Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

After dealing with this bunch of radical assholes, I'm not sure how conservative Roberts is these days either, between Thomas, Alito and the miscreants Trump appointed, it must be hard for reason to prevail. A similar situation to arguing with a republican, maybe they will set a new precedent and shoot each other in robes, while arguing a point of law.
I heard the leading theory on who leaked it was the law clerk of one of the judges who voted to overturn. The reason being they wanted to lock the votes down since Roberts was trying to talk them off the ledge.
Oklahoma Legislature passes bill banning abortions after 'fertilization'
dominionists, a scourge and a plague.
Oklahoma Legislature passes bill banning abortions after 'fertilization'
Yep, run the GOP right off a cliff nationally and even make a dent in the state house. They are doing the democrats work for them this primary season as they pander to the lunatics left in the republican party. Then there is Donald running around like Chuckie with a knife inside the party cutting throats left and right. He's facing federal charges over secret documents and insurrection, along with a date in Georgia on national TV. Next up, public J6 hearings and testimony, followed up by a report and a copy of the report along with criminal referrals and several tractor trailer loads of evidence will go to the DOJ... :lol:

Seriously with the fake electors and their statehouse enablers, thousands could be caught up in the massive criminal conspiracy and it was one of those, if there ever was one!
Oklahoma Legislature passes bill banning abortions after 'fertilization'
Lot more anal sex going to be going on in Okie.
Time for a house public impeachment inquiry and subpoena for Thomas and his wife, for a little talk under oath and on TV, though he might retire and then such a thing would be pointless. Perhaps his wife could be indicted, she appears to have broken the law.
Thomas, Roberts engaged in epic struggle over Roe v. Wade

28,448 views May 20, 2022 At a recent Dallas conference, Justice Clarence Thomas took a surprising, public jab at Chief Justice John Roberts. Thomas has long touted the good relations inside the court and avoided public criticism of colleagues.
Archbishop bars Pelosi from communion over support for abortion rights
The Archbishop of San Francisco barred Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) from receiving communion over her support for abortion rights and access.

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone said in a letter to Pelosi on Thursday that he had requested to speak to her after she vowed to codify Roe v. Wade, the landmark abortion rights case, in the wake of Texas banning abortions after six weeks last September.

He had warned Pelosi in an April 7 letter, he said, to either repudiate advocacy for abortion rights or to refrain from referring to her Catholic faith in public or else he would have no choice but to bar her from being admitted communion.

Very curious to see if roe v wade ends up mattering, any of it really. I am always curious where the line is with people, what is a bridge to far. There doesn't seem to be one anymore.

Edit: the catholics that are like fuck this liberal pope make me laugh. I kinda want to one up them and call them heathens for not obeying the pope, as that was a tenant of ye olde catholicism. They need to take their ass down the road to the episcopal or Lutherans if they don't want a faith with a single living dude as the leader and conduit to God.
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