It was just obvious, it is not in The Constitution, so it is not protected. Lets go back to muskets and black powder.
Because that's what the framers had in mind..funny that they became automatic and that's okay.
It was just obvious, it is not in The Constitution, so it is not protected. Lets go back to muskets and black powder.
I could see this SCOTUS ruling that 3/5's of the people who voted in minority districts had their votes actually counted. So the 2/5's of the voters who had their votes tossed can take a hike.Red wants to make themselves as unhospitable as possible..perhaps they'll reverse the Emancipation Proclamation since it wasn't what the framers had in mind as well..slavery is what they want.
Wait till the military quietly moves out of their states, but leaves empty bases and laid off republicans behind. They need to retain highly trained female sergeants and technicians and will move operations, most of their female service people are of child bearing age. Joe won't need to order it, they will just quietly do it, while leaving the empty base open with a skeleton crew of civilians to mow the lawns.
I could see this SCOTUS ruling that 3/5's of the people who voted in minority districts had their votes actually counted. So the 2/5's of the voters who had their votes tossed can take a hike.
where are the fucking gun toting murdering nutjobs when you need them? oh yeah, killing school kids because republicans block any attempt at sane gun laws
It is telling how little the right wing trolls win in life when they have to spend their time 'owning the libs' every time one of their little fascist party gets their way.
It was too late once progressive democrats helped to defeat Hillary. Progressive democrats own this court...
i feel like the supreme court is packed full of cocksucking trump loving pieces of human filth who perjured themselves to get there, so they could force their will on America, like kavanaugh forcing his tiny little cock between some poor frat girls you feeling? you're one step closer to getting to stone to death anyone who's lifestyle makes you uncomfortable, must be a great day for you
All parts of the government are controlled by demorats bruh, no one to blame but yourselves. This didn't happen under trumps watch, get over it.
This shit goes under the 'keep on selling' troll.You fcking idiots just now realizing the demorats only pander to themselves? How rich, yet you call conservatives little bubba and shit while getting reamed from behind lol
W.e makes you feel better bruh, another day another LThis shit goes under the 'keep on selling' troll.
Confession or projection?W.e makes you feel better bruh, another day another L
Nah it really doesn't impact me one way or another at the end of the day. I just tend to think of you trolls as ambient noise for the internet or some shitty commercial that should come with a warning label.W.e makes you feel better bruh, another day another L
Nah it really doesn't impact me one way or another at the end of the day. I just tend to think of you trolls as ambient noise for the internet or some shitty commercial that should come with a warning label.
Hell yeah, they are hilariously uninformed or just down right transparent trolls.Is that why you constantly react with a laughing emo on my posts? As if it's gonna make any difference in my beliefs? That's pathetic little Peter, im like a hobby to you.. find his posts, add a reaction, quote his post, call him a troll, repeat.