I hate trimming thread!

I paid a bit more for the vevor one with that grate £130, at the time I did a little research and found they grates are only on trimmers costing hundreds of pounds, I'd also watched a video that implied they grates were better for dry trimming so I paid the extra for it.

Let me know how it runs for the tops. I’m tempted to try one this round as trimming gets old fast. If it does the lowers well that might justify it already!
Wahoo. Trimming is done..... Well for now. In the meantime I'm going to look for one of those bowl trimmers maybe try it once everything dries up nicey nice.
I also have a whole bunch of fresh frozen, that I'm going to attempt to make diamonds and terp sauce with.
The rest will be made into hash and then pressed
The acid dough smells like the old pineapple Express mixed with some tropical flavours. D-og has a definite dosi do scent mixed with like a gluey hashy kinda smell
The sour grape drops has a very distinct grape scent on the finish.
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Hovering around ideal temp and humidity. This one might take a while folks. About to run some fresh frozen bho. Or 'live resin' which I think the kids are calling it these days.
Using the acid dough, as it seems to have the most terps. Pics to follow