How to Combat Sunni Jihad

EVERYWHERE mohammedans go, the people who lived there before them are either forced to take up arms to preserve their culture or they BECOME MOHAMMEDANS.
bucky and AC and the lefty gang LOVE "multiculturalism", it's the one thing they can all agree on, we should embrace EVERY culture on earth and welcome them into our hearts, otherwise youre just a MEANIE

Oh you poor oppressed white male US citizen.

It must be so hard.
Yes, serfdom was voluntary. They were not chattel, they could become serfs to some other lord.

but but... you just declared in another thread that slavery and chattel status were NOT interdependent.

further you ignored the britannica article which clearly proves you are a liar,

and whats more you have no idea what you are talking about, because one need only read the contemporary literature of the time to learn that serfdom was NOT voluntary, nor could a serf leave his current liege to serve another, save by ESCAPE, RUNNING HIDING AND TRYING NOT TO GET CAUGHT AND HUNG.
but but... you just declared in another thread that slavery and chattel status were NOT interdependent.

further you ignored the britannica article which clearly proves you are a liar,

and whats more you have no idea what you are talking about, because one need only read the contemporary literature of the time to learn that serfdom was NOT voluntary, nor could a serf leave his current liege to serve another, save by ESCAPE, RUNNING HIDING AND TRYING NOT TO GET CAUGHT AND HUNG.

ooooh, he's typing in caps again.

he must be making an ass out of himself is historical precedent is any guide.
Nice one. But, here is the situation right before that with Sunni conquest. The blue is what the Famous King Charlemagne re-took in about 750 CE.

This is the situation of Islam conquest today. That Green of Iran is only a problem because they are being plowed under by the rest of Islam.

So, you tell me, Christian soldier. Better or worse, now?
BTW, this is the middle period map. Right after Frank Land was cleared but the Moor still had Spain. You can see, that Islam took over from Byzantium.

Onward Christian Soldier!!!

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I heard the year 1212 was a GREAT time for French Children!

the crusades were a direct response to Moslem invasions of Europe, murder of pilgrims, rampant piracy on the high seas, raiding of silk road caravans, and many other offenses by the Moslem Caliphate against the "Christian World"

if you take "Moslem" and "Christian" out of the equation the crusades were a territorial war between two powers, one had been the aggressor for hundreds of years, the other power finally got sick of it and marshalled their forces to drive back the aggressor.
the crusades were NEVER a war of totalitarian extermination, the crusades' stated aim was to drive the aggressors out of territory they took by force, and end their predations on the trade and territory of europe and the levant (the holy land).

it was international politics in the age before diplomacy, and the Moslems started that shit.
So that was all appropriated in war?

yes. and the aggressors were driven back from much of it, then shit settled down to isolated pockets of violence outside the Moslem Caliphate, as they were concentrating on subduing the peoples they conquered.
resistance to the oppressor is a fine thing, but random inexplicable un-justifiable attacks against non-combatants is NOT how you make war, unless you listen to the koran, and it's imams and mullahs
yes. and the aggressors were driven back from much of it, then shit settled down to isolated pockets of violence outside the Moslem Caliphate, as they were concentrating on subduing the peoples they conquered.
resistance to the oppressor is a fine thing, but random inexplicable un-justifiable attacks against non-combatants is NOT how you make war, unless you listen to the koran, and it's imams and mullahs

That map shows over a quarter of the earth's land in green, and you are going to sit there and say that it is currently Muslim conquest by violent appropriation?

Nevermind the fact that there are dozens of countries within that area with distinct political status in each, and different languages spoken. Even if it were a single contiguous nation with a single culture and language, I just don't see how you can even make such a bold claim unless you're just fucking dumb.

Yeah I must have forgotten who I was talking to.
That map shows over a quarter of the earth's land in green, and you are going to sit there and say that it is currently Muslim conquest by violent appropriation?

Nevermind the fact that there are dozens of countries within that area with distinct political status in each, and different languages spoken. Even if it were a single contiguous nation with a single culture and language, I just don't see how you can even make such a bold claim unless you're just fucking dumb.

Yeah I must have forgotten who I was talking to.

yeah, thats an awesome reductio ad absurdm.

how would you describe the Abu Sayyaf insurgency in the largely catholic nation of the Philippines?
peaceful proselytizing or violent attempt to force everyon on those islands to bow to the demands of a few moslem radicals?

ohh wait i forgot what i was talking to.
A TOUT, who believes in nothing, but just wants to watch the world burn, so he can usher in his Helter Skelter style new world Disorder of "anarcho-_____________ism".
if you take "Moslem" and "Christian" out of the equation the crusades were a territorial war between two powers, one had been the aggressor for hundreds of years, the other power finally got sick of it and marshalled their forces to drive back the aggressor.
the crusades were NEVER a war of totalitarian extermination, the crusades' stated aim was to drive the aggressors out of territory they took by force, and end their predations on the trade and territory of europe and the levant (the holy land).

it was international politics in the age before diplomacy, and the Moslems started that shit.

If I take them out, can I put the Mongols in?
They had a funny political system, too, that changed dramatically after their encounters with Islam.
