Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

There you go putting the weight on a Pregnant Teenager having been raped by her Father!
Now you are out of line, you were speaking of contracts for sex FFS and I proposed a more pragmatic solution to one aspect of this issue.

I'm pro choice and the issue of reproductive rights was settled in my country back in the sixties, these issues are are primarily an American problem, most of the civilized world has moved on. I try not to comment too much on American domestic affairs, but the Muslims have far more liberal abortion laws than most American states, or soon will. My interest is primarily the fight for liberal democracy whether that fight be in America or Ukraine. Liberal democracy means more groups and people are included in the social and power structure over time, including women, brown folks and LBGTQ communities too. All fascists pick on minorities and try to make them the "other", it is necessary to have an enemy to invoke tribalism.

Conflating parental financial responsibility with blaming a victim of incest, is a bit over the top.
I'm just now following the SCOTUS betrayal!

It don't matter if they think it was not decided correctly ( R V W ) it is a right we have had for fifty years!

Think about this.
Look at how long it took before Americans were okay with paying for T.V.
Oh you very young folk! Going back to when Roe V Wade was new we did not pay for T.V. Hell no!
It has taken decades to get us to Netflix which owes it's joy and acceptance to HBO! That was the Gateway Drug!

So look around and see what else is free and see how people react when the powers-that-be try and make people pay for what was free.
Abortion access was that "Free-stuff."
This is not a done deal with SCOTUS. This will not stop Abortions it will only make them unsafe and expensive.
For most poor women, women who are at an economic disadvantage to begin with, they will face the worst of it. They will die from bad abortions. They will be mostly Women of Color. Make no argument because that is the absolute truth of this Nazi Complaint group of five not so honorable men and a Woman who thinks the Handmaid's Tale is the right future for Women.

All we are doing is turning the clock back towards that idyllic concept of White Middle Class America.
That dog is dead!

Americans believe in Freedom. Repealing Freedoms, even from something that was considered non-political like SCOTUS, is not going to happen.
They can try. They can demand. They can go to Hell!

So we wait for June to see who lied to Congress. My Money is on Gorsuch ,Kavanaugh and Barrett.
The question was "Is Roe v Wade settled Law?" Their answers were "Yes it's settled law."

John G. Roberts, Chief Justice of the United States

John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the United States,

Clarence Thomas, Associate Justice,

Stephen G. Breyer, Associate Justice

Stephen G. Breyer, Associate Justice,

Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice

Samuel A. Alito, Jr., Associate Justice,

Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice

Sonia Sotomayor, Associate Justice,

Elena Kagan, Associate Justice

Elena Kagan, Associate Justice,

Neil M. Gorsuch, Associate Justice

Neil M. Gorsuch, Associate Justice,

Brett M. Kavanaugh, Associate Justice

Brett M. Kavanaugh, Associate Justice,

Amy Coney Barrett, Associate Justice

Amy Coney Barrett, Associate Justice,
You realize this is a public forum right? You have no right to dictate who can or can't inhabit strictly due to political affiliation. That is just juvenile. what happened to all the tolerance and equality being preached here? You have no right to remove 50% of the American population from communication protocols due to differing political ideology.

Everyone has a right to an opinion regardless of their political affiliation. If you don't like it, move on.

Welcome to "tolerance, equality and unity" in 2022. I don't agree with their views on abortion at all, but i'm not going to violently slander them and claim they should be banned from public discourse because of a difference in opinion. That is just childish.
Did I say they should be banned? No. Quit making shit up.
Some people will be different from you in life. You dont have to be angry hateful person.
Wow. That’s the most truthful thing somebody like you has probably ever posted on here. Bravo!
Now hop in front of the mirror and repeat that line a few times ok.
Did I say they should be banned? No. Quit making shit up.
Same to you. i didn't say anything about a ban. Im talking about your abusive "fuck off you piece of shit" and "have zero place here"

Telling someone they aren't welcome in a public forum due to an affiliation with a party that 50% of the country supports is moronic. How about you start enforcing the "equality, tolerance and unity" being preached as paramount by your party, otherwise its pretty hypocritical and there is no argument to be had here at all. An extremist is an extremist whether its right or left.
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Same to you. i didn't say anything about a ban. Im talking about your abusive "fuck off you piece of shit" and "have zero place here"

Telling someone they aren't welcome in a public forum due to an affiliation with a party that 50% of the country supports is moronic. How about you start enforcing the "equality, tolerance and unity" being preached as paramount by your party, otherwise its pretty hypocritical and there is no argument to be had here at all. An extremist is and extremist whether its right or left.
It's sad we have people like that but unfortunately that's our world today. They see people like you and I, as less than them. They really think the are "better" due to their views on the world. Sadly this isn't going to change.
It's sad we have people like that but unfortunately that's our world today. They see people like you and I, as less than them. They really think the are "better" due to their views on the world. Sadly this isn't going to change.
I just don't get it. I don't support the republicans views on abortion at all, or their views on quite a lot of issues at the moment, but i'd never violently slander them and try remove them from public discourse. I just don't understand it.
It's sad we have people like that but unfortunately that's our world today. They see people like you and I, as less than them. They really think the are "better" due to their views on the world. Sadly this isn't going to change.
I just don't get it. I don't support the republicans views on abortion at all, or their views on quite a lot of issues at the moment, but i'd never violently slander them and try remove them from public discourse. I just don't understand it.
poor little snowflakes :-( i’m sorry i hurt your feelers.
Louisiana’s new fetal personhood bill—which House Republicans just voted out of committee 7–2—making abortion a crime of homicide “from the moment of fertilization” and allowing prosectors to charge patients with murder.

Louisiana’s new fetal personhood bill—which House Republicans just voted out of committee 7–2—making abortion a crime of homicide “from the moment of fertilization” and allowing prosectors to charge patients with murder.

If they aren't assessing cases and that's a straight blanket law, there's no way they aren't doing that out of some form of spite.

I don't agree people should be getting abortions everytime they can't control themselves, but there has to be some assessment of reason or that's straight malicious in my eyes.

I hope they have provisions for women that bear child due to assault, as that can lead to issues with PTSD and self loathing/ child directed loathing and violence which lead to the child being murdered by the mother out of pure mental distress and trauma. I'm baffled.

My ex gf was involved in criminal justice and that scenario is more common than most think. I'd rather the child was aborted short term than murdered out of spite and anguish any day.

This clearly isn't a black and white issue and shouldn't be treated as one.
Discourse winds up where it does for reasons. It's funny to me as the people that are now the angriest are the centrists. They tried being reasonable for years. Freedom caravans yelling fuck your feelings We are drinking bleach and you can't stop us at them might have been the last straw.

The left people have been quiet since 2020.
I just don't get it. I don't support the republicans views on abortion at all, or their views on quite a lot of issues at the moment, but i'd never violently slander them and try remove them from public discourse. I just don't understand it.
You are confusing ridicule with slander. It’s not slanderous to call a piece of shit a piece of shit.

A large majority of Republicans are anti-democratic cowards who only care about obtaining power. They, and anyone who supports them deserves to be ridiculed.
This whole thing will end when Women require men to have a Financial Contract before having sex.

Tell me Men, will you be so willing to get a Woman in Bed if you are on the hook with a Financial Contract in case of Pregnancy?

The whole Abortion argument will vanish!
Abortion will be added to the Books of the Bible as God's will.
a sales piece for gay.
Louisiana’s new fetal personhood bill—which House Republicans just voted out of committee 7–2—making abortion a crime of homicide “from the moment of fertilization” and allowing prosectors to charge patients with murder.

oh yeah that’ll last, nyuk nyuk
The GOP are the christian taiban
Islam has far more liberal abortion laws, their Holy book actually mentions it and abortion is legal under Shira law, up to a point. So stop comparing the Taliban with Republicans, the Taliban at least have morals, I might not agree with them, but they live and die by them. :lol:
I disagree!

Our Constitutional law doesn't allow either a minority rule or the Majority to "Rule!"

We are trying to be a Democracy. Our "grand Experiment" has been running for a long time.

While the United States of America

That would be about 1807.


As I understand it our foundation was based on appeasing Slave States. Instead of Senators being apportioned based on population it is based on the "Vote-Count" of States. That was a big mistake. A mistake of a self-centered White Elite.
All of our Problems are from a Self-Centered White Elite.
The small states would not have joined the union without this protection. Both northern and southern small states. In those days the big boys were New York, Mass and Virginia, and everyone else were worried about them dictating what happened.