How to sell weed? First-timer.

@Jay - Seriously? And you're putting-out hard earned cash to go to school? You're either stupid, stoned, or "The Man".......... Abandon hope all ye who enter....
You posted the question because you´re looking for an answer. We all have to start somewhere, I was where you are many years ago.

How to get customers? Look around, search, show your merch, you don´t show you don´t sell. You see a group of smokers walk right up to them and get in there. Let them know. Look for females that love to party they will plug you in with the scene.

Secure Locations for exchange- private property, houses, apartments, anywhere away from the public space. you can do it in public such as gas stations or on the street, but you have to be slick and keep on moving. In a private sceneario you can weigh it out and session, more relaxed and chilled.

At first clients will be pushy, once you build your client base you begin to train your customers, let them know what spots and times are acceptable for you. If they want it great, if not they can go with someone else.

a quarter is 80$ how would I make profit from that?- Increase your buying capacity, start buying oz.s, then QPs, then the full lb. To make a profit you have to buy low and sell higher, negotiate a better deal from your source, when they know it´s for business they´ll usually help out, unless it´s a dick dealer, and if that´s the case boycott him all together.

and in the case I get busted, how do I get rid of it? Eating it will dry out your mouth badly, try to save the product and bribe your way out of the situation. You have legs don´t you, then run, fast, put some distance. If the street level bribe does not work you will have to call your attorney, which you should have on retainer. Only take out what you´re going to move, don´t walk around with a pound, stash the pound and pull out an oz at a time, deliver 3 1/4s and hold on to one for demo.

For emergency evidence elimination you can use sulfuric acid, keep gallon of this on hand. You can keep a charcoal pit hot all day, you toss whatever into that and it will incinerate immediately

how do I get customers? ( I can't just ask anyone to buy )
secure locations for the exchange? ( off and on campus )
a quarter is 80$ how would I make profit from that? ( math.. )
and in the case I get busted, how do I get rid of it? ( eat it?? )

I know alot about herb but not about this sorta business I accept the danger and jail time involved in this so i don't need to be reminded.

Dont have a super active bank account going up and down spontaneously all the time. Keep "dirty" cash all together, that way its easier to count net profit and then if you need a little cash just grab from the stash. RECORD things if you want profit! If you chop to random people remember theres no harm in throwing out a fake name too, dont chop up for the popularity from people because then your just asking to get caught. You basically want to get as close as you can to taking on a whole other persona when choppin up, so basically the real life Walter White. lol Good Luck with everything:leaf:
yea keep cash on u until u have a reason to go to the bank don't just keep putting tons of money and taking out money they get suspicious but good luck and make some money
If your ever in doubt if someone is a narc, make em smoke weed.
If they're a cop (not including someone blackmailed by the cops to reduce their sentence i.e. not a cop), they can't and won't do it.
they'll loose their job.
good luck and only deal with people you know and trust.
you could set up a hierarchy with some friends, you grow and make your friends go and do the dirty work.
whatever you do use common sense.

That isn't true...I mean the task force doesn't condone the use of illegal drugs, but if they are after someone and the officer needs to use some to nab the guy, the officer will not be charged with any crime, and will be able to keep their job..the issue is when the cops have "had to try" the same hard drug a few too many times...then they find em wasted in the evidence room...
Not really, maybe? But cops can use drugs and keep their jobs in an undercover situation. For real...Only on movies and prison shows are cops not allowed to use and that is how you "know" or whatever...but it just isn't true...You can get effed up with a cop and still be the only one walking away in cuffs.
For emergency evidence elimination you can use sulfuric acid, keep gallon of this on hand.

I know the thread is old & I hear ya'll laughing at the overwhelming intelligence level. While acid may be a handy tool I've not heard anything of this. I am just guessing but I do not see acid being fast enough to destroy weed as evidence :eyesmoke:

Anyone have anything on this?
This thread is probably hella old but I joined just to post my 2 cents here for anyone looking for advice. Finding people to sell to shouldn't be that hard if you say you're going to college. Just make sure you attend a lot of parties and make a lot of right type of friends. Don't tell people you sell weed but once you are good friends ask them where they getting theirs from and tell them a friend you know might could hook them up next time they're looking. Get their number and name put it in a prepaid disposable cell phone for later. Normally spend a couple months hanging out with and making sure u know someone well enough before selling them anything (just because your getting to know them don't mean you have to tell them shit about you). Eventually your new friend is going to have his friends wanting weed also but be sure he knows they have to go thru him (don't want random ass people calling you and shit you need a low profile). Hell don't even meet people you sell to. Have them buy a bit coin off eBay and make them give the eBay seller your bit coin address in the payment details. Once the eBay seller sends you the bit coin which is usually pretty quick put the weed inside of a McDonalds bag and toss it in a trash can somewhere like at a self car wash (make sure you use a different place every time). Next send the person a message like eBay [email][/EMAIL]. They'll go there and see a email you got in there saying like: yeah man went and clean out my car today after getting some McDonalds at the *** car wash over on *** street. Most these dead email address sites expire after so many hours deleting all the email in them which is good. Also always use public library computer and NEVER carry more than an ounce or whatever your state is as to keep down fines and shit this makes it look like the weed is for your own personal use (one or two joints at a time at most and go back to da spot and get more later). I suggest drilling a small hole through your carpet and floor pan in the car so you can drop that shit out if you get lit up (don't ever eat that shit bro). I mentioned McDonald bag earlier because you can use the straws to roll join and stick it in the straw and put wrapper back on (also fits thru hole in floor real nice to and cops think it just road trash). Don't like that idea you can always get magnet and put into a plastic baggy with weed and go get a drink from your favorite machine. When you reach into get your change pop that sucker up in there to the side of machine (downside to this is if cops catch on you cant say you accidentally thru away your personal weed like at the trash can). They'll think your selling for sure. This was long and quick and grammar is awful but if your smart you can avoid trouble.
Bro trust me its not hard to be a dealer but it is hard to keep cash flow even becuz you need a decent group of people that will buy from you that will be consistent like 5 people hitting you up a day is a decent way to start an eventually move to more people only people you can trust. An if you meet someone an you say u need some pot an you dont know them an if they say yeah have them take a bong rip before u sell them anything cuz if its an undercover they will refuse to becuz they get drug tested so they cant if that happens stop talking to them an dont have anything more to do with them throw him/she out an your good also try not to get robbed lol especially for me since im white an 16 people will try shit on you if you dont know them got robbed only once an i stabbed that nigga after that i was straight no one ever tryed shit again so far. Also my dealer hooks me up so damn good i make double an triple profit from the shit i buy from him. i pay 70 an Oz of mids an flip it for 140-150 I get some loud dro for 150 an Oz flip that easily mids is 5 a G an dro 10 a G. i can get strawberry kush for 10 a G an flip for 20 on special occasions an u aint gonna make it if u just sellin dope you need to have varities like lsd,weed,and pills or something cuz if u just movin dope u wont make that much bank yes u will be making more than having a job but ur not gonna get rich an if u do it will take time of building up buyers. I sold at my highschool easy place to make the fast buck had 15-20people buying from me i usually had 4-5 a day come up to me an say can you hook me up an of course i was like yeah lets go to the bathroom an i will get u ur shit i stopped selling cuz one day me get busted on school campus with the shit on me but not selling so i only sell outside of school now
Selling weed is ez. But believe me buying a quarter at a time is not an efficient way to start.
You gotta invest more to get some numbers.

Take a gram or two with you and hit up your local parks after peak hours. 10am-4pm and sit somewhere safe and away from kids and their parents. Then smoke a bowl to keep you patient scout out the park for anyone smoking a cgi and hit them up wig where's all the weed at... Start a nice convo and get their number. If no one is around head to smoke shops and look for potential patients.
Next stop movie theaters, then liquor stores. Remember only take a gram or two for yourself cause most of the time stoners are sleeping in late. Look for skaters, or anyone looking like they would say fuck the cops. I've never met a narc, that's because I don't sell weed to losers... If they are losers just ditch them don't waste your time with anyone your don't wanna be friends with.
Find the best bud you can, become good friends with the poison smoking those buds until he gives up his connect. Keep climbing that laser until you reach the one who's moving ozs. Save up and go to that person asking for a deal on a couple oz, 2-4. Break those up into grams eighths quarters whatever your geography prefers then start eating your way into being a dealer. Hit up some parties, smoke worth some friends and when they say "hey man know where top get some bud?" You say "yea my buddy has some fire stuff I can get for you" (your weed you bought) he's hooked on the good stuff and it starts to sell itself. The key to success as a dealer is security and simplicity. Security meaning never meet at the same spot over and over and over again. I've had friends get indicted because it was convenient to meet at the closest carwash every time. KEEP YOUR BUD SAFE, buy a safe and bury that shit. Along with the money. Be creative in where to hide the shit. When I was in college my brother was my suitemate (the room connected via bathroom) my room was what people thought was the weed Room. Knock at the door hand em their but take the money get out. Campus safety knew what was going on but never caught on. Why? Because I kept 2 grams at a time in my room while 2-4 oz would be next door in my brothers vents. Every time a gram left we unscrewed the vent and replaced it. Tedious but effective. And by simplicity I mean blend in. Wear normal clothes, don't blow aol your money on the lavish things. Trust me once you see how fast and easy it comes it's easy to blow it as fast as it comes and this can be the cause of a mandatory 5 year sentence in the big house. Be a model citizen, help the elderly, volunteer and spend time and a little money on your family. Getting into marijuana dealing is just like starting any other business. Take baby steps and try to think as far ahead as possible. Treat your customers right and they'll always return.
There's no perfectly safe to sell illegal weed. If you decide to sell, realize that you're probably gonna get busted at some point. All it takes is one of your customers getting busted, and giving you up to get themselves a discounted sentence. The cops will gladly let a kid off of possession charges, if they can instead get a dealer.
1. Good judgment comes from experience.
2. Never forget why you started.
3.Trust your self, and become your own best friend. Learn that it is ok to walk alone, it is usually temporary.
4. Treat everything like it is your first project. Always give it that 100 % like your next meal depends on it.
5. Respect your customers.
6. Time mangement is key.
7. Smoke less then those around you.
8. Invest in yourself, don't be stingy on things you need.
9. Be grateful, stay humble.
10. Alcohol is your enemy.
I could go on forever...