Is there an angry mod that is banning people all day or what?

If you wish to avoid that vulgar spillover, comport yourself with suitable restraint on the entire site. When you start to lay sexual/bisexual bait with the seriousness i have seen you employ, you will attract the local sex shark populace. The "rape it forward" set who are a part of the local scenery smell the blood and are irresistibly drawn in. Your reporting such incidents strikes me as hypocritical on your part(s) as I've seen you actively recruit the sex sharks, Rut Squad, frustrated Millennial master baiters ... whatever term for the local rape-it-forwards you choose.

This is a fact and not a feeeeeeling, so I wonder if you will even listen. ~shrug~

I've not recruited any sex sharks. I've not flaunted my sexuality. I've not baited people. I've just been a participant of joking and having fun without calling other people names or trying to run someone off just because I don't like them. I've also given back by helping people in the Newbie and Grow sections.
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Fuck Grass City. Those illiterate shit bags will ban people for merely having and respectfully voicing a different opinion on nutrients, soils or amendments. Grass City mentality is why scientific advancement took so long on earth.

All I meant in relation to Grass City is that some people there who seem like good people have posted about being past members here who were put off by the actions of a few people here who harassed them into leaving.

Obviously I think RIU is a better overall web site. Better grow sections and a lot of nice people here.
I respectfully disagree. I'm an occasional lurker over at Grass City, and over there they mention how unfriendly RIU can sometimes seem because of just a few members here who troll other people.

Here at RIU, I've had to report troll posts in my grow journals because a couple members keep making make vulgar sexual insult posts. They are so obsessed with me they make vulgar sexual posts in my grow journals. And I've gotten vulgar PMs from the same people.

People like that are bad for business. I have 2 (very) small businesses, and if some fucking troll was running my clients off, I'd be pissed too. So I applaud the moderators here for banning people who harass other members.
Proof men and women arent equal and feminism is complete shit, if a man had a grow log and a ton of girls were posting things like that he would enjoy it. We need to end feminism, its ruining the world.
Proof men and women arent equal and feminism is complete shit, if a man had a grow log and a ton of girls were posting things like that he would enjoy it. We need to end feminism, its ruining the world.

Grow journals are off limits for other posters unless invited to post. No one wants their grow journals trolled.
Hey then why'd you guys delete my threads? My first fuck my balls thread had survived since 2014, and suddenly when I bump it it gets deleted in 2016? It was fine until now, apparently, so why the sudden deletion? You guys get pissed off and ban pin and then 86 my threads?

Sorry to quote you on here and ask about it but I asked all day and got ignored by ya'll.
I posted highly inappropriate things in that thread pretty sure it was my fault Rollitup was the staff online at that time and he is very easily offended
I respectfully disagree. I'm an occasional lurker over at Grass City, and over there they mention how unfriendly RIU can sometimes seem because of just a few members here who troll other people.

Here at RIU, I've had to report troll posts in my grow journals because a couple members keep making make vulgar sexual insult posts. They are so obsessed with me they make vulgar sexual posts in my grow journals. And I've gotten vulgar PMs from the same people.

People like that are bad for business. I have 2 (very) small businesses, and if some fucking troll was running my clients off, I'd be pissed too. So I applaud the moderators here for banning people who harass other members.
Actually Jack I imagine you were having to repel our famous forensic troll hunters when they noticed your grow matched ole tbone's down to the vent tubing LOL

If you wish to avoid that vulgar spillover, comport yourself with suitable restraint on the entire site. When you start to lay sexual/bisexual bait with the seriousness i have seen you employ, you will attract the local sex shark populace. The "rape it forward" set who are a part of the local scenery smell the blood and are irresistibly drawn in. Your reporting such incidents strikes me as hypocritical on your part(s) as I've seen you actively recruit the sex sharks, Rut Squad, frustrated Millennial master baiters ... whatever term for the local rape-it-forwards you choose.

This is a fact and not a feeeeeeling, so I wonder if you will even listen. ~shrug~

I still think the pootergeist post was better LOL

Fuck Grass City. Those illiterate shit bags will ban people for merely having and respectfully voicing a different opinion on nutrients, soils or amendments. Grass City mentality is why scientific advancement took so long on earth.
I completely agree with you. I vote we cede grasscity to zarajack :) I promise I will never ever go there, not ever! See compromise makes the world go 'round.
Proof men and women arent equal and feminism is complete shit, if a man had a grow log and a ton of girls were posting things like that he would enjoy it. We need to end feminism, its ruining the world.
Or smart ass pricks and smart ass.comments should end to but hey you are not created equal I forgive you child
All the Glen's are good.. Livet, fiddich, and morangie.. I miss bartending.. So I could drink it all for free
Free is good! I'm still amazed at the difference between the 15 and the 18. The 15 has promise with wonderful caramel and citrus notes. The 18 turned the caramel to toffee and the citrus announces as orange. I can't wait to see how the 21 compares. It has been a fascinating journey. I've learned a lot.
Free is good! I'm still amazed at the difference between the 15 and the 18. The 15 has promise with wonderful caramel and citrus notes. The 18 turned the caramel to toffee and the citrus announces as orange. I can't wait to see how the 21 compares. It has been a fascinating journey. I've learned a lot.
The craziest I've tried was macallan 25.. If I could afford it it'd be all I drank but I think it's like 700 a bottle.. There's a macallan 30 too but that's way too out of my league.. Over a grand a bottle