Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

I was asking a neutral question in a debate scenario..why do people 'like you' often use that phrase? It's rude, crass to use with fellow members who you've been conversing with for years and frankly makes me wonder about your mind stability.
A leading question is neither neutral or good for stimulating debate.
I'd say forget this SCOTUS business for awhile, protest if you want at the SCOTUS, for all the good it will do. Face it you are at cold civil war and must adapt to circumstances or perish, so start thinking like you are at war, with fascism. Attack where they are weak and J6 is where they are weak, drop the prochoice signs and pick up we want justice and blood signs and take the mass protests to the steps of the DOJ and congress.

It is these congress people and senators who brought you the politicized SCOTUS and use the leverage you gain with the J6 investigations to get inside the SCOTUS appointments at the WH and congress for instance. Hold an impeachment hearing for Clarence Thomas over Jenny Thomas and insist she be prosecuted if she broke the law as part of the conspiracy, did she call election officials in Georgia too? Make Thomas retire or publicly humiliate him on TV and Joe can replace him, one down.

Focus on winning in November by any means necessary, you are fighting for your country, constitution and children's future. As I said, this is war and all is fair in love and war including destroying people and reputations as required. Think like a fucking Ukrainian!
Wow,all right then .. Im gonna slow burn on that for a few days see how it fits for me but WOW . Thanx for the fodder .
Be careful of the friends you keep.


So much madness over something That won't ever affect 99 percent of you

Nooooo I have to own up to my mistakes! Nooooo

Curious how many of you believe In the bible
We do care about the rights of our fellow ma.

So the laws written by the people that believe in a book that is 1700 years old, that had been edited by a bunch of old men? Ignoring the people that do not believe in fables?
So much madness over something That won't ever affect 99 percent of you

Nooooo I have to own up to my mistakes! Nooooo

Curious how many of you believe In the bible

Dear Mr. Snatch..It's a women's health right to choose..please point to the area where a women can decide men's health choices.

Curious about the bible question and what that has to do with women's health.
We do care about the rights of our fellow ma.

So the laws written by the people that believe in a book that is 1700 years old, that had been edited by a bunch of old men? Ignoring the people that do not believe in fables?

How do you feel about senior citizens? Do you wanna toss them off a bridge because they slow the line up at the grocery store?

Those bible thumpers are the reason this country exists. You don't have respect for elders, because you have no respect for them
Dear Mr. Snatch..It's a women's health right to choose..please point to the area where a women can decide men's health choices.

Curious about the bible question and what that has to do with women's health.

A woman's health right huh. So we find a tiny blot of bacteria on some planet in the sky someday and we will be like we found life!

But that same tiny blot inside her is just nothing at all with no rights or life huh?

Well most of you seem to have little regard for anything but yourselves. Most of you wanna straight up kill every republican, so since you're flat out violating every law God ever made.. I just wanted to know how many of you are gonna learn about a lake of fire one day. You don't care about murder, you just wanna get your way no matter what
A woman's health right huh. So we find a tiny blot of bacteria on some planet in the sky someday and we will be like we found life!

But that same tiny blot inside her is just nothing at all with no rights or life huh?

Well most of you seem to have little regard for anything but yourselves. Most of you wanna straight up kill every republican, so since you're flat out violating every law God ever made.. I just wanted to know how many of you are gonna learn about a lake of fire one day. You don't care about murder, you just wanna get your way no matter what
Boring spin that nuts pretend makes sense whenever they decide that they know which order of spermed on eggs a woman should incubate until it births into a baby.