Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

I remember (maybe 20 years ago?) a study of teens and young adults that found that ‘abstinence education‘ resulted in a MASSIVE (and unexpected) increase in anal sex among teen-agers who’d received it instead of sex education.

One of those studies that surprised *everyone* at the time it came out - but didn’t get talked about too much. Regressives are sensitive creatures, after all: easily embarrassed, easily offended, slippery when wet, they make honey badger seem docile & friendly by comparison

Only you guys can make me laugh on this day.:hug: Honey Badger indeed:lol:
Fuckin prudes.

I think it has to get worse. People just aren't that mad yet.

Thanks for the fundraising texts madam speaker.

Got them too and when I clicked the link there was never any message to connect to..they are not getting one more dollar from me..not one.

I'm calling Bennet and asking WTF?..why are bills not being brought forward? Could It Be Satan?..I'm really doing this- he'll be back soon on holiday break.

"Roe is settled law" -Amy Coney Barrett..and yet she voted against..a lifetime appointment perjured herself..what will be done about?

I think ACB should be impeached for giving false testimony. She LIED to us under oath.
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Democrats control the house, senate, and presidency and nothing has changed. They don't give a fuck about us.

View attachment 5153962
lulz. You would capitulate to fascists because of this? Fuck that.

To say that Democratic Party control of government at this time makes no difference ignores what Republicans tried to do on Jan 6 and are still trying to do. Overturning Roe v Wade falls entirely on Republican heads. To their delight at this time. Not so much when women and men who support their equal rights go to the polls. Which is why Republicans are doing their utmost to suppress votes. Through laws enacted by state legislatures that they control and through the kind of propaganda you promoted in your post, they are trying to suppress votes. I won't work if people show up to oppose them on election day. It will work if they listen to losers like you.
lulz. You would capitulate to fascists because of this? Fuck that.

To say that Democratic Party control of government at this time makes no difference ignores what Republicans tried to do on Jan 6 and are still trying to do. Overturning Roe v Wade falls entirely on Republican heads. To their delight at this time. Not so much when women and men who support their equal rights go to the polls. Which is why Republicans are doing their utmost to suppress votes. Through laws enacted by state legislatures that they control and through the kind of propaganda you promoted in your post, they are trying to suppress votes. I won't work if people show up to oppose them on election day. It will work if they listen to losers like you.

But Schumer can bring that 400 to a vote or does he need Mitch's approval? Please tell me what Schumer has accomplished lately..don't say Gun Bill.
I can not tell you to get covid vaccinated .you control what goes on with your body ,ok cool I’m in !!..wait what did you just strategically set up and pass .. The fuck out here w/that dumb shit .

By the people for the people ..which people ? Not my people … White House allowed to be over run and now this ?

These kids gotta go . It is time for this fuckery to come to an end ,it’s just time !

What a shitty Shitty day
Got them too and when I clicked the link there was never any message to connect to..they are not getting one more dollar from me..not one.

I'm calling Bennet and asking WTF?..why are bills not being brought forward? Could It Be Satan?..I'm really doing this- he'll be back soon on holiday break.

"Roe is settled law" -Amy Coney Barrett..and yet she voted against..a lifetime appointment perjured herself..what will be done about?

I think ACB should be impeached for giving false testimony. She LIED to us under oath.
Not just her: Gorsuch & Kavanaugh lied, too…I suspect it will turn out that Thomas and Alito (at least) also lied. The “Federalist Society” needs to be re-named: they are *anti*-Federalists to the marrow, lying sacks of shit with a bogus ‘theory’ of the US and our constitution.

ALL of their pet targets for destruction SHOULD be recognized as legitimate under the 9th amendment…but they ignore the 9th at every opportunity (which is legally and constitutionally sufficient for the right to grow, harvest, sell & make use of A PLANT, too - anyone want to guess *which* plant?)

PS: ignoring the 9th is a well-established practice in US courts; it only shows up to be waved away as ”not applicable”…time after time after time
I went to catholic school, can confirm those chick's were into butt stuff at a pretty shocking rate. Funny weird outcomes of parenting I guess.
Catholic girls have been *legendary* for at least the last 60 years (and for well-demonstrated cause)

Howard Stern's Blunt Message to SCOTUS, Trump & the GOP. The Collapse of Roe v. Wade is Scary.
6,895 views Jun 24, 2022 The Top 3 To See. Get your daily dose on the main headlines, interviews and hot takes in the news. Howard Stern's Blunt Message to SCOTUS, Trump & the GOP. The Collapse of Roe v. Wade is Scary.
Where are all those "progressives" now that couldn't see past the nose on their face to vote for a democrat for president cause 'reasons' and allowed trump into office? Thanks fucktards....:cuss:
But, but, I never thought he would fuck me! He was suppose to fuck those other people and trigger the libs! Said the soybean and corn farmers in the midwest, until Trump's Chinese sanctions hit them like a ton of bricks. Lot's of others are gonna be saying I voted for him, but... SUCKER! Oh he fucked me and wants to destroy the constitution, but I'd vote for him again! :oI like his polices, oh name one? He had no platform in 2020, what polices did you vote for? Daaaa...

Ask any of these assholes why they voted for Trump or any republican and you will be meet with stupidity, ignorance or bigotry, everything else is bullshit, including because he's a good Christian man. They are at war, under the influence of tribalism driven by delusional fear, when people are at war they will sacrifice for their side, they will fuck themselves too, for a perceived greater cause. What do you think the perceived "greater cause" of most of these civil warriors is? They need culture wars, because cultures are linked with communities and attacking your culture is attacking your community. This expands the cause beyond the core of racism and appeals to a larger group identity, while giving cover to racist motives, so does Evangelical pseudo Christianity and the abortion issue.