Is there a Doctor in the building?


Well-Known Member
well I learned from hippies that if you use molasses in soil. the micro organisms in the soil the feeds off of the nutrients in the soil, So the molasses from what I’ve understood from the hippies feeds a micro organisms in the soil that way they won’t be feeding on the plants if that makes sense
Unfortunately there’s a lot of bad hippie information. At most all I ever used is 2 tablespoons for 270 gallons of tea. Anymore I don’t even use it. Don’t mix and water with molasses let the tea brew for a few days and it'll eat up that molasses to make more bacteria.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I thought I’d be smart on my first organic grow and mix molasses with water and give to plants. Ha not. Crashed ph ,yellowed over night. Threw out my molasses and all is good.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately there’s a lot of bad hippie information. At most all I ever used is 2 tablespoons for 270 gallons of tea. Anymore I don’t even use it. Don’t mix and water with molasses let the tea brew for a few days and it'll eat up that molasses to make more bacteria.
I use one and a half tablespoons molasses, I don’t make teas never have for my plants. This is the first time I’m growing in a tent. I use to grow trees outdoor! 11/12 ft trees about 5 ft round trees! buds as big as my hand or bigger and when I flowered those 18 plants last year I used molasses



Well-Known Member
I guess dosage would be important ,I think I used 1 tbls per 5 gal water.My mistake may have been over watering with it?Idk.


Well-Known Member
Oh no! Not good, yeah it’s sounds frustrating but it’s not, I’ve been using it, for a few years now with no issues and will continue to use molasses in my grow, especially while flowering