How to Combat Sunni Jihad

That's a bullshit interpretation... Should we also take a literal interpretation from the Talmud regarding sexual maturity - "At nine years a male attains sexual matureness… The sexual matureness of woman is reached at the age of three"? (Talmud footnotes 3/4 to Sanhedrin 55a)

You are interpreting something you DO NOT understand and are pushing bullshit for the sake of pushing bullshit...

another non-sequitor, from the Talmud (the book of judaic and rabbinic law, not the torah which is the religious text analogous with the koran and haddith)
you are once again attempting to justify current atrocities and violence with obscure references to religious and legal texts which hold no currency in the current argument.

in australia, aborigine children were taken from their families to be "educated" by the state "for their own good" all the way up to the 1970's, and those children were horribly abused by their "caretakers".
does this mean australia is a nation of kidnappers and pederasts?
does that mean australia has earned a few shots from the jihad for their wickedness?

your attempt fails.
You twits can post a dozen pictures to try to bury it, but it was still a grand claim to make.

the king of picture talking and meme spouting reverses himself again.

you really are almost as inconsistent as your "Libertarian Socialist" doggerel makes you appear.
another non-sequitor, from the Talmud (the book of judaic and rabbinic law, not the torah which is the religious text analogous with the koran and haddith)
you are once again attempting to justify current atrocities and violence with obscure references to religious and legal texts which hold no currency in the current argument.

in australia, aborigine children were taken from their families to be "educated" by the state "for their own good" all the way up to the 1970's, and those children were horribly abused by their "caretakers".
does this mean australia is a nation of kidnappers and pederasts?
does that mean australia has earned a few shots from the jihad for their wickedness?

your attempt fails.

You still miss the point entirely, I don't know if it's the human booster shots you've endured, lack of suitable education or brain damage from your GSW, but your interpretations regarding the Quran are false, misleading and predominantly based on an irrational fear of Muslims. WTF is wrong with you?

Shit people injured in the Bali blast have less of a distrust and dislike for Muslims and return annually to the Sari Club...

I've had Muslims shoot at me and my mates with the very real intent of killing us and even I can make a distinction it was perpetrated by a small minority of crazies and in no way reflects Islam as a whole...
You still miss the point entirely, I don't know if it's the human booster shots you've endured, lack of suitable education or brain damage from your GSW, but your interpretations regarding the Quran are false, misleading and predominantly based on an irrational fear of Muslims. WTF is wrong with you?

Shit people injured in the Bali blast have less of a distrust and dislike for Muslims and return annually to the Sari Club...

I've had Muslims shoot at me and my mates with the very real intent of killing us and even I can make a distinction it was perpetrated by a small minority of crazies and in no way reflects Islam as a whole...

uhh huh. i know this, i have said this, but you dont hear this.

i am discussing the radicals, including the imams and mullahs who interpret the koran and hadith exaclty as i describe, which is actually how it is written, which is why they are FUNDAMENTALISTS, not actually radicals.

the Radical moslems are the ones who have rejected jihad, many of those radicals live in israel as productive free and happy residents, one of them is even the cheif of the Israeli national police, another is on the Israeli supreme court, others are members of the knesset, some are dentists, doctors, teachers, school bus drivers etc.

I am, as always, talking about the FUNDAMENTALISTS, who are every bit as crazy as the christian fundamentalist Phelps clan, but the phelpses havent blown up any airliners, hijacked any cruise ships, bombed any schools, or released poison gas on their dissenters.

that you cannot grasp this, is a symptom of your mental disorder, Hateajewitis.

the issue with islam is that the FUNDAMENTALISTS hold far more sway in that religion than the fundamentalists, wackos, radicals, looneys and nutbars in any other religion currently out there, except of course "The Nation of Islam", which is entirely different.

get your head screwed on straight and stop reading AC's and Bucky's interpretation of my words.
uhh huh. i know this, i have said this, but you dont hear this.

i am discussing the radicals, including the imams and mullahs who interpret the koran and hadith exaclty as i describe, which is actually how it is written, which is why they are FUNDAMENTALISTS, not actually radicals.

the Radical moslems are the ones who have rejected jihad, many of those radicals live in israel as productive free and happy residents, one of them is even the cheif of the Israeli national police, another is on the Israeli supreme court, others are members of the knesset, some are dentists, doctors, teachers, school bus drivers etc.

I am, as always, talking about the FUNDAMENTALISTS, who are every bit as crazy as the christian fundamentalist Phelps clan, but the phelpses havent blown up any airliners, hijacked any cruise ships, bombed any schools, or released poison gas on their dissenters.

that you cannot grasp this, is a symptom of your mental disorder, Hateajewitis.

the issue with islam is that the FUNDAMENTALISTS hold far more sway in that religion than the fundamentalists, wackos, radicals, looneys and nutbars in any other religion currently out there, except of course "The Nation of Islam", which is entirely different.

get your head screwed on straight and stop reading AC's and Bucky's interpretation of my words.

You don't even understand the terms you are using... Just like Muslims and Islam as a whole you have no idea what you're talking about...

You're confusing FUNDAMENTALISTS with RADICALS...

Fundamentalists are associated with movements such as Salafism while Radicals fit the profile of Takfiris, who associate themselves with Al Qaeda and Salafist Jihadism is something else again...

To claim takfiris hold positions of power in Israel's government and police establishments is absurd bordering on retarded...
I am, as always, talking about the FUNDAMENTALISTS, who are every bit as crazy as the christian fundamentalist Phelps clan, but the phelpses havent blown up any airliners, hijacked any cruise ships, bombed any schools, or released poison gas on their dissenters.

that's because the phelps clan is more interested in inciting people to violence and then suing them for it.

other christian fundamentalists have blown up buildings, flown planes into buildings, murdered abortion doctors (because they hate murder so much), blown up gay clubs, and so much more.

i won't even get into the damage they have done to the quest for equal rights, that's a discussion for another day.

that you conveniently overlook this while non-stop mentioning "machinegunning a school in france" and the like is certain proof of your bigotry, as is the whole calling people "abbos" and "beaners".

but you're totally not racist.
You don't even understand the terms you are using... Just like Muslims and Islam as a whole you have no idea what you're talking about...

You're confusing FUNDAMENTALISTS with RADICALS...

Fundamentalists are associated with movements such as Salafism while Radicals fit the profile of Takfiris, who associate themselves with Al Qaeda and Salafist Jihadism is something else again...

To claim takfiris hold positions of power in Israel's government and police establishments is absurd bordering on retarded...



fun·da·men·tal·ism (f
m)n.1. A usually religious movement or point of view characterized by a return to fundamental principles, by rigid adherence to those principles, and often by intolerance of other views and opposition to secularism.
2. a. often Fundamentalism An organized, militant Evangelical movement originating in the United States in the late 19th and early 20th century in opposition to Protestant Liberalism and secularism, insisting on the inerrancy of Scripture.
b. Adherence to the theology of this movement.

as you see, in definition 1, fundamentalism is characterized by rigid adherence to principles, in the case of islam, the Koran and Hadiths, which includes adopting the Sunnah of Moahmmed, as he is the "Excellent Example" of Moslem behavior in all things.


rad·i·cal (r
l)adj.1. Arising from or going to a root or source; basic: proposed a radical solution to the problem.
2. Departing markedly from the usual or customary; extreme: radical opinions on education.
3. Favoring or effecting fundamental or revolutionary changes in current practices, conditions, or institutions: radical political views.
4. Linguistics Of or being a root: a radical form.
5. Botany Arising from the root or its crown: radical leaves.
6. Slang Excellent; wonderful.

n.1. One who advocates fundamental or revolutionary changes in current practices, conditions, or institutions: radicals seeking to overthrow the social order.
2. Mathematics The root of a quantity as indicated by the radical sign.
3. Symbol R An atom or a group of atoms with at least one unpaired electron.
4. Linguistics See root[SUP]1[/SUP].

as you see, radical describes a marked departure from the customary or generally accepted position, in this context it includes those who have rejected the violent passages in the Koran and Hadiths, while still subscribing to the peaceful, warm and fuzzy portions.
in the Fundamental position of Islam, rejecting ANY part of the Koran or Hadith is apostacy, as the Koran is declared Perfect in every way, thus the exhortations to jihad cannot be rejected without becoming a kaffir
which brings us to takfir, the ACT of declaring a putative Moslem as a kaffir

in chrisitianity, buddhism, judaism etc, the Fundamentalists are likewise, adherents to Fundamental Principles (funny how that works), like the Amish, or the Hasidim, or the monastic and ascetic orders of buddhism, while radicals adopt a position of Change (and sometimes Hope) which in those instances makes integration into the world at large easier.

moslem fundamentalists find the real world repellant, reject the notion that there is any way but theirs, for anyone, and pursue a course set forth by Mohammed in the Koran and the Hadiths, that course is called Jihad.

meanwhile, yor rejection of the FACT (easily verifiable BTW) that moslems live, work, and hold positions of authority in the Israeli Government is anathema to your assumptions, thus you reject it, but here's the straight dope:

Cabinet: Nawaf Massalha, an Arab Muslim, has served in various junior ministerial roles, including Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs, since 1999.[SUP][128][/SUP] Until 2001, no Arab had been included in a Prime Minister's cabinet, or invited to join any political coalition. In 2001, this changed, when Salah Tarif, a Druze Arab citizen of Israel, was appointed a member of Sharon's cabinet without a portfolio. Tarif was later ejected after being convicted of corruption.[SUP][129][/SUP] In 2007 the first non-Druze Arab minister in Israel's history, Raleb Majadele, was appointed a minister without portfolio, and a month later appointed minister for Science, Culture and Sport.[SUP][55][/SUP][SUP][130][/SUP] The appointment of Majadele was criticized by far-right Israelis, some of whom are also within the Cabinet, but this drew condemnation across the mainstream Israeli political spectrum.[SUP][56][/SUP][SUP][131][/SUP] Meanwhile Arab lawmakers called the appointment an attempt to "whitewash Israel's discriminatory policies against its Arab minority".[SUP][132][/SUP][SUP][133][/SUP]
Knesset: Arab citizens of Israel have been elected to every Knesset, and currently hold 12 of its 120 seats. The first female Arab MP was Hussniya Jabara, a Muslim Arab from central Israel, who was elected in 1999.[SUP][134][/SUP]
Supreme Court: Abdel Rahman Zuabi, a Muslim from northern Israel, was the first Arab on the Israeli Supreme Court, serving a 9-month term in 1999. In 2004, Salim Joubran, a Christian Arab from Haifa descended from Lebanese Maronites, became the first Arab to hold a permanent appointment on the Court. Joubran's expertise lies in the field of criminal law.[SUP][135][/SUP] George Karra, a Christian Arab from Jaffa has served as a Tel Aviv District Court judge since 2000. He was the presiding judge in the trial of Moshe Katsav. In 2011, he was nominated as a candidate for the Israeli Supreme Court.[SUP][136][/SUP]
Foreign Service: Ali Yahya, an Arab Muslim, became the first Arab ambassador for Israel in 1995 when he was appointed ambassador to Finland. He served until 1999, and in 2006 was appointed ambassador to Greece. Other Arab ambassadors include Walid Mansour, a Druze, appointed ambassador to Vietnam in 1999, and Reda Mansour, also a Druze, a former ambassador to Ecuador. Mohammed Masarwa, an Arab Muslim, was Consul-General in Atlanta. In 2006, Ishmael Khaldi was appointed Israeli consul in San Francisco, becoming the first Bedouin consul of the State of Israel.[SUP][137][/SUP]
Israel Defense Forces: Arab Generals in the IDF include Major General Hussain Fares, commander of Israel's border police, and Major General Yosef Mishlav, head of the Home Front Command and current Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories.[SUP][citation needed][/SUP] Both are members of the Druze community. Other high-ranking officers in the IDF include Lieutenant Colonel Amos Yarkoni (born Abd el-Majid Hidr/ عبد الماجد حيدر) from the Bedouin community, a legendary officer in the Israel Defense Forces and one of six Israeli Arabs to have received the IDF's third highest decoration, the Medal of Distinguished Service.
Israeli Police: In 2011, Jamal Hakroush became the first Muslim Arab deputy Inspector-General in the Israeli Police. He has previously served as district commander of two districts.[SUP][138][/SUP]
Jewish National Fund: In 2007, Ra'adi Sfori became the first Arab citizen of Israel to be elected as a JNF director, over a petition against his appointment. The court upheld the JNF's appointment, explaining, "As this is one director among a large number, there is no chance he will have the opportunity to cancel the organization's goals."[SUP][139][/SUP]

thus as we can see, your misapprehension of my statements is a result of a Fundamental lack of understanding on the subject.

and the dance continues.
actually what you said was:

conquer: to appropriate territory by violence.

all this talk of muslim conquerers (thanks to the return of kynes on a muslim hate boner rampage) is boring to me.

in the real world, where you and i live, we need to be many times more concerned about christian "conquerors".*

that kynes ignores the tyranny brought in this country by christian fundamentalist beliefs and goes on tirades against the impending "monoculturalism" at the hands of muslims which doesn't and will never exist here is another example of muddying the waters.

ya see, if kynes accuses THEY first, the OTHERS, of some quest for monocultural conquering, he turns the tables on what he really wishes for, which is a white, judeo-christian type of monoculturalism.

this is evidenced by his sigworthy statement from earlier today about how he wouldn't even move to some place even if there were ZERO black people.

the dude is simply tacoburrito dressed up in a fancy suit with heaps worth of bullshit to fling and neverending hot air to blow.
actually what you said was:

conquer: to appropriate territory by violence.

yes. those two statements are not contradictory.

Islam holds, as one of it's core tenets that Islam shall CONQUER the world, which is readily apparent if you actually read the Koran, and unavoidable if you read the Hadiths or any sampling of fatwas from the Moslem clergy.

HOWEVER, many Moslems do not engage in jihad, though recent surveys have shown that most do in fact support it, at least in principle, even if they do not approve of the methods most commonly used.

this report indicates that worldwide support for jihad is on the wane, however it is still supported to at least some degree by a majority of moslems, even in the US and britain.

ohh snap.
grab a napkin homey, you just got SERVED
Hey Doc, since I'm not coming back until 9/12 to free myself of the 9/11 jihad loving hatred found here, what Frankie songs should I listen to high to pass the time? I listened the first three Sting albums, Coronas. Now Im thinking it's time for a fine Gin, that I can mix with some water and cranberry juice, tomorrow night.
yes. those two statements are not contradictory.

Islam holds, as one of it's core tenets that Islam shall CONQUER the world, which is readily apparent if you actually read the Koran

No, those statements are in fact contradictory. You aren't just accusing fundamentalists of conquest, you are insisting that it is a core tenet, apparent in the Quran.

conquest: territory appropriated by violence
Hey Doc, since I'm not coming back until 9/12 to free myself of the 9/11 jihad loving hatred found here, what Frankie songs should I listen to high to pass the time? I listened the first three Sting albums, Coronas. Now Im thinking it's time for a fine Gin, that I can mix with some water and cranberry juice, tomorrow night.

hmm i got the collected works, but my favorites are Autumn of my Years, Nancy With The Laughing Face, My Way, All of Me, Begin The Beguine, When Your Lover Has Gone, Fools Rush In, and of course anything live with Sammy Deano and Joey.
hmm i got the collected works, but my favorites are Autumn of my Years, Nancy With The Laughing Face, My Way, All of Me, Begin The Beguine, When Your Lover Has Gone, Fools Rush In, and of course anything live with Sammy Deano and Joey.

With that, I'll let you deal with the jihadists when they wake up at 8:46 AM eastern.
Ahem all you want you silly fuck, it doesn't make your statements any more than a copy and paste of half truths...

I never rejected the fact that Muslims live and work in Israel I reject your claim that the Muslims working in Israel's establishments are adherents to the Ideologies of Sayyid Qutb or followers of perverse interpretations of the Qur'an, ala KKKeyes style...

You'll notice I used the term "takfiris" when I dismissed your claim of "Radical moslems" working within Israel's different establishments and asked you to provide proof thereof, you have not done so and none of the people listed are radicalised in any way, shape or form...

While SOME Muslims would identify as fundamental, your use of the term radical muslim implies adherence to radical Islam which Eli bergman points out on page four of "Hamas, Taliban and the Jewish Underground""[radical Islam] is a better term for many post-1920s movements starting with the Muslim Brotherhood, because these movements are seen to practice "unprecedented extremism", thus not qualifying as return to historic fundamentals"

This is but further proof you cannot differentiate between moderate Islam and the perversion that is "radical Islam"...

"moderate" islam is by it's very definition RADICAL, in that it fails to adhere to the core priinciples laid out in the Koran and Hadiths, hence the rise of Takfiri who declare other moslems who DO NOT hold to their FUNDAMENTALIST BELIEFS to be Kaffir, willy nilly.

this is not a word jumble where you get to reassign meaning to the various words, and i believe i made it QUITE clear that those moslems who have renounced jihad and violence are subject to Takfir, from the Takfiri, who are in fact Fundamentalists.

the Talibs were Fundamentalists too.
the Moslem Brotherhood is also Fundamentalist
al quaeda, as expressed by osama bin laden's ramblings is quite fundamentalist as well

thus, those who do not accept the fundamentalist view are therefore RADICALS just as Matrin Luther (not King) was a radical, the Huguenots were radicals, the Quakers were radicals, and the Puritans were Radical Fundamentalists....

still not following ehh?

ok, try this.

my dog eats meat. he loves it. in that respect he is a Canine Fundamentalist.
i have a friend who has a dog who will leave BACON for a tomatoe, he is a Canine Radical.

Most horses eat plants, and they are Equine Fundamentalists
but every now and then you see a horse eat a rodent, or a lizard, or a bird, they are Equine Radicals.

Most Moslems support jihad, as a FUNDAMENTAL tenet of their faith (proved by history, surveys, polls, the Koran and Hadiths, etc...) these moslems are Fundamentalists in that respect
some moslems go beyond "supporting jihad" in theory, and go apeshit with bomb vests. these assholes are REAL FUNDAMENTALISTS
some moslems reject jihad, and embrace peace, these moslems are so "RADICAL" in the view of the Fundamentalists that they are subject to Takfir, and can be declared Kaffirs (apostates)

is that sinking in?
all this talk of muslim conquerers (thanks to the return of kynes on a muslim hate boner rampage) is boring to me.

the dude is simply tacoburrito dressed up in a fancy suit with heaps worth of bullshit to fling and neverending hot air to blow.

It is tiresome to have to repetitively correct his stupidity. He seems to be slowly shifting his story from "awll muzzies ar want 2 koncwezt the werld" to "some 'moslems' kind of want to gently take over the world". He'll never admit that the west is and has been for centuries making war upon them.

Above all, he seems to want to give the impression that he has actually read a book at some point in his life, and that he knows more about Islam than Muslims do.

He may indeed be surprised to learn that everything he ascribes to Islam, is what murika is guilty of.

That is the crux. A fascist state needs an outside enemy. Now that communism can no longer serve this purpose, Islam does, and KKKynes loves him some xenophobia.
yes. those two statements are not contradictory.

Islam holds, as one of it's core tenets that Islam shall CONQUER the world, which is readily apparent if you actually read the Koran, and unavoidable if you read the Hadiths or any sampling of fatwas from the Moslem clergy.

HOWEVER, many Moslems do not engage in jihad, though recent surveys have shown that most do in fact support it, at least in principle, even if they do not approve of the methods most commonly used.

this report indicates that worldwide support for jihad is on the wane, however it is still supported to at least some degree by a majority of moslems, even in the US and britain.

ohh snap.
grab a napkin homey, you just got SERVED

More bullshit KKKeyes...

That reference in the Qur'an you believe to be one of the "core tenets of islam" has been skewed and misinterpreted by dumbasses like you...

It is in reference to the treaty of Hudaybiyya and the victory of Mecca... The majority of muslims scholars such as Shaykh Muhammad Afifi al-Akiti agree;

NO practical or particular implications, can be derived from this Verse on its own
It is tiresome to have to repetitively correct his stupidity. He seems to be slowly shifting his story from "awll muzzies ar want 2 koncwezt the werld" to "some 'moslems' kind of want to gently take over the world". He'll never admit that the west is and has been for centuries making war upon them.

Above all, he seems to want to give the impression that he has actually read a book at some point in his life, and that he knows more about Islam than Muslims do.

He may indeed be surprised to learn that everything he ascribes to Islam, is what murika is guilty of.

That is the crux. A fascist state needs an outside enemy. Now that communism can no longer serve this purpose, Islam does, and KKKynes loves him some xenophobia.

well Smok3y1 doesnt want to play, but hey you two can come at me one at a time or all at once, ill take ya with one hemisphere tied behind my medula oblongata!

the Koran and Hadiths, as well as history are all the backup i need.

your apologia is based on the apologia of other knuckleheads who took all their beliefs straight from the lips of the very people who are entreated to lie to the unbelievers whenever possible.

"violence in islam is new" tell that to the arabs who didnt want to join mohammed's mad quest for empire, or the jews in arabia, or the persians, or the hindus, or the turks, or the armenians, or the serbs, or the zoroastrians, or the druze, or the bahai, or the jains, or the christian pilgrims, or the people of Vienna, etc etc etc, ad nauseum.