccxii,ccxiii,
9 (At-Taubah):29ccxiv,ccxv,ccxvi,ccxvii,ccxviii,
9 (At-Taubah):36ccxix,ccxx,
9 (At-Taubah):38-39ccxxi,ccxxii,ccxxiii,ccxxiv,
9 (At-Taubah):41ccxxv,ccxxvi,ccxxvii,ccxxviii,,
9 (At-Taubah):91ccxxix,
9 (At-Taubah):111ccxxx,ccxxxi,ccxxxii,
9 (At-Taubah):112ccxxxiii,ccxxxiv,ccxxxv,
9 (At-Taubah):122ccxxxvi,ccxxxvii ,
22 (Al-Hajj):39ccxxxviii,ccxxxix,ccxl, and
33 (Al-Ahzab:23.ccxli,ccxlii,ccxliii

From Jihad to Martyrdom Establishing the Mindset. The Quran and the Hadith propagate two doctrinal themes that motivate responsive individuals to participate in jihad: the perpetual existence of war between the dar al harb and dar al Islam and the obligatory nature of jihad.
You can deny it, but we know what we fight and we know why you can slip around and say that's not in there. But, the radical clerics says it is.

So, it is not a religion by difintion. And if you accept the Sunni Tradition as all Sunni must, then you are the enemy, in fact.

If you will not renounce this, you are Jihad.

And I am pretty sure that if you renouce this violence as the means to spread Islam you are renouncing Sunni itself.

And that is why you won't renounce it. It is why we never see renunciation of this form Sunni. That would be abdicating from your Conquest Cult and they will kill you for that.
I am talking about quotes from the Qu'ran. Am still waiting for them quotes. You can say whatever you like but its meaningless without evidence.
And I already said I FULLY support Jihad using the definition I provided and I asked for anyone to point out 1 thing that is wrong with it.
I am talking about quotes from the Qu'ran. Am still waiting for them quotes. You can say whatever you like but its meaningless without evidence.

I gave a list of quotes and you are in denial. And you remember I never mention the Holy Qu'ran. it is Fatwah, buddy. From Saud. It is law in many places. So, I proved a ream of evidence for you to say there is no evidence.

You are either not much of a Sunni, or damn good. I suspect the latter.