Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

Vote out Republicans.
Alas the bigotry is strong within our American friends, the democracy flawed and a miniscule minority rules, like aristocrats of old. A majority or even a big one is not enough, because a 6/3 SCOTUS will strike down anything you do that has meaning, or that can change anything significantly. They gotta win and fight dirty before and after they win, they are fighting fascists, with a terrorist wing, this ain't politics as usual, this is becoming more like Ukraine, another culture war.
In fairness, it’s gotta be tough to wield a 51-50 majority when two of your crew are paid to vote with the Republicans. Not saying he couldn’t do better, but it’s a fairly rare skillset
I was thinking about Manchin and what the voters may be like in West Virginia, and wondered if perhaps there was no actual Democrat running so the Republican party said, Hey, Joe- you should switch parties and run so we can ensure “we” get elected.
Alas the bigotry is strong within our American friends, the democracy flawed and a miniscule minority rules, like aristocrats of old. A majority or even a big one is not enough, because a 6/3 SCOTUS will strike down anything you do that has meaning, or that can change anything significantly. They gotta win and fight dirty before and after they win, they are fighting fascists, with a terrorist wing, this ain't politics as usual, this is becoming more like Ukraine, another culture war.
I really do think Russia’s influence on politics in the US, particularly in the Republican party, is finally seeing fruition for their (Russia’s) cause- divide the US and then strategically infiltrate the States so that US (D.ivided S.?) folks think they are fighting each other, and the peaceful people here simply accept that and do nothing because they think, “but it’s our own people!”.
Fascism is fascism, and defending freedom from it requires ordinary peaceful people to defend themselves physically. That’s just how it is in this tired world. Of course- just my take- I hope for better
Seriously: fact-check the shit you believe…hard to stay on your high-horse when you spray gibberish. Here’s a big ol’ hint, the garbage you spout here is senseless crap, made up by those you should be concerned about, and fed to you to make you charge the imaginary enemy they’ve set up for you.

Plenty of evidence for this, just in the last 22 years (since Shrub conned his way into a national nomination); exercise those critical thinking skills for a change, instead of just swallowing

Blah blah blah you didn't address shit with this post so why even quote the post for?

Where's the evidence in the last 22 years for w.e the f you're talking about
I really do think Russia’s influence on politics in the US, particularly in the Republican party, is finally seeing fruition for their (Russia’s) cause- divide the US and then strategically infiltrate the States so that US (D.ivided S.?) folks think they are fighting each other, and the peaceful people here simply accept that and do nothing because they think, “but it’s our own people!”.
Fascism is fascism, and defending freedom from it requires ordinary peaceful people to defend themselves physically. That’s just how it is in this tired world. Of course- just my take- I hope for better
I think the Russians only helped, but may have helped enough in 2016, most of the disinformation heavy lifting was done by the rightwing propaganda for profit companies like: Foxnews, OAN and the hate AM radio networks. The social division is based on racism and bigotry, expanded into culture wars to include more people, make them go tribal and give cover to the cement that glues them together, fear and bigotry. They have a greater "cause", they are at war and will sacrifice for their side, the psychology is the same in Ukraine, their tribalism is motivated by reality though, Russians really do want to exterminate them and their culture.
The timing of the supreme court decision is no coincidence, it's meant to be a distraction from the Jan 6th committee and Stinkys crimes.
They took a break for a couple of weeks, this won't last long, there is nothing to say or do except organize and vote. There ain't much "controversy" here and the story has no legs. Drop the pro choice signs in front of the SCOTUS and pick up Justice and blood signs and stand in front of the DOJ demanding the prosecution of every republican involved in J6 and make sure they are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Demand the heads of many of those who brought you to this point, they stuck their necks out a long way for Trump, so chop their fucking heads off!
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What a lawyer thinks. If they can't protect basic human rights, what chance do your constitutional rights have?

Bad audio on this one, but I agree with him and it is a logical thing to do, Start with Thomas though and get him to retire, tie him and Jenny to the conspiracy with an impeachment hearing and other justices as witnesses along with clerks too. Would they defy a congressional subpoena?

Supreme Court revokes women's constitutional rights. Congress MUST open impeachment hearings - NOW
22,311 views Jun 25, 2022 A handful of Supreme Court justices just revoked the constitutional privacy interests of women. One thing is crystal clear: several of the justices deceived the Senate and the American people by lying during their confirmation hearings, pledging - under oath - to respect the settled precedent of Roe v. Wade, knowing all the while they intended to kill the very settled precedent they pledged to respect. This video sets out why Congress MUST initiate an impeachment inquiry to see if it's appropriate to draft articles of impeachment for the justices who lied during their confirmation hearings. This video also argues why such hearings are just as necessary and important - regardless of the outcome - as are the current January 6 public hearings.

The Supreme Court has signaled that it intends to revoke other constitutional rights currently guaranteed to the American people. Failing to act is simply not an option for Congress.

Please note: I apologize for the uneven sound quality on this video, as I was on the road when this horrific Supreme Court decision was announced and I did not have the equipment necessary to capture better sound.
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Blah blah blah you didn't address shit with this post so why even quote the post for?

Where's the evidence in the last 22 years for w.e the f you're talking about
I don’t address shit: post something more sensible For a more ‘responsive’ response

As for the evidence..are you really that helpless? No one’s paying me to educate you - much less spoon-feed you, and I have actual work to do. It’s in the public record, so you should have no trouble if you’re asking smart questions…like, “why DO I believe the things I say?” Any semi-literate native English-speaker can (and SHOULD) do it. Often.
I don’t address shit: post something more sensible For a more ‘responsive’ response

As for the evidence..are you really that helpless? No one’s paying me to educate you - much less spoon-feed you, and I have actual work to do. It’s in the public record, so you should have no trouble if you’re asking smart questions…like, “why DO I believe the things I say?” Any semi-literate native English-speaker can (and SHOULD) do it. Often.

What you want me to specifically search for on great and far more educated one than me, have mercy on thine peasant that is I and show poor bubba the way
Maybe the pause in the J6 hearings was for a couple of reasons, new evidence and yet another documentary with evidence and they got wind of the SCOTUS decision dropping. However, since it did, the focus of the hearings might include Jenny Thomas as a more central character and anybody on the court she spoke to and her involvement in J6, she rented buses for them FFS! They might do it as a preliminary to having an impeachment inquiry for Clarence with a simple house vote. If that happens they might call the whole court to testify publicly along with the clerks. Would Clarence retire?
Maybe the pause in the J6 hearings was for a couple of reasons, new evidence and yet another documentary with evidence and they got wind of the SCOTUS decision dropping. However, since it did, the focus of the hearings might include Jenny Thomas as a more central character and anybody on the court she spoke to and her involvement in J6, she rented buses for them FFS! They might do it as a preliminary to having an impeachment inquiry for Clarence with a simple house vote. If that happens they might call the whole court to testify publicly along with the clerks. Would Clarence retire?
i'm sure gay marriage is in the near sights of the SC now that they can't be stopped.

imagine if inter-racial marriage was next? what would Ginny and Clarence do then??
Whitmer files motion asking state Supreme Court to quickly take up lawsuit over abortion rights
Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) on Friday filed a motion asking for the state’s high court to quickly take up her lawsuit, which aims to stop a decades-old abortion ban from being enforced and considers abortion a constitutional right in the state.

“We need to clarify that under Michigan law, access to abortion is not only legal, but constitutionally protected. The urgency of the moment is clear—the Michigan court must act now,” Whitmer said in a statement.

“With today’s U.S. Supreme Court decision, Michigan’s extreme 1931 law banning abortion without exceptions for rape or incest and criminalizing doctors and nurses who provide reproductive care is poised to take effect,” she added. “If the 1931 law goes into effect, it will punish women and strip away their right to make decisions about their own bodies.”

Whitmer’s remarks came after the federal Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, eliminating the constitutional right to an abortion. The ruling gives states the authority to determine abortion rights, creating a patchwork of different rules across the country.

Michigan has a 1931 law on the books that outlaws the medical procedure in the state unless “necessary to preserve the life of” the patient; the Michigan Court of Claims last month issued a preliminary injunction against that law after a doctor and Planned Parenthood of Michigan filed a legal challenge against it, Michigan Radio reported.

Whitmer on Saturday reiterated that abortions are still legal in the state.

“Because of a temporary injunction, abortion is still legal in Michigan,” she tweeted.

The Supreme Court’s decision is already having far-reaching consequences for a handful of states that have immediately banned abortions, or have caused uncertainty in states like Wisconsin over old laws that had previously been unenforced amid Roe v. Wade.