Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

Wasn't it Bugeye that used to pull that bet all the time?

So not WHYKNEE? :bigjoint:
so this makes it pretty obvious that there are three bald faced perjurers on the supreme court. they were asked specific questions on this matter, and their answers, given under oath, clearly indicated that they would not pursue this course of action. they obviously, unequivocally perjured themselves.
does this not have some kind of ramifications? are there not consequences to lying to become a justice on the highest court in the land?
Another road block for the GOP in Nov. At least as many Republican women and families will be affected by this as Democratic women and families so you can count on a lot of Repub women and many of their partners either not voting at all or casting a ballot for the Dems.

Republicans must be torn in two this last week. All whoop-dee-do over the gun ruling but WTF! over Roe v Wade.

This descent into religious fascism is becoming alarming you guys. The reality of The Handmaid's Tale is not a good look.

Red wants to make themselves as unhospitable as possible..perhaps they'll reverse the Emancipation Proclamation since it wasn't what the framers had in mind as well..slavery is what they want.
It’s America’s dirtiest secret: living in the US *REQUIRES* servants, whether their chattel slaves, wage slaves, immigrants, barefoot-&-pregnant (or underpaid (or captive)) women, or home-schooled children. Otherwise, we waste amazing amounts of time, money, resources & opportunity simply trying to get everything handled by ourselves EVERY MONTH.

Since wealth is mostly generated by underpaying people who work & keeping that money for themselves (vastly more than is generated by talent, skill, invention, or development), *everything* ends up being operated as a business: families, schools, churches, political parties, hospitals, clubs, cities, states, nations - each one dependent on keeping as much wealth as possible AT THE TOP.

Unpaid / underpaid labor is the way the game is built. It *IS* the beef.

Whoever ‘pays’ you is management…and even at home, “management” needs to keep all the money and delegate all the work…AKA “labor”.
Men and women around the world are angry and flabbergasted at American lawmakers today. It cast's your country in a very backward and bad light. I'm shocked.
Is that why you constantly react with a laughing emo on my posts? As if it's gonna make any difference in my beliefs? That's pathetic little Peter, im like a hobby to you.. find his posts, add a reaction, quote his post, call him a troll, repeat.
Yeah, ridiculous isn’t the same as funny, so it’s an imperfect fit…still, there’s no ‘holy fuck, this is stupid!’ emoji, so…we do what we can.

Don’t worry, I’m reasonably sure no one thinks they can affect your beliefs - or gives a shit about them at all - you’re stuck with ‘em, and good riddance.

Dead wrong about your “hobby” status: like mice in the basement, honeybees in the attic, or roaches in the laundry room, dealing with “voices” like you is nothing to take pleasure or amusement in…only, perhaps, eventually…a nation restored to sanity, and pride in a tough job well done

Let's talk about the objection to unpacking the court....
Good vid. Can see he is visibly upset.
So a long fight to only slow the slide of America and maybe by only a few years. Not a good outlook.

Is it time for the United States to disband and reform in to 2 or more countries to help protect as many American's and as many other countries as possible? Is it time Canada and Mexico also started to seriously think about increasing its borders/s defence from an authoritarian state and countries like Australia to start reviewing its defence strategies and American assets on their own soil?
This Supreme court decision has thrown shockwaves across the world. If they cannot protect the health of the females in their tribe what right have they to tell any country anything about human rights or rights in general. Its 2022 not 1950.
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Is that why you constantly react with a laughing emo on my posts? As if it's gonna make any difference in my beliefs? That's pathetic little Peter, im like a hobby to you.. find his posts, add a reaction, quote his post, call him a troll, repeat.
He does it to me to so your not alone. Its probably his age.
so this makes it pretty obvious that there are three bald faced perjurers on the supreme court. they were asked specific questions on this matter, and their answers, given under oath, clearly indicated that they would not pursue this course of action. they obviously, unequivocally perjured themselves.
does this not have some kind of ramifications? are there not consequences to lying to become a justice on the highest court in the land?
not any more.....
Vote with your dollars folks, even if it means going without the things you love.
Democracy is a slow process, economics isn't.
There are states that support the overturn of rvw and they rely on your dollars.

Not talking business exclusive to extremist states either... ANY business that operates in those states.
Vote with your dollars folks, even if it means going without the things you love.
Democracy is a slow process, economics isn't.
There are states that support the overturn of rvw and they rely on your dollars.

Not talking business exclusive to extremist states either... ANY business that operates in those states.
I'm a huge MLB SF Giants fan and would usually attend at least 5-6 home games each season and otherwise watch all their games on TV. But this season I will not attend any games and have stopped watching their games on TV because one of their major owners is a republican and continues to donate to radical Republican candidates. I don't want any of my $$ going to any republicans. I love my Giants but Warriors NBA replays will have to suffice this year.
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