Where in Cali do you live?legalize marijuana everywere
Prop 19 will override decriminalization. It will amend the law, in that exact area.
ok, heres the link to the text of prop 19:2012 there will be a better prop so don't go out and vote yes until you see "legalization" not taxation on the proposal. And if you can show me where it says legalized on this prop 19 I'll vote yes but for now it's not!!!
Correct. It will change the penalty for having 1 ounce or less from $100 ticket to legal with no penalty. Growing however has not been decriminalized.
Prop 19 is a joke a fairytale Pandora's box. I was charged with a wobbler (felony/misdemeanor) for possession of a gram of has and I had my doctors rec march of this year. Now I'm on 3 years formal probation. So if you think 19 is gonna stop the arrests your wrong
I read that and no where does it state legalization don't be fooled. if you think it's gonna be legal and not controlled then let me sell you some swamp land in Florida or maybe you won the Canadian sweepstakes of a $10,000,000 you just gotta pay me $5,000 to clear the taxesok, heres the link to the text of prop 19:
and here's a relevant quote for you.
To remove all existing civil and criminal penalties for
persons 21 years of age or older who personally cultivate, possess,
process, share, or transport a limited amount of marijuana, solely
for that individual's personal consumption in a residence or other
nonpublic place, including premises licensed for that purpose, and
not for resale, without impacting existing laws proscribing dangerous
activities while under the influence of marijuana, or certain
conduct that exposes younger persons to marijuana.
The certain amount being currently a pound right now. The law is long, its late, cant think....hope it helps.
a gram of hash is a felony read the california health and safety codeIf prop 19 passes, what you did will no longer even be illegal. So what are you talking about? Cops are just going to walk up to you and send you to prison for something legal? no dude.
And you can't get a felony for possession of a gram. That's not possible. Something doesn't add up there.
I read that and no where does it state legalization don't be fooled. if you think it's gonna be legal and not controlled then let me sell you some swamp land in Florida or maybe you won the Canadian sweepstakes of a $10,000,000 you just gotta pay me $5,000 to clear the taxes
funny thing is June of 09 had cop in my house with 6 plants growing and they asked if I had my rec I did and they didn't do shit and it was bigger than 5 x 5 if prop 19 passes I can only grow 1 plant my last grow I had 1 plant that was 5 feet wide
funny thing is June of 09 had cop in my house with 6 plants growing and they asked if I had my rec I did and they didn't do shit and it was bigger than 5 x 5 if prop 19 passes I can only grow 1 plant my last grow I had 1 plant that was 5 feet wide
a gram of hash is a felony read the california health and safety code
since it isn't a felony anymore, a felony charge could be droppped.
And it changes the penalty for 18 year olds who smoke with their friends to a 3-5 year prison sentenceCorrect. It will change the penalty for having 1 ounce or less from $100 ticket to legal with no penalty. Growing however has not been decriminalized.
Again your wrongIf prop 19 passes, what you did will no longer even be illegal. So what are you talking about? Cops are just going to walk up to you and send you to prison for something legal? no dude.
And you can't get a felony for possession of a gram. That's not possible. Something doesn't add up there.
They won't drop his probation if 19 passes and hash will still be subject to the LEO's discression as far as legality.Fun fact! You actually can get arrested for having a gram of hash. It's considered a condensed narcotic. Prop 19 actually states that hash is not a condensed narcotic, so... Realstyles! You could get your current probation dropped! Seems like a good incentive for you. If you can't afford a lawyer though nevermind, the legal battle that you would have to fight would be way too hard to do on your own.