How to Combat Sunni Jihad

Merica is a war cult. Nationalism and religion are quite similar.

america is led by some real assholes, but so is most of the world.

if i could wave a magic wand and get everyone to agree on a single political ideology, it would be based on the US constitution (not the current horseshit though), then BAM, world peace.

you might pick another ideology, but in the end, assholes arguing about different ideologies is what starts conflicts.

the biggest assholes with the wackiest, and most inflexible ideologies happen to live in sandland.

funny how thats where the conflicts are the most violent innit?
america is led by some real assholes, but so is most of the world.

if i could wave a magic wand and get everyone to agree on a single political ideology, it would be based on the US constitution (not the current horseshit though), then BAM, world peace.

you might pick another ideology, but in the end, assholes arguing about different ideologies is what starts conflicts.

the biggest assholes with the wackiest, and most inflexible ideologies happen to live in sandland.

funny how thats where the conflicts are the most violent innit?

You're right, the thorn of zion is among them...
yes i know some moslems. and no they are not all barbarians.

your strawman is pathetic and worthless.

i also know a LOT of mexicans, and they are not slothful dirty lazy illegals who sell meth for a living. they are not members of street gangs, nor do they participate in cockfighting.

i also know many blkacks and they are not shucking and jiving hoodrat misntrel show stereotypes, nor do any of the black persons i associate with engage in selling crack, robbing old ladies for their ssi checks, nor do they enjoy dog fights.

i know a few asians too, and some of them arent that good at math.

apparently you are the only one allowed to discuss a social group which is different from your own. Because YOUR stereotypes are GOOD, and you use them to invalidate those who hold an opinion different than your own.

Cool story bro, a simple yes or no would of sufficed
i am not aware that i have been sharing my opinion with you, more a
case of asking you to clarify yours
you seem certain that Islam is a threat to yourself
i personally do not feel this way
its nice to hear that you know folk from such a mixed range of cultures
i would hope you afford them equal respect
treat them as you yourself would wish to be treated

how would you solve the islam/muslim problem as you see it ?
Cool story bro, a simple yes or no would of sufficed
i am not aware that i have been sharing my opinion with you, more a
case of asking you to clarify yours
you seem certain that Islam is a threat to yourself
i personally do not feel this way
its nice to hear that you know folk from such a mixed range of cultures
i would hope you afford them equal respect
treat them as you yourself would wish to be treated

how would you solve the islam/muslim problem as you see it ?

In his view he hopes Israel will fix it with continued illegality and illegitimacy...
america is led by some real assholes, but so is most of the world.

if i could wave a magic wand and get everyone to agree on a single political ideology, it would be based on the US constitution (not the current horseshit though), then BAM, world peace.

you might pick another ideology, but in the end, assholes arguing about different ideologies is what starts conflicts.

the biggest assholes with the wackiest, and most inflexible ideologies happen to live in sandland.

funny how thats where the conflicts are the most violent innit?

I know you have a brain, why not use that as a basis? The Constitution was based upon what we knew back then. For one thing, we have technology that would make us Gods. That alone makes the Constitution just a pile of horseshit. Not to say all of it is bad, but the Heinlein theory of cultural morality(states rights) is idiotic. All you need to do is look at female circumcision and cultural morality becomes an obvious fallacy. It's beyond stupid morality changes based on one footstep. Human dignity isn't based on longitude and latitude.
yes i know some moslems. and no they are not all barbarians.

your strawman is pathetic and worthless.

i also know a LOT of mexicans, and they are not slothful dirty lazy illegals who sell meth for a living. they are not members of street gangs, nor do they participate in cockfighting.

i also know many blkacks and they are not shucking and jiving hoodrat misntrel show stereotypes, nor do any of the black persons i associate with engage in selling crack, robbing old ladies for their ssi checks, nor do they enjoy dog fights.

i know a few asians too, and some of them arent that good at math.

apparently you are the only one allowed to discuss a social group which is different from your own. Because YOUR stereotypes are GOOD, and you use them to invalidate those who hold an opinion different than your own.

Did you read them your manifesto?
If he is genuinely worried about the threat of Islamic extremists
i feel sad for him
its not nice to feel threatened

he is not alone in his opinion
but thankfully from what i can gather he is in the minority
If he is genuinely worried about the threat of Islamic extremists
i feel sad for him
its not nice to feel threatened

he is not alone in his opinion
but thankfully from what i can gather he is in the minority

I'm personally worried from the threat of all religions. Hitler did what he did in the name of the Catholic god. Mao did what he did in the name of the God of the State. Africans were taken out of Africa in the name of Allah. Religion blows. We have brains, why don't we use them, rather than wondering if something out there is greater than all of us will fix our problems?
Cool story bro, a simple yes or no would of sufficed
i am not aware that i have been sharing my opinion with you, more a
case of asking you to clarify yours
you seem certain that Islam is a threat to yourself
i personally do not feel this way
its nice to hear that you know folk from such a mixed range of cultures
i would hope you afford them equal respect
treat them as you yourself would wish to be treated

how would you solve the islam/muslim problem as you see it ?

i treat everybody as NOT AN ASSHOLE until they prove otherwise.

as to a means to "solve the islam/muslim problem as you see it ?"

sadly their entire society is drenched in inflexible religious ideology, they are generally led by power hungry madmen, and their entire culture has been pushed into retrograde by their religious fervor, in other words, they are having their own personal "Dark Age"

the only way out of a Dark Age is an Age of Enlightenment, but thats not gonna happen as long as the Status Quo is propped up by Oil Money.

if the rest of the world developed some technology that breaks our dependence on oil, their social structures would collapse, their economy would fold up like a house of cards and they would be forced to re-evaluate their society

in the entire history of man, no people have been gifted by providence with a treasure like OIL. all the wealth, science, technology, trade and prosperity flows through the mid-east, yet they have squandered it on petty wars over irrelevant differences, oppressing their own people, and buying gold curtain rods, gucci sunglasses and BMW's.

any other society, when in possesion of that kind of wealth would build schools, universities, hospitals, grand metropolises, agricultural advancements and cultural wonders.

makes you wonder what is wrong with islam when despite vast wealth a nation remains a third world backwater.

there is no "fix" for islam except reform of islam from within, and they are as yet disinclined to consider that option.
Obama is a big pussy

A Jew-Hatin Pussy to be exact.

Originally Posted by abandonconflict
Merica is a war cult. Nationalism and religion are quite similar.

No doubt to me, that nationalism and religion, war and tribe are innate; a requirement for certain shinny monkeys. No doubt there are some,, that have always noticed, in their times. And those have never liked it, railed against it, could not change it and saw it for what it was, These were and now, be the thinkers....not the dreamers. No doubt that America is a no shit, self ruled war cult.

And I thank you for all intelligent contribution.
I'm personally worried from the threat of all religions. Hitler did what he did in the name of the Catholic god. Mao did what he did in the name of the God of the State. Africans were taken out of Africa in the name of Allah. Religion blows. We have brains, why don't we use them, rather than wondering if something out there is greater than all of us will fix our problems?

religion does make for a good control system
as does politics
Islam is way down the list for me anyway they have little power compared to the
main players of the game

i agree with you i wish folk didn't need religion for too many reasons
you can't ban it, i guess just hope one day folk will wake up
in the future when technology permits it we could send all believers to the moon or something

it would be nice to think with the right education folk themselves will come to reject all religions
i am not sure it will work when politics uses religion as one of its tools of control
its all a very messy business imo
i treat everybody as NOT AN ASSHOLE until they prove otherwise.

as to a means to "solve the islam/muslim problem as you see it ?"

sadly their entire society is drenched in inflexible religious ideology, they are generally led by power hungry madmen, and their entire culture has been pushed into retrograde by their religious fervor, in other words, they are having their own personal "Dark Age"

the only way out of a Dark Age is an Age of Enlightenment, but thats not gonna happen as long as the Status Quo is propped up by Oil Money.

if the rest of the world developed some technology that breaks our dependence on oil, their social structures would collapse, their economy would fold up like a house of cards and they would be forced to re-evaluate their society

in the entire history of man, no people have been gifted by providence with a treasure like OIL. all the wealth, science, technology, trade and prosperity flows through the mid-east, yet they have squandered it on petty wars over irrelevant differences, oppressing their own people, and buying gold curtain rods, gucci sunglasses and BMW's.

any other society, when in possesion of that kind of wealth would build schools, universities, hospitals, grand metropolises, agricultural advancements and cultural wonders.

makes you wonder what is wrong with islam when despite vast wealth a nation remains a third world backwater.

there is no "fix" for islam except reform of islam from within, and they are as yet disinclined to consider that option.

im sure much of this is true if not all of it, however we share many of these social problems ourselves along with religious and political problems
are the Muslims scapegoats?
is it more a case of folk that need to be liberated

we could spend more money on schools ourselves
and a little less on bombs perhaps
im sure much of this is true if not all of it, however we share many of these social problems ourselves along with religious and political problems
are the Muslims scapegoats?
is it more a case of folk that need to be liberated

we could spend more money on schools ourselves
and a little less on bombs perhaps

yes, we spend WAY too much on our military. wee have posts all over thee world defending everybody from everybody else, giving an easy out to the "Merica is an empire" jingoists. it also provides a rich habitat for parasites and bureaucrats, and ensures that theres always more reasons to tax more heavily, while neglecting important shit at home, like say, Border Security.

our social problems however are OUR social problems, we can not blame gangsta rap, inner city violence, corporate greed, political cupidity or Honey Boo Boo on anybody else, so we have to face it.

check out Al Jazeera or RT and youll soon learn that Merica is to blame for everything from a bad rice harvest in cambodia to putin's wife's hemmohoids.
yes, we spend WAY too much on our military. wee have posts all over thee world defending everybody from everybody else, giving an easy out to the "Merica is an empire" jingoists. it also provides a rich habitat for parasites and bureaucrats, and ensures that theres always more reasons to tax more heavily, while neglecting important shit at home, like say, Border Security.

our social problems however are OUR social problems, we can not blame gangsta rap, inner city violence, corporate greed, political cupidity or Honey Boo Boo on anybody else, so we have to face it.

check out Al Jazeera or RT and youll soon learn that Merica is to blame for everything from a bad rice harvest in cambodia to putin's wife's hemmohoids.

If they don't appreciate the good work we do, maybe we should just pack up and go home?