I'm voting for McCain....


Well-Known Member

Break out the Dictionary guy.... SURELY

Again, my point proven...... stay down, I don't want to beat you to death.


New Member

Break out the Dictionary guy.... SURELY

Again, my point proven...... stay down, I don't want to beat you to death.
DAMN you're dense.....I'm done with you.....you make everyone who talks to you look stupid....and not the way you think. SURELY? Damn......


New Member
~The Measure of The Man~
Anyone who has had an adversarial relationship with John McCain will tell you that there are few with less self-control than the senator from Arizona. Many have questioned his ability to maintain a clear head in a time of crisis. For those of us who have seen these sparks of insanity from McCain, we know all too well that what lies beneath is something dark, ominous and certainly not presidential. John McCain makes reference to his service to our great nation by almost daily reminding us of his five and a half year captivity in the Hanoi Hilton. Yet few have been able to look beyond McCain, the POW, to examine his political record, as if it were taboo somehow to be critical of a former prisoner of war. But what about this former prisoner of war and his criticism of the very same people who fought to bring him home from the dark dank cell he likes to remind us about so much? - The POW/MIA Families of those less fortunate than McCain, those who still have yet to be returned to the soil they gave their lives for.....................


Well-Known Member
DAMN you're dense.....I'm done with you.....you make everyone who talks to you look stupid....and not the way you think. SURELY? Damn......

It shows that you got very little out of school.... You learned hardly any thing in History Class and even less in English class.

You bore me.... I have to go and fix dinner.... thanks for playing.


New Member
It shows that you got very little out of school.... You learned hardly any thing in History Class and even less in English class.

You bore me.... I have to go and fix dinner.... thanks for playing.
I hope you've learned something, son.


Well-Known Member
I've learned that you parrot a postion and you haven't the education or fortitude to think for yourself

I plan on eating my dinner


New Member
Alright son, I'm leaving......now you stay at the table and finish your dinner. I better not find out you left this table until your plate is clean. Do you hear me? Good boy.


Well-Known Member
Hey ccodiane...Serious question. Since you're voting for McCain, how do you feel about his voting in favor of increasing the federal deficit to 9 trillion dollars? I hope you'll answer this question as I'm used to Obama supporters simply sticking their fingers in their ears when I ask them about his votes for FISA and Patriot.
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New Member
In all seriousness, I despise McCain....I'm voting for him if for no other reason than to show the libs you can't always get what you want.....I think they need to be defeated. Yes, McCain has liberal leanings, but he is not the libs candidate of choice. I believe McCain, in his "great wisdom", knew this all along. The libs would vote for the candidate that they saw as the lessor of two evils, Obama, and the conservatives would stay home.....except.....he also knew that we couldn't let O'bama win, since we knew he was really the "devious" one, (when it comes to undermining this country, INTENTIONALLY)....so we vote for the "not Obama" that has a chance. I can not support McCain, or supplant his principles for mine. He has my vote, though.