Illuminati is real, and they are more evil than you can imagine.

Well what do you have to say about JFK 1961 speech exposing secret sociaties and died after.... Who killed john f Kennedy.?????????


Well, I have seen some pretty evil shit in my time. Gonna take a little more than the Mickey Mouse club for satanists in training to impress me. Sheesh illuminatti!! You obviously neevr saw my ex mother-in-law in a thong bikini! Now that's frikkin evil with a capital EVIL! I laugh in the face of the illuminatti! Just sayin, not judgin.

I had a half brother who got beat to death over a few months by an in-law relative when he was only 3 years old. Is she more evil than that? Can you learn how to listen and open your eyes,and even further use all of your senses? You throw around the word evil like its a joke, in the wrong place and time. Do you even hear your thoughts before you utter them? I don't ask these questions to get an answer, but to provoke contemplation. Superficiality has a time and place. This thread is neither. You continue to input your non-contributing energy like its a responsibility. Where does this motivation come from?
Any comments directed towards my personal character or criticisms of my logic, or arguments that I failed to provide enough evidence to convince YOU ( whoever you are ), will be ignored, and I no longer feel the need to defend myself for anything I say in this thread, altho communication will inevitably happen. It is physically impossible for me to dedicate time to every single individuals needs for validation. Especially since most of our minds are so clogged up with false value systems, noise, and brainwashing of the system.

I have continually said knowledge, our consciousness clock, the seeking of positive responsibility, accepting liability, multigenerational planning, acknowledging the one true truth honesty, and etc are our only assets. Much like occupy wall street movement is like social white blood cells trying to fight a societal cancer. There ARE masonic symbols everywhere. The pyramids, pyramids with 13 unfinished steps, the 6 and 7 sided stars, the number 13, 12 around 1, the tree of life, the all seeing eye, owl symbols, goat heads, presidents and politicians and congressman who are skull&bones, freemasons, scottish rite, york rite, or etc etc, the shit is everywhere!

Am ~I~ religious? NO. I went up the ranks to confirmation tho, and I was raised catholic and went to catholic high school one year.

Do I think regardless of religious affiliation, do these symbols affect society and mean something? Yes! Just like if a brand such as Nike was to put their logo all over our money and national monuments, have headquarters across the street from the white house and other country's ruling headquarters, and have presidents on their board of directors.

Then, when everyone has lost true knowledge and is all trusting of authority, they can say, see, Nike rules the country, our logo is everywhere and our employees are in elected and nonelected positions, duh! HELLO?! And the symbols will reinforce the identity. They are doing this right under our noses because it has to happen that way. Maybe they are already saying this to themselves during their meetings! Wouldnt you if you had your family or organizations crest on a nations currency and depicted in many forms in many mediums throughout history?

Use the internet! BEFORE it gets censored, and any site talking about these topics gets called terrorism. Operation Snow White! I can sit here and tell you facts all day, just like you can tell a cigg smoker all day to quit, they wont quit unless they WANT to.

People who consider the word "sheeple" as a personal attack need to dig further, instead of just call me arrogant. Is it not true I admitted to living foolishly for many years? ? Should I have said "economic slave" instead? knowledge slave? How about political slave? We are all connected. I am who I am, if the hard headedness comes across as looking down upon someone as an individual, I thank you for making that clear, and it wasn't my intent. I dont hold grudges. But, I wont change.
Can you learn how to listen and open your eyes,and even further use all of your senses? You throw around the word evil like its a joke, in the wrong place and time. Do you even hear your thoughts before you utter them? I don't ask these questions to get an answer, but to provoke contemplation. Superficiality has a time and place. This thread is neither. You continue to input your non-contributing energy like its a responsibility. Where does this motivation come from?

He's not judging, he's just saying...<----rhetorical statement
Casey Anthony, Van Der Sloot, Ted Bundy, Patti Hearst etc etc All from affluent families and backgrounds, were they members of the illuminati or just frikkin nuts? One Jewish guy financed the entire revolutionary war? The Jews allowed the holocaust to get rid of a population of other Jews they felt was fodder and worthless?

How many posters of Hitler, Manson, and Nietzche do you have in your huge bank bought house? How many guns are in the window rack of your paid for pick-up? Are the other guys in your militia camp aware you are fear and hate mongering on the web?

Who told you that it is ok, to have a single sided, paranoid dellusional 'conversation' with a bunch of peaceful people on a cannabis forum? HMMM, maybe David Berkowitz' neighbors dog?
i don't think there is an "Illuminati" with an esoteric agenda, that have their own religion and want to control everything on the planet exist... though there is a possibility of that being the case. from what i see and hear, its the rich that want to continue to have a high class lifestyle for the rest of existence, and to order to do that there must be a separation between classes (the rich and the poor) because everyone cant have everything they want, its imposable. so in order for the rich to continue to have the lifestyle that they have become accustomed to, it is inevitable that the blue collor worker slaves stay oblivious to their agenda while they slowly but surely put the world into more and more poverty, keep us under control and make us do the dirty work while they sit on their fat asses and entertain themselves any which way they please.

They are realizing now more than ever as time progresses that their way of life is in jeopardy and that something must be done in order to keep the rich rich and the poor poor. people are starting to wake up and realize they will never be rich no matter how hard they try, and the people want equality. in order to do that the rich must be in control, and they will give us slaves JUST enough money to allow us to think we are rich (when we really arent) so we will do their bidding. i think this time is the most exciting time in history to be alive, the downfall of capatalism (if the people revolt) i think is inevitable if people want real change and equality. scary it may be, but i think a big change is coming within the next few decades that will change everything about the lives we have gotten used to, whether it be good or bad i not know.

this is all just my opinion
for everyone looking for physical evidence, you are doing nothing but ignoring the world around you, and the facts presented, in order to sleep well at night. And that is totally OK. Not everyone is capable or willing accept reality for what it is, and will fight tooth and nail to preserve the illusion.

So, this evidence we seek is all around us, it's all we can do to ignore it, yet you can not point to it. You can not give us a clear rationale for making these claims, you can not provide anything beyond wild speculation to support these claims, yet we are somehow the ones who fail?

in this thread, you can see the minions reach for anything to attack my personal character and credibility, when they themselves fail to share anything significant about themselves or this topic all. What gain do they get from this? Where is the motivation to react negatively to me, and attack me, really coming from? Who planted these seeds?

Poisoning the well: a common conspiracy nut tactic. Preemptive ad hominem.

This is how we approach every topic here.

1. The burden of proof falls to the party making the claim

2. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof

3. That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

There is nothing special about your character or credibility. No one is acting negative towards you, just critical. We are simply appealing to reason, evidence, and doubt; the common way in which skeptics approach any claims.

i notice two representations of the all seeing eye, while they are playing scottish rite horns.

Oh yes, and there is a reason why most, if not ALL, of wendys restaurants are made of brick or have some kind of fake brick feature, and the first wendys restaurant is now the headquarters of a religious organization. Know any other restaurants using the image of a little girl to sell food, as blatantly as in their logo? Dave thomas is a verified member of freemasons, shriners, and just about every society he could get himself too. I am breaking an oath I took by saying things like this about him and his business, but its true, and right now it feels ok to talk about.

[youtube]p_ufkWhcUxg[/youtube] <- wtf?

care to calculate the probability on the chances of those 5 words being chosen to be recited, in that particular period of time, in front of this particular audience? The kite one does seem out of place, but...thats just the dissonance that is needed. Maybe we dont understand it yet, and they sure couldn't have said "trade" or "world" or something. It just so happens its a strange story about a relationship with a goat, which just by chance is illuminati related. Why couldn't they be learning how to read bus, book, tile, grass, etc?

The story is about the goat devouring too many things, and because the girl loves it so much, she makes it stop devouring things. Then because they stopped devouring, they dont notice a burglar stealing dads car. The story then ends under the premise that this is not all the bad things that will happen. The first thing the president says after hearing we are under attack is about reinforcing More to Come...its repeated 3 times, and defined. Everyone is in order after news of the attack should have been available to everybody...but the whole classroom, reporters, filmers, were either unaware or being controlled. "...the rule of law, not the law of the jungle..."

John kerry touched on the topic of manifesting secrets from the society in an interview. The "Don't taze me bro" was someone who asked him about his Skull & bones already-verified affiliation.

why not just say that our government is now run by a plutocracy, and shit is going to hit the fan within the next decade because of it.

What is true wealth? Security that your kinship can survive? Driving a nice slave-mobile? Have you ever seen someone with true wealth or security, such as a president, king, queen, kadaffi etc, care about driving a certain type of car or wearing a certain type of clothing ( well kadaffi was vein as fuck and ended up getting killed...he obviously didnt have true wealth )? How can you and your kinship survive multiple economic cycles? How about fooling the people with fake wealth? They have a knowledge of things like wealth more than what we take for granted is trusted in the dollar bill, and have done a great job convincing everyone otherwise.

Some people are looking for the person with the illuminati tattoo on his forehead of the all seeing eye with the magic phone and a vault of books, and will never believe anything I say or anybody else says about the matter. That is OK. But, there will never be such a person found. Just like the creation of the corporation, there will never be just one entity that you could grab and kill and then have world piece. Its too big and going on too long. There is shit underground everywhere. A person only lives one generation, an idea survives multiple. As Bob said "I don't know where people get these BIG IDEAS"
oh man, wendy's is delicious.

so, do y'all get high?

Well said!!! LOL!! Thank you for chiming in with the only true words I have seen on this thread! I would give you reps now but RIU won't let me for a few hours. I will hit ya up later!!

As Homer Simpson...MMMMMMMMMMMMMM Wendys!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Any comments directed towards my personal character or criticisms of my logic, or arguments that I failed to provide enough evidence to convince YOU ( whoever you are ), will be ignored, and I no longer feel the need to defend myself for anything I say in this thread, altho communication will inevitably happen. It is physically impossible for me to dedicate time to every single individuals needs for validation. Especially since most of our minds are so clogged up with false value systems, noise, and brainwashing of the system."

Really? As others have already pointed out, I'd say the burden of proof falls squarely on you. Not the other way around.

If I told you that aliens were plotting to take over your attic and turn it in to central command, would you expect me to provide some sort of solid proof of this, or would you just hop on board the theory?

Any comments directed towards my personal character or criticisms of my logic, or arguments that I failed to provide enough evidence to convince YOU ( whoever you are ), will be ignored, and I no longer feel the need to defend myself for anything I say in this thread

Is this something you learned in forensic debate class? Imagine if we took this attitude in other areas. What if architects suddenly decided not to hear any criticisms of their designs? What if medical practice decided that logical coherence was not important to research? What if our judicial system felt that accountability was something that could just be ignored? Peer review is integral to finding the truth, yet you somehow feel entitled to discount any attempts to falsify your theory. Somehow in your world ignorance is an acceptable way to handle doubt, and those who do the doubting are inferior, or part of the conspiracy. These do not sound like the skills of someone who is capable of uncovering a global conspiracy, they sound like the traits of a coward who can not stand up to challenge. In fact, you are not even capable of explaining this conspiracy. The best you can manage are jumbled accusations arsing mostly from hyperactive pattern recognition and the inability to evaluate evidence.
Oh yes, and there is a reason why most, if not ALL, of wendys restaurants are made of brick or have some kind of fake brick feature, and the first wendys restaurant is now the headquarters of a religious organization. Know any other restaurants using the image of a little girl to sell food, as blatantly as in their logo? Dave thomas is a verified member of freemasons, shriners, and just about every society he could whore himself too. I am breaking an oath I took by saying things like this about him and his business, but its true, and right now it feels ok to talk about. does this make you a credible 'source'?

I had a half brother who got beat to death over a few months by an in-law relative when he was only 3 years old. Is she more evil than that? Can you learn how to listen and open your eyes,and even further use all of your senses? You throw around the word evil like its a joke, in the wrong place and time. Do you even hear your thoughts before you utter them? I don't ask these questions to get an answer, but to provoke contemplation. Superficiality has a time and place. This thread is neither. You continue to input your non-contributing energy like its a responsibility. Where does this motivation come from?
Any comments directed towards my personal character or criticisms of my logic, or arguments that I failed to provide enough evidence to convince YOU ( whoever you are ), will be ignored, and I no longer feel the need to defend myself for anything I say in this thread, altho communication will inevitably happen. It is physically impossible for me to dedicate time to every single individuals needs for validation. Especially since most of our minds are so clogged up with false value systems, noise, and brainwashing of the system.

I have continually said knowledge, our consciousness clock, the seeking of positive responsibility, accepting liability, multigenerational planning, acknowledging the one true truth honesty, and etc are our only assets. Much like occupy wall street movement is like social white blood cells trying to fight a societal cancer. There ARE masonic symbols everywhere. The pyramids, pyramids with 13 unfinished steps, the 6 and 7 sided stars, the number 13, 12 around 1, the tree of life, the all seeing eye, owl symbols, goat heads, presidents and politicians and congressman who are skull&bones, freemasons, scottish rite, york rite, or etc etc, the shit is everywhere!

Am ~I~ religious? NO. I went up the ranks to confirmation tho, and I was raised catholic and went to catholic high school one year.

Do I think regardless of religious affiliation, do these symbols affect society and mean something? Yes! Just like if a brand such as Nike was to put their logo all over our money and national monuments, have headquarters across the street from the white house and other country's ruling headquarters, and have presidents on their board of directors.

Then, when everyone has lost true knowledge and is all trusting of authority, they can say, see, Nike rules the country, our logo is everywhere and our employees are in elected and nonelected positions, duh! HELLO?! And the symbols will reinforce the identity. They are doing this right under our noses because it has to happen that way. Maybe they are already saying this to themselves during their meetings! Wouldnt you if you had your family or organizations crest on a nations currency and depicted in many forms in many mediums throughout history?

Use the internet! BEFORE it gets censored, and any site talking about these topics gets called terrorism. Operation Snow White! I can sit here and tell you facts all day, just like you can tell a cigg smoker all day to quit, they wont quit unless they WANT to.

People who consider the word "sheeple" as a personal attack need to dig further, instead of just call me arrogant. Is it not true I admitted to living foolishly for many years? ? Should I have said "economic slave" instead? knowledge slave? How about political slave? We are all connected. I am who I am, if the hard headedness comes across as looking down upon someone as an individual, I thank you for making that clear, and it wasn't my intent. I dont hold grudges. But, I wont change.

I've posted this before, but it seems suiting for this thread.


Here's a great one too ;)

Let's just say that the world is actually run by a secret cabal of illuminati (to your body with the impact of a 12 gauge shotty (double ought slugs, no love, straight thugs)), why the fuck would they leave a bunch of clues to their existence that can only be discovered by people tripping sack? It sounds like you might want to get slightly less high.

It's true that the world is controlled by a bunch of horrible people who are rich beyond our wildest imaginations, but you don't have to look for secret clues like Encyclopedia Brown on acid, just follow the money. They didn't get to where they are by a conspiracy, it's just really easy to stay rich when you're already rich, and you'll do terrible things like start wars to do so. Rich people have rich friends, it's no conspiracy. Do you really think someone can get off just by sneaking some Masonic symbols into something? These people dropped nuclear bombs on a city! Twice! You don't need secret mind control devices, people are idiots. Just tell them you're a job creator and that everyone should stop whining, throw in a little racial animosity and you should be good.

(also the one truth isn't honesty, it's love (betcha five bucks))
...(also the one truth isn't honesty, it's love (betcha five bucks))

Ever be "loved" by someone who is dishonest? How does that resonate? Usually they "love" you for selfish reasons such as because you are a better person, more stable, more attractive, wealthier, more honest, and they "love" you because of how bad their value system is, and seek meaning in life from you. To be loved, or I should say pursued and abused, by a dishonest person is nothing less than a curse. There is no real love without honesty. What if you were to fall in love with someone who wasn't honest with themselves and put on a front? Eventually their inner stress makes them explode and you see the real them, and they cant even stand to be around each other. See what im sayin here?

I enjoy your comments though, and thank you for the food-for-thought that you have contributed. Regarding the question of why they put symbols in plain sight, you obviously haven't read some of my posts, or done any research, but I equated it to Nike stamping their logo on our currency, having buildings designed in the nike symbol, making laws that benefit nike employees, having just do it on our great seal, and having their employees be elected into office and the symbols the whole time are reinforcing their position. They are keepers of knowledge and technology and mock our ignorance by flaunting these symbols in plain sight, and get us used to seeing them. Have you ever seen the freemasons brag about how many presidents and congressmen and founding fathers were members? Just because they stamped their membership on all these people it reinforces their position. You can't change the past....

George Washington James Monroe Andrew Jackson James Polk James Buchanan Andrew Johnson James Garfield William McKinley Theodore Roosevelt Howard Taft Warren Harding Franklin Roosevelt Harry Truman Gerald Ford

....just some presidents who members of the one branch, freemasons. doesnt include skull & crossbones members, or the rite, shriners, bohemian grove, cfr ( that obama admitted to not being an "official member" by accident ), or others organizations, who are really just minion organizations with false illusions of superiority. we, the enslaved, are the only ones who can make a decision to NOT listen to them, and play their game with our and our future childrens' lives. its the oldest most private social network in the history of the world.

the government puts laws on just how privately we can communicate with each other ( encryption levels ). Some of the most wealthy people in wall street right now, who amassed their fortunes by stealing your grandparents 401k's and otherwise contributing to the demise of our country in the last decade without regard for the citizens, were former armed forces cryptographers. They have made BILLIONS. There is one billionaire cryptographer who had 2 out of 3 sons die in their 20's or 30s, one swimming drown and one while riding a bike hit and run by a car. Anyone care to calculate those odds? He donates lots to charity...probably realizes his evil ways...I mean i guess it happens.....but you would think kids of a billionaire military genius could manage to not drown or get hit by a car and reach mid 30s no?
Would you consider Ivy League universities to be a secret society? A lot of wealthy powerful people seem to get educated at them for some reason.
uallach, our whole education system is compromised. obviously, there are good people and teachers with good morals, but the overall goal of the education system is not to empower us with knowledge, but to enslave us with ideas. We need to harbor our own vaults of knowledge, in subjects that we know are true, but they don't set it up for us to learn them and pass on to our children."math" existed before it was "discovered"....

here is a graphic showing yale and oxford being major sources of influence
JUST ONE EXAMPLE OF AN ILLUMINATI "CHART" one of my corporate finance professors was foreign and oxford trained. another was foreign and would constantly remind us how stable the swiss franc is and how unstable the dollar is. I had another foreign applied macroeconomics or whatever teacher that, using some esoteric data, drew a huge swastika on the projector during one class. A hall full of a few hundred students were sitting there, for about 30 minutes, graphing a swatstika in our notebooks, with reasoning behind it.


Ivy league is like a breeding ground. Its just another level of club of people who want to distance themselves from the rest of the population and are being groomed to obediently destroy the world, and propagate their ideas and rationalizations for their actions. In schools that teach management, they teach things quite different than schools that teach more operational employees. The classes deal with how to fire thousands of people ( business management), how to treat people like robots ( economic capital ), how to brainwash people ( marketing ), how to cheat on your taxes ( tax accounting ), how to get free money from the government and steal money from citizens ( finance ), and etc.Even in these subjects, there is a whole new level of mindfuck that is taught at ivy league. There is a reason why the degree is worth so much. It proves they are very obedient and without a soul. Is it just a coincidence freemasons and the rites and others use the term "degree" to signify level in the organization, higher the level the more you are exposed to.

They never let the middle class get too powerful. An economic crisis happens. A war happens. Something will happen.


We can all see how MMA isn't real fighting right? MMA is by chance the gayest thing masquerading as masculinity our society has ever experienced. Except Men in Tights football, or men in short shorts and tank tops basketball or shirtless volleyball.

They are "teaching" us how to fight by watching these S&M lovers foreplay each other on tv.


I dont mean to be condescending, but lets all be true to each other. No judgements. Just lets take things for what they really are.

OPEN YOUR EYES, TRUST YOUR HONEST INSTINCTS. You know how a primate fights? They rip off the opponents nuts and/or bite their jugular, or throw them, whip them around, etc, then eat the body. U know, after the warnings heh heh

We all have thoughts that cannot be expressed in this slave language called english or whatever, latin, or whatever based language they continually force us to box ourselves in with. They taught apes sign language...obviously there are more forms of conscious communication than what is allowed to be acknowledged by mainstream societies. It is a box for our thoughts, expressions, and emotions. The "language" of music is just an approximation of possibilities for what music can be. The church for a long time only allowed music that used certain notes or scales, and would kill anyone who moved away from their intellectual box. That is why all pop music sounds the same. 7 days in a week? 7 notes in diatonic scale. 12 months in a year? 12 notes in the chromatic scale. Just random numbers.

U is the difference between a Droid and a Druid. - always remember :D

this shit gets even sicker....
National Day of Prayer, created and solidified with two freemason and shrine connected presidents, which has its earliest occurring day to be May 1st, and happens on that day every 5-7 yrs....2003, 2008, 2013...

Hitler died May 1st. Osama died may 1st. We were never allowed to find either of their bodies.
The may 1st occult holiday ceremony requires a "god" like human sacrifice.
Would you consider Ivy League universities to be a secret society? A lot of wealthy powerful people seem to get educated at them for some reason.

As they are? No. They are complex institutions, and as gathering places of "insiders" they have no end of clubs, societies, other societies, opportunities to network with tomorrow's shakers and makers ... but imo that is incidental. cn