Well-Known Member
If you wish to avoid that vulgar spillover, comport yourself with suitable restraint on the entire site. When you start to lay sexual/bisexual bait with the seriousness i have seen you employ, you will attract the local sex shark populace. The "rape it forward" set who are a part of the local scenery smell the blood and are irresistibly drawn in. Your reporting such incidents strikes me as hypocritical on your part(s) as I've seen you actively recruit the sex sharks, Rut Squad, frustrated Millennial master baiters ... whatever term for the local rape-it-forwards you choose.
This is a fact and not a feeeeeeling, so I wonder if you will even listen. ~shrug~
I've not recruited any sex sharks. I've not flaunted my sexuality. I've not baited people. I've just been a participant of joking and having fun without calling other people names or trying to run someone off just because I don't like them. I've also given back by helping people in the Newbie and Grow sections.
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