Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
If I take them out, can I put the Mongols in?
They had a funny political system, too, that changed dramatically after their encounters with Islam.
or you could put in Alexander of Macedon.

If I take them out, can I put the Mongols in?
They had a funny political system, too, that changed dramatically after their encounters with Islam.
or the Pre Moslem Persians
I'll take Pre-Moslem Persians for $200, Alex... They were Zoroastrians, right?
Ahhh those were the days... when Ahura Hyundai Toyota governed the Cosmos...
Then this guy came along and fucked everything up!
And I'm not talking about the guy on the right...although, he certainly did his part. Is radical Islam a result of Hitler?
Powerful stuff no doubt. And everywhere the the mixing and the touching and the kissing....oy vey! <smack>
This is why there is no such thing as race. It is very mixed and the more mixed the more beautiful
I did find a succulent factoid about the most racist and the least racist country on earth. Which is least? America, of course. We practice and care.
The most racist? China? Japan? Nope...India.
yeah, thats an awesome reductio ad absurdm.
A very specific claim was made by Doer which you are vigorously trying to defend. A map showing over a quarter of the earth's land surface was shown and it was claimed that this was violently appropriated by Islam.
That is not argumentum ad absurdum, that is skepticism of a dubious claim.
You twits can post a dozen pictures to try to bury it, but it was still a grand claim to make.
so your claim is that either ALL of it was seized by force, or NONE of it was.
No, my claim is that Doer's claim (which you are vigorously trying to defend) was ridiculous.
Are you capable of explicating an argument with out distorting it?
marxist meme snipped
So that was all appropriated in war?
his allegation was that the map showed the expansion of islam
He used the word conquest.
I TL ; DR'd the rest, since you're just trying to overwhelm me with BS.
yep, because under the doctrines of Jihad (a core tenet of islam) islam will CONQUER the world.
contrast this to the much hated mormons who insist all the world must hear "the good word" in an attempt to bring about the return of jesus.
mormons dont leave bombs on your doorstep, that would be a sin, but in islam, killing unbelievers (ANY unbelievers) is the gateway to paradise.
or did you not read the koran?
So you are defending Doer's claim that this map shows land appropriated in war by Islam?
No, my claim is that Doer's claim (which you are vigorously trying to defend) was ridiculous.
Are you capable of explicating an argument with out distorting it?