Well-Known Member
You believe there is no measurable difference between the democratic and republican party?Which is why I have no faith in the political process, which is why I don't vote.
I wouldn't argue liberals are "too lazy to vote", I'd argue, in recent times, more often than not the younger generation has tended towards liberalism, that's been consistent since Vietnam. With the introduction of the internet, that sentiment has increased exponentially. They don't tend to vote because a. they're not as familiar with the voting process itself as their older counterparts, b. they tend to believe less in the integrity of the voting system itself than their older counterparts, c. none of the candidates actually represent them or their interests, d. none of them feel like any of it matters (which applies to all age groups at that time)This is also the reason why liberals are too lazy to vote. That is of course unless there is some incentive like a lottery.
What's wrong with incentivising voting with a national lottery?
What makes you think if voter turnout went from 55% to 90%+, it wouldn't change anything?There is no perception that anything will change.
What candidate do I favor in your hypothetical scenario?Don't try to act like you don't favor a candidate either.
The question isn't if we should we or shouldn't we, it's "do you think it would work?"If people are too lazy to look out for their own self interest, then they get what they deserve. Shouldn't have to give out prizes.
I think making election day a national holiday would have the opposite effect of what you are going for. For the most part, only people with shitty jobs work on national holidays.