Is a reversal of Roe v Wade decision next?

i'm sure gay marriage is in the near sights of the SC now that they can't be stopped.

imagine if inter-racial marriage was next? what would Ginny and Clarence do then??
Don't piss women off en masse, remember the first thing they did when they got the franchise in 1920 (US, UK, CAN) was to introduce prohibition in America! Men liked to drink back then and Saloons used to be important in politics before them, they had a lobby that put the fear of Jesus into congress until 1933 and FDR. If they got behind gun regulation and abortion with an organization don't underestimate them! Women are good at social shit and are the backbone of many organizations.

Similarly, as Biden increased his level of support among White men in the 2020 election relative to Clinton’s in 2016, Trump gained among White women, which had the effect of further narrowing the gender gap among White voters. In 2016, Trump won White men by 30 points (62% to 32%). That gap narrowed to a 17-point margin for Trump in 2020 (57% to 40%). White women, a group sometimes categorized as swing voters and who broke nearly evenly in 2016 (47% for Trump to 45% for Clinton), favored him in 2020 (53% to 46%).

Women tend to favor strong men, Putin has high support among women too.
So, out of Trump's 73 million votes, how many were from white women? They voted for Trump at 53% in 2020 and nearly put him over the top. Now that Trump doesn't appear as strong any more, then perceived as weak and guilty of crimes, his support among women will drop in lock step with his social statues. Perhaps abortion is an issue some of them will latch onto and more will support it privately at the polls in November.

I dunno any better way to stimulate democratic turn out during a midterm election than this court ruling that directly impacts half the population and most who are opposed also have the support of their spouse. It gives the women who care over 4 months to organize and work the electorate over with a nation wide ground game and database with a voter registration drive for November. J6 helps and almost all the prochoice crowd are for gun regulation too, the game changer could be the ground game in the districts and enough woman power to cover them all, even the reddest of the red, waste the time and woman power if ya got it. Register your likely voters, ignore the assholes and move on, make sure you find everybody and have a database, call and go door to door, those who support your side, you motivate and call them on election day or the day before. Use mail in voting to the max, drive people to the polls that need it and encourage early voting where they have it.

Ya gotta win and win more than a majority in many places while standing in long lines, if you are black. They will lie and cheat anyway they can and everything must be recorded on cellphone or other video for later evidence. Court challenges, lawsuits the whole nine yards, there will be no shortage of free legal help, lawyers will step up for this one.
The timing of the supreme court decision is no coincidence, it's meant to be a distraction from the Jan 6th committee and Stinkys crimes.
I was thinking about how they just buried the major bi-partisan gun legislation that Biden signed into law, the first in decades.

It is a lot like Trump's attempted rape confession (access hollywood tape) & the Russians DNC email dump on wiki drowning out the news that the Russian military were attacking our democracy all on the same day.
Vote out Republicans.
Didn’t you hear? Getting more votes than republicans is now ‘election fraud’…a louder ‘fuck you, USA’ I’ve never heard…NONE of these congressional traitors should ever be allowed onto vote or to hold office - elective or appointed - for the rest of their miserable backstabbing lives…and the same for EVERYONE that worked on it, worked for it, or supported any of those who did.

I am so not a bloodthirsty guy…but IMO if they’re stripped of their citizenship and incarcerated for the rest of their lives it’s LESS than they deserve. Hiding behind god and country while they tear it all down from within and without.

Mercy, but Justice. No forgiveness without *true* repentance (not like they did after the slaver rebellion)
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I was thinking about how they just buried the major bi-partisan gun legislation that Biden signed into law, the first in decades.

It is a lot like Trump's attempted rape confession (access hollywood tape) & the Russians DNC email dump on wiki drowning out the news that the Russian military were attacking our democracy all on the same day.
No no no
The latest radical right tactic is “why are you still obsessed with that guy” I barely voted for him , twice
Funny thing is is going back to the states? Blue is still Roe and Red is going to turn to shit with child/teen pregnancies and marriages.
All the red states are going to make it harder to get birth control, and their sex ed is already a joke, so lots of teens having kids. Leading to poverty rates going up. So they are creating the problems they will rail against in the future.
All the red states are going to make it harder to get birth control, and their sex ed is already a joke, so lots of teens having kids. Leading to poverty rates going up. So they are creating the problems they will rail against in the future.
And blame the liberals for it. Maybe this fall some of those states will no longer be red, as issues stack up against the republicans, who are increasingly more radical than the general population of some red states. The lunatics in the GOP state parties are driving unpopular agendas and selecting radical candidates, state and federal. We will see how far bigotry and hatred can get them, cause they are up against a lot of issues and white folks will have to work up a sweat fucking themselves hard to vote for them.
A woman's health right huh. So we find a tiny blot of bacteria on some planet in the sky someday and we will be like we found life!

But that same tiny blot inside her is just nothing at all with no rights or life huh?

Well most of you seem to have little regard for anything but yourselves. Most of you wanna straight up kill every republican, so since you're flat out violating every law God ever made.. I just wanted to know how many of you are gonna learn about a lake of fire one day. You don't care about murder, you just wanna get your way no matter what
isn't it funny how you say the same shit about democrats and liberals that we say about fascist republican authoritarians?
you don't care about murder, look at all the death threats you disgusting fuckers make when you don't get your way, and how many real attempts there are. you have no regard for the rights of others, forcing your values on them in an act of moral rape.
the rest of your post is too fucking stupid to bother replying to.
All parts of the government are controlled by demorats bruh, no one to blame but yourselves. This didn't happen under trumps watch, get over it.
Two out of three ain't bad (for you).

The blue team does have President Joe Rob at the wheel. And a very small majority in the house, but the senate is tied 50/50 and two of the so called dems are GOP in cross dress. And as this thread would suggest to thinking folks, the court is controlled 6 to 3 by the right, led by the three new trumpf judges. So yes, this did happen on trumpf's watch.
