Inda-gro Induction...


New Member
damn, so i been a busy boy today...

repotted the Cannatonic (from a short #5) and a White Fire (from a 6x6 square) into 7 gallon pots.

then i ran out of BHO... and then i found 60g of Super Lemon Haze trim that i had literally forgotten about since April...

so i did a lil run and blasted 45g... got 5.80g out of it, and it is VERY lemony. i have been making nice errl for a while now, and every time i do, i swear its the best i have yet made. this batch is absolutely the best i have ever made. -=oD

i'll post pics later tonight. i need to get in and finish watering the girls.

i'll also take pics of the progression in veg and post those later. things are getting exciting again -=o)

also, the wife mentioned that i should start a blog. i might do that.

sorry, just did a dab and now i'm high and rambling -=oD



New Member
gah.. ended up working into the wee hours and then was too tired to come and post pics...

here's the errl that contributed to that outcome


i'll go take a video in veg in the next hour or so, and have that up soon thereafter.

be well everyone.

turns out that that the update and posting will have to wait a bit... need to run out to the store and also get some food.

i will have an update up later , tho. promise. -=o)


Well-Known Member
Wow...........awesome stuff chemist.........looks potent and mostly free of impurities; nice........


New Member
ahhmahgahd i'm so busy...

i haven't had time yet for a proper video update, but i did snap this pic real quick on my most recent exit from the garden.

left foreground is the Raspberry Kush and Purple Durban Poison babies.

going to the right along the wall from there it's the Mendo Purp , the Raspberry Kush mommy.

going to the right in the front is the Cannatonic and the White Fire.

in the middle between the MP, RK, CT, and WF is the Blue Dream.

in the right bottom corner is the Agent Orange and the bigger Purple Durban Poison that are getting into 7s tonight.

along the wall to the far right is a Blue City Diesel and 2 Obama Kushes. the other Blue City just got into a 2gal and is dripping her first watering in that pot off as i type.

the 4 wee lil clones in the foreground are a Cannatonic, Agent Orange, Blue Dream, and Obama Kush.

i have to finish the 7s up, and then either xplant and water, or just water some of the 6x6 PDPs... and it's only midnight... yay!

if all goes according to plan, i'll be back later!



New Member
thanks bro -=o)

seems that the earlier plans were put together a bit hastily... the AO and the PDP reluctantly explained that they really wanted a deeper dry cycle before transplanting. so i have a chore for right when i get up...

aside from that it's about time to wrap it up and hit thesack.

ttfn all.


Well-Known Member
Hey spliff what's bho like healthwise? And how do you make it dude? Seen the honey extractors on eBay. :)


Active Member
Finally found out about those inda-gro's me buddys been waiting on still havent arrived! thinking it might have to do with the difference in voltage we have out here they were supposed to arrive end of last month waiting for an email back!
Inda-GRO lights run at 120, 208, 240 and 277VAC, really they are 120-277VAC. They can be wired directly or with the correct plug end, they come wired to accept all of those voltages, with a standard US 3 prong plug (120VAC type), so the voltage is no problem.

I checked my International sales and I have not sold Inda-GRO in OZ since March, who did your friend buy from, was it Inda-GRO, or Grow-Light-Source (me - directly? We are authentic.

If he bought from one of those guys on Amazon, they may not have a warranty, they are not authorized sales points.

Please contact the Seller he used, if it was through Inda-GRO or Grow-Light-Source it will get solved. If not good luck,I hope he gets his light.


New Member
heya Buck

my take on BHO and other oil extractions is that they aim to isolate the active compounds away from the non-active plant matter. even in hash, there are the non-active trichome heads.

i prefer not to smoke, but also, eating is hit or miss for me. vaping BHO off hot titanium allows for higher dosing per hit, without there being open combustion in the process. what i draw in is just cannabinoid vapors; no smoke, no CO2, no CO, no ash.

the bubbler that i use only gets a cleaning every other week or so, and it's what i use for 98% of my medicating. at the end of those 2 weeks, the water is still perfectly clear and has a wad of oil floating on it (that can be reused again, or eaten with great effect - do THAT with your bong water!).

back when i used to smoke herb alot, i would often hack up those blackish lung nasties. especially after a night of heavy medicating. now i never do. and i cough a whole lot less in general.

all that being said, BHO needs to be made correctly in order to avoid adding bad stuff to the final product, such as contaminants from the butane. i've had BHO before that tasted like someone literally farted in the vial. it was so bad that the guy just gave the vial to me, with almost a gram in it. i took it home and winterized it with an ethanol wash and ended up with a tad over half a gram, but the end product was stellar. smelled like lemon pine trees and was shatter consistency. that loss of weight was the removal of the schmutz that the original guy left in. cleaner oil leave less residue on the Ti nail. i use an exact-o mini chisel to clear the head of the nail once a month and its only a very small amount of black char-like stuff. considering that a gram of BHO will struggle to last me 2 days... i'd say that's not a lot of funk residue for 15g+ of oil.

my oil that i have been posting pics of is technically a 2-step oleoresin, just like most all other BHO around. i just use really clean tane and additionally carbon filter it myself, then the solute is filtered to one micron and then thin film purged of the solvent via heated vacuum.

one time i decided to winterize the BHO in ethanol and filter it again, but it didn't get any cleaner (it was already clean to 1 micron), but i did lose the remaining terpenes. so i don't do that anymore.


Active Member
the technologi is actually old. i read up on these lights also. they look like real deal. and way less spendy to run than hps. in fact. i just got my elec bill today. it was 207. for two months. the whole house, but, its been warming up, i havent had to use my furnace hardly at all. just my 1000 hps, my 432 watt t-5. blower, etc. not too bad, i think...


New Member
@PSU: ya, i get plenty of sleep -=oD just got 8 hours, altho night before was only 4... at least i don't have bloom running now... HA. ...

all i can say, bro, is that Cannabis is a labor of love for me.

in all of my life, there has never been anything that i would happily lose so much sleep over. in fact, when i was taking hort and psych classes in college a few years ago i made it so that all of my term papers were Cannabis related. now that i am not in classes, i actually research Cannabis more than i did in prep for term papers!


Well-Known Member
Inda-GRO lights run at 120, 208, 240 and 277VAC, really they are 120-277VAC. They can be wired directly or with the correct plug end, they come wired to accept all of those voltages, with a standard US 3 prong plug (120VAC type), so the voltage is no problem.

I checked my International sales and I have not sold Inda-GRO in OZ since March, who did your friend buy from, was it Inda-GRO, or Grow-Light-Source (me - directly? We are authentic.

If he bought from one of those guys on Amazon, they may not have a warranty, they are not authorized sales points.

Please contact the Seller he used, if it was through Inda-GRO or Grow-Light-Source it will get solved. If not good luck,I hope he gets his light.
Yeh was inda-gro man not sure whats happening yet waiting on a reply soon!


Well-Known Member
@PSU: ya, i get plenty of sleep -=oD just got 8 hours, altho night before was only 4... at least i don't have bloom running now... HA. ...

all i can say, bro, is that Cannabis is a labor of love for me.

in all of my life, there has never been anything that i would happily lose so much sleep over. in fact, when i was taking hort and psych classes in college a few years ago i made it so that all of my term papers were Cannabis related. now that i am not in classes, i actually research Cannabis more than i did in prep for term papers!
Well that's what its all about in life my friend/congrats.........Most of us can only dream about loving their work (I miss tending crops everyday), but alas I have to pay the bills and be one of the sheep(you wouldn't believe what I do now!) turning the gears of this capitalist machine:cry:

Be safe spliff and happy growing...........


New Member
just wanted to stop in and say hi -=o)

i just got off the phone with the kind folks at Inda-Gro... i placed an order for a second 420PAR and a second 200PAR. things are coming together so nicely!

i'm kinda going slow motion in the room until the new lights get here, then it's all gonna shuffle together and bloom should be ready to start up, with at least 3 of the girls shortly thereafter.

i have yet to check on the room, and i'm expecting to have some watering to do. i'll try to remember to snap a few pics, or a video while i'm in there. -=o)

be well everyone!


Well-Known Member
just wanted to stop in and say hi -=o)

i just got off the phone with the kind folks at Inda-Gro... i placed an order for a second 420PAR and a second 200PAR. things are coming together so nicely!

i'm kinda going slow motion in the room until the new lights get here, then it's all gonna shuffle together and bloom should be ready to start up, with at least 3 of the girls shortly thereafter.

i have yet to check on the room, and i'm expecting to have some watering to do. i'll try to remember to snap a few pics, or a video while i'm in there. -=o)

be well everyone!
Oh man cant wait to see that haha!!


New Member
so ya totally sorry for the lag on the video update!

here is one i just shot:

today is to be spent blasting some errls, and lightproofing the windows in the room... i'll try to stop by later, but even if i forget to, be well everyone!


Well-Known Member
so ya totally sorry for the lag on the video update!

here is one i just shot:

today is to be spent blasting some errls, and lightproofing the windows in the room... i'll try to stop by later, but even if i forget to, be well everyone!
Love the vid man! Damn you make em look nice over there spliff ooh im so damn excited dude! Loving how many lamps you can run of the powerboard that's sick man! Seen your work on the new facebook user submitted pics for Inda Gro good work man damn so many of these getting set up now man!


New Member
Hey everyone!

The new lamps showed up today! WOOT!

Gotta take the wife to a doctor appt soon, but then the night is going to be fun! stay tuned for more updates!