Indoor CFL grow journal of someone who doesn't know what they're doing.


Well-Known Member
Where are you going to pick up soil- that would help to answer about the soil question.. you'd have to goto a hydro store or garden store to actually find good good soil.

Yes, be careful transplanting her. Do not disturb roots. That's the goal- don't disturb the roots. You prolly wont be able to just slide her out simply, but she's pretty young- root system shouldn't be everywhere yet..


Well-Known Member
Where are you going to pick up soil- that would help to answer about the soil question.. you'd have to goto a hydro store or garden store to actually find good good soil.
I did a search on google alittle while ago for hydro stores in the area...can't find any. I have about another hour of class left and then I'll be checking out the garden center at walmart and lowes.


Well-Known Member
Hm. Well, whatever you do don't pick up Miracle Grow soil. LOL.. don't take anything that says something along the lines of "feeds plants up to 3 months".


Well-Known Member
Hm. Well, whatever you do don't pick up Miracle Grow soil.
I was planning on staying away from that. I've read alot of people complaining about miracle grow. Considering that I'm being reduced to shopping at Walmart and Lowes, I wouldn't be suprised if MG is all they carry.


Well-Known Member
mg is not bad all my plants are in mg and there growing healthy
I'm sure that things will probally work out fine if I use MG, but I have just heard so many people saying not to use MG that if I have other options, I think I'm gonna take them.


Well-Known Member
MG can work, but you'll have to adjust the ph to compliment the off ph of the soil- you'd also have to watch closely, the nutes in mg soil can over nute your plant, since they are time released- the amount released and when if all over the place- making it ridiculously hard to try and control what the plant gets when for optimal growth. Also, the soil doesn't contain everything the marijuana plant needs- so you're going to have to addnutes- then which you'll prolly over nute on the nutes in the soil orignally... just too much of a hassle. Leave the mg for what it was meant for- weekend gardeners.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so I'm back home now from Walmart and Lowes. At walmart I got myself to 10 inch pots and drip trays. I was going to get soil but all they had was MG.

So then it was off to Lowes. I went to their garden center and went over to the first set of bags of soil I saw. But they were all for lawns, at this point I said to myself, "No, this is all for lawns. I don't want to grow a lawn, I just want to grow some grass." Ok, I know that was stupid and cheesey, but it made me laugh so I thought I'd share.

Anyways, at lowes I got a light upgrade for esmerelda. Soon as I post this I will be giving her her new 3 pack of 100wat replacement CFL. right now she's working off 3 of the 60 watt replacements. And I got my new soil. I wound up getting Sta-Green's Moisture Max Potting Mix. Unfortunately the bag were in the outdoor section of the garden center...they're all frozen. Transplanting will have to wait for tomorrow.

I guess that's all for right now. I'm gonna go and set up the soil infront of the heater and then take some pix.


Well-Known Member
So I went and put those new bulbs in my lamp...none of them work. I even tried them in a different lamp and nothing. A 3 pack of bulbs and none of them work...what the fuck?

Tomorrow is Feb 29th, that will make Esmerelda 2 weeks old based on my estimated sprout date.

alright, new pix time.

The first one is my set up in all its simplistic glory. Then there's a shot zoomed in of her leaves and the lights. That's followed by the 5 seeds I started the other night. Then another close up.

The next one is her with a tape measure. Is she short for 2 weeks old? Next is the jar she's in with what looks like roots. Those aren't her roots are they?



Well-Known Member
So I went and put those new bulbs in my lamp...none of them work. I even tried them in a different lamp and nothing. A 3 pack of bulbs and none of them work...what the fuck?

Tomorrow is Feb 29th, that will make Esmerelda 2 weeks old based on my estimated sprout date.

alright, new pix time.

The first one is my set up in all its simplistic glory. Then there's a shot zoomed in of her leaves and the lights. That's followed by the 5 seeds I started the other night. Then another close up.

The next one is her with a tape measure. Is she short for 2 weeks old? Next is the jar she's in with what looks like roots. Those aren't her roots are they?
Did you give them a minute??? the new lights?sometimes they take a minute to warm up...


Well-Known Member
I just went in and pluged it back in, gave it 10 minutes, still nothing.
oh hun im sorry...takem back its not a bad sign so dont think that you are on a good track with your frozen soil and all lmao...seriously tomorrow will be better you can transplant you'll have your lights besides those 100's are prolly a lil much for that lil seedling so if you dont get the lights exchanged tomorrow no big deal I would keep her (positive thinking) with the light she knows...coming out of the jar is going to be change enough for her....then after she is doing good in her new home you can start adjusting the lights up but its REALLY good that those lower wattage lights can be so close to her it will make her bushy which is good instead of stretchy which isnt so good at this stage dependent on strain...keep your chin up!!!


Well-Known Member
Esmerelda will have to be transplanted asap.

Transplanting her out of that jar (where the lip is smaller than the jar itself) will be disastrous when she's really NEEDS to be transplanted.

Drainage holes are a must- some experienced people can do it, but it's real tricky.

Agreed. That could have possibly been the worst thing you could have used. You would eventually have to break that jar to transplant that thing.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure that things will probally work out fine if I use MG, but I have just heard so many people saying not to use MG that if I have other options, I think I'm gonna take them.
People always have to find something to blame their mistakes on. You can find many quality growers on this site that use MG.


Well-Known Member
I'd throw those new seedlings in a plastic party cup (like the kind you play beer pong with). Then when its time to transplant you can just take a sharp knive slice one side, cut the lip (top) with scissors, cause it's hard to slice with a knife... pop um out and it's soooooo easy to transplant your babies. I have found that just popping it upside down and hoping it comes out isn't necessarily the best option sometimes.


Well-Known Member
I'd throw those new seedlings in a plastic party cup (like the kind you play beer pong with). Then when its time to transplant you can just take a sharp knive slice one side, cut the lip (top) with scissors, cause it's hard to slice with a knife... pop um out and it's soooooo easy to transplant your babies. I have found that just popping it upside down and hoping it comes out isn't necessarily the best option sometimes.

Actually I got some of those peat moss cups. So when the time comes I don't actually have to transplant, I just stick the cup in the pot and the roots grow through the cup