How to Combat Sunni Jihad

If I take them out, can I put the Mongols in?
They had a funny political system, too, that changed dramatically after their encounters with Islam.

or you could put in Alexander of Macedon.

or the Pre Moslem Persians

I'll take Pre-Moslem Persians for $200, Alex... They were Zoroastrians, right?
Ahhh those were the days... when Ahura Hyundai Toyota governed the Cosmos...
Then this guy came along and fucked everything up!


And I'm not talking about the guy on the right...although, he certainly did his part. Is radical Islam a result of Hitler?
Powerful stuff no doubt. And everywhere the the mixing and the touching and the kissing....oy vey! <smack>

This is why there is no such thing as race. It is very mixed and the more mixed the more beautiful.

I did find a succulent factoid about the most racist and the least racist country on earth. Which is least? America, of course. We practice and care.

The most racist? China? Japan? Nope...India.

Oh, of course the Aryan/Iranians went the other way, too.

And let us not leave out the Mongols.

I'll take Pre-Moslem Persians for $200, Alex... They were Zoroastrians, right?
Ahhh those were the days... when Ahura Hyundai Toyota governed the Cosmos...
Then this guy came along and fucked everything up!

And I'm not talking about the guy on the right...although, he certainly did his part. Is radical Islam a result of Hitler?

the accepted form is Ahura Mazda (zoom zoom).
Powerful stuff no doubt. And everywhere the the mixing and the touching and the kissing....oy vey! <smack>

This is why there is no such thing as race. It is very mixed and the more mixed the more beautiful

I did find a succulent factoid about the most racist and the least racist country on earth. Which is least? America, of course. We practice and care.

The most racist? China? Japan? Nope...India.


that infographic does not comport with the accepted wisdom of the lefties, so it must be a lie!

everybody knows that europeans and ESPECIALLY americans are totally racist!

you made that chart yourself in MS paint.

i can tell because of the pixels!

on a serious note, india is disenchanted with "Multiculturalism" due to centuries of exposure to, and strife with MOSLEMS and to a lesser extent, the brits.
nobody likes living next door to their oppressors, and india has had a run of bad luck with invaders.
plus the Moslems in india still periodically go apeshit, despite having been given their own whole country, in Pakistan, once part of india.
Pakistan drove out most of the hindus living there, while india did not engage in wholesale "ethnic cleansing", which they are now regretting.

of course if they had titted, in response to pakistan's tatting, they would have been painted as racist evil and intolerant, while Pah Kee Stahn is treated like a long suffering victim of india's aggression.
the truth, as usual is found in Quo Boni, who benefits from biased reporting? the leftist agenda, which revels in denegrating stable and progressive democracies, while lauding the actions of ACTUAL violent dictatorships with dreams of ACTUAL hegemony.
yeah, thats an awesome reductio ad absurdm.

A very specific claim was made by Doer which you are vigorously trying to defend. A map showing over a quarter of the earth's land surface was shown and it was claimed that this was violently appropriated by Islam.

That is not argumentum ad absurdum, that is skepticism of a dubious claim.

You twits can post a dozen pictures to try to bury it, but it was still a grand claim to make.
A very specific claim was made by Doer which you are vigorously trying to defend. A map showing over a quarter of the earth's land surface was shown and it was claimed that this was violently appropriated by Islam.

That is not argumentum ad absurdum, that is skepticism of a dubious claim.

You twits can post a dozen pictures to try to bury it, but it was still a grand claim to make.

so your claim is that either ALL of it was seized by force, or NONE of it was.

that is the DEFINITION of Reductio Ad Absurdum.

i would not classify any of your "arguments" as "argumentum" though they do mostly tend to the absurdum.
No, my claim is that Doer's claim (which you are vigorously trying to defend) was ridiculous.

Are you capable of explicating an argument with out distorting it?

marxist meme snipped

his allegation was that the map showed the expansion of islam AFTER the crusades, demonstrating that in fact Islam is expanding, and not by peaceful means, as abu sayyaf, islamic jihad, hezzbollah, the moslem brotherhood, al quaeda, exploding moderate presidents in Pah Kee Stahn, stabbed dutch filmmakers, authors with death warrants on their heads, exploding hospitals, exploding baby carriages, poison gas attacks etc etc etc clearly demonstrates.

YOUR assertion was as follows:
So that was all appropriated in war?

following your usual All Or Nothing tactic, which transforms serfs into volunteers because they do not meet the requirement to be called Chattel, you attempt to reframe the argument, and re-design the opposition's assertions to suit your whim.
you wish the world to be simple Either/Or choices, and if the universe does not comport with your desires, you simply pretend it does, and labour on in delusion expecting everyone else to just accept your narrative.

that shit dont fly.

there's usually at least 3 choices, but that's too much math innit?
He used the word conquest.

I TL ; DR'd the rest, since you're just trying to overwhelm me with BS.

yep, because under the doctrines of Jihad (a core tenet of islam) islam will CONQUER the world.

contrast this to the much hated mormons who insist all the world must hear "the good word" in an attempt to bring about the return of jesus.

mormons dont leave bombs on your doorstep, that would be a sin, but in islam, killing unbelievers (ANY unbelievers) is the gateway to paradise.

or did you not read the koran?
yep, because under the doctrines of Jihad (a core tenet of islam) islam will CONQUER the world.

contrast this to the much hated mormons who insist all the world must hear "the good word" in an attempt to bring about the return of jesus.

mormons dont leave bombs on your doorstep, that would be a sin, but in islam, killing unbelievers (ANY unbelievers) is the gateway to paradise.

or did you not read the koran?

That's a bullshit interpretation... Should we also take a literal interpretation from the Talmud regarding sexual maturity - "At nine years a male attains sexual matureness&#8230; The sexual matureness of woman is reached at the age of three"? (Talmud footnotes 3/4 to Sanhedrin 55a)

You are interpreting something you DO NOT understand and are pushing bullshit for the sake of pushing bullshit...
So you are defending Doer's claim that this map shows land appropriated in war by Islam?

restating you interpretation of the assertion is still just childish evasion of the issue.

do YOU propose that the Philippines are embracing islam by choice?
are you intimating that the East Timoris are not being subjected to pogrom by the moslems in an attempt to establish moslem dominance?
are you arguing that the burmese buddhists are fighting back against islam as a provocation against the "religion of peace"?
are you suggesting the armenians genocided themselves to make way for turkic dominion based on their love for islam and it's principles?
are you implying that lebanon became a moslem state by the will of the lebanese, rather than a proxy invasion by hezzbollah and syria?

i could go on, but history speaks for itself. islam advances by war when they can get away with it, and by attrition and demographics when violence fails.
either way, when non-moslems fall under the yoke of islam, they suffer all manner of indignities.

and yes, christianity did the same thing a couple hundred years ago, but that does not justify current violence, nor does that rationalization bolster your argument.
No, my claim is that Doer's claim (which you are vigorously trying to defend) was ridiculous.

Are you capable of explicating an argument with out distorting it?


That's a bunch of bullshit. It should read, "Even a stupid man can do a perfect report of a clever man's findings. That way the stupid have a job in my communist utopia."