It's A Fuct World

Thank you again, I know its impossible to know how tall these will finish at as neither of us knows the strain that well, but do you think they will continue to grow through out the flowering process, I am aiming for 1oz per plant, I just cant visualize these things getting big enough. I did move the light up just for the pics, they are normally 18" from the tops, I was going to set it higher just to get some stretch, The room stays at a steady 75 degrees day/night. I put most of my work and money into environmental control. So I just have to figure this strain out.
O.K so just to make my worries subside ,would you say this grow is on track for a sog grow, at 16 days into 12/12, or are most taller then this at the onset of flowering. I know I'm a pain in the ass, but first time clones str8 to 12/12 for me. If you had to just take a guess what would you think might be a finished height for these girls.
Thanks again, I will try to be more optimistic.
Thank you again, I know its impossible to know how tall these will finish at as neither of us knows the strain that well, but do you think they will continue to grow through out the flowering process, I am aiming for 1oz per plant, I just cant visualize these things getting big enough. I did move the light up just for the pics, they are normally 18" from the tops, I was going to set it higher just to get some stretch, The room stays at a steady 75 degrees day/night. I put most of my work and money into environmental control. So I just have to figure this strain out.
O.K so just to make my worries subside ,would you say this grow is on track for a sog grow, at 16 days into 12/12, or are most taller then this at the onset of flowering. I know I'm a pain in the ass, but first time clones str8 to 12/12 for me. If you had to just take a guess what would you think might be a finished height for these girls.
Thanks again, I will try to be more optimistic.

It might not end up a SOG (Sea of Green) but a LOG (Lake of Green). .... sorry poor joke. but seriously we can't tell how thick a canopy you'll get just yet. You're placing your plants quite closely so your canopy should get quite thick.

Personally I don't worry about the name of it, I, like you are attempting to squeeze as many plants into a relatively small area and flower them early.... Obviously a true SOG would be easier to achieve with some veg time. ... As I'm sure you're becoming aware its a bit of a balancing act between the strain, density of plants, veg time etc etc.

One thing I have been surprised to find is just how important good ventilation and fresh air is to indoor Cannabis. I always knew it was very important but after just opening a garden door and allowing fresh air to enter my grow room I have found the quality and size of buds increase. ... I shouldn't have been so suprised because when thought about, the majority of a plants bio-mass is CO2 absorbed from the air.... Forget boosters etc etc. Air is the key.

edit: re guessing a finishing height. errmmm I can't man, Ive experienced so much variation that i would defo just get it wrong. errmmm maybe 12"-18" max.
Yes I do know what you mean, It is a balancing act, In my head I already have started my next grow,with some veg, It sucks when I have never grown this strain b4, but like you say once this test run is over, I will know its behavior better and can adjust accordingly. I think I read somewhere it is an early finisher (late 40-50) days,but again just hear say. It does love the nutes and roots easy I know that I have to feed the mums a min of 2.0 EC or the bottom leaves yellow real bad,and I have seen no tip burn even when I was giving them some real hot doses just to see how much they could take.
I would go more into detail about the room,but I'll save that for my journal. I will say one thing that helps is I insulated every wall and ceiling and floor with 8" rigid insulation,and one of my room exhaust fans is a fan used to blow up one of those kids bounce houses(yard sale find) its 400watts and I thing the motor is a few hp, my room is 6x9 and it can change the air mass in about 2seconds..lmao
As usual thank you for your time and patience,and I will check in again after a week or so and let you know whats up.
Hi Al,

Just a quick message to say thanks for the info you've provided over the years. your information has been the most helpful for me and my learning of correct grow procedure. I have scoured a lot of cannabis boards, but your threads on here presented me with a wealth of information.....took a while to wade through it all like, but worth it.

You also influenced me to adapt a SOG F+D method of growing, before that it was coco and also a failed DWC experiment, which would have worked had i knew about H202!

I have a scaled down version of your grow, but had to start from scartch so don't have a mother plant yet, and had to start from seed....24 plants, two trays of 12, almost 4 weeks in.


Can you not use the cuttings from the pruning to use as clones, cutting out the need for a mother plant?

Here in England I can only get growth technology 'liquid oxygen' at 17.5% hydrogen peroxide, is this a problem for me? I have been using 250ml a week in my 100 litre res and it has been doing a good job, I really don't see how people can grow weed in hydro without it.

Maximum props to you Al B Fuct, great to see that you are still around.
hey so al I just wanted to apoligize for that one comment I made to you a week or so ago.. I was just freekin out over my rot problem and the stress got the better of me.
been bothering me since so I just wanted to get it off my chest...
cheers hope all is well...
hey so al I just wanted to apoligize for that one comment I made to you a week or so ago.. I was just freekin out over my rot problem and the stress got the better of me.
been bothering me since so I just wanted to get it off my chest...
cheers hope all is well...
Takes a strong man to admit hes wrong. Ill give you that.
Al, Thanks for all of the answers. Can you tell me something more about compisting. Could you describe technique that u r using? I know that u use shreader.Do u use worms?/ how big the composter should be for op like yours? Do you mix greens with browns in special ratio? Or just put in what you have from trimmed and discarded plants? Does it smell weed?How long it takes to transform it to unrecognizable mass?

Hey Al, I forgot to ask you two more qustion. How are stg cubes doing? and how the yield improved when using PK?
Oh I'm certain there's no complaints, I've seen them! Well not really, but I've seen pictures lol. I'm a big fan of variety, a connoisseur of sorts I guess. I get excitement from starting new strains and it seems to keep me interested and curious. I do love plants and growing cannabis but I get so damn busy that its difficult to enjoy staying on top of them when all one has time for is work, chores and gardening. It seems you know what this is like. Do you think you'll ever switch strains? If so what would you like to try in your system?

There's a few strains I'd like to try (Blockhead looks fun), but it's a bit immaterial as it's a lot harder to get beans through the post than it once was. I'm extremely conservative as regards security. I've been growing dope for more than 25 years without any legal problems whatsoever and I want to keep it that way. Organising a maildrop is certainly doable but I'm unmotivated to do so as ST4 is still doing wonderfully for me.

Al, Thanks for all of the answers. Can you tell me something more about composting. Could you describe technique that u r using? I know that u use a shredder. Do u use worms?/ how big the composter should be for op like yours? Do you mix greens with browns in special ratio? Or just put in what you have from trimmed and discarded plants? Does it smell weed?How long it takes to transform it to unrecognizable mass?

There's all manner of guides on gardening websites for running a healthy compost bin. This one is excellent and contains all the details you'll need.

The general rule is about 25-30 parts brown to 1 part green.

My compost bins are not used solely for disposal of grow-op waste. Lawn clippings, kitchen veg peelings (eggshells are OK) along with shredded newspaper & cardboard all go in my two bins, which are about 200L/each. I use 2 bins so one can have no new matter put into it for about 6 months to allow the matter to be fully broken down & digested by worms, while the other bin is getting new material added every week or so.

A healthy compost heap will make cannabis waste disappear entirely in about 2 weeks, somewhat faster in warm weather, slower in cooler weather.

Avoid onion cuttings & citrus peels unless in very small amounts. Never put animal fats or pet poo in your compost. You CAN put human urine in your compost- it's loaded with nitrogen & phosphorus. Wet your compost with about 10L of water per week, less if it has been raining a lot recently, more if it has been hot & dry.

Cannabis waste is really a small proportion of what goes in my bins. The more stuff you put in your compost, the better. Bury the fresh cannabis waste under older compost & you will never smell anything cannabis-y.

A 200L bin will hold enough material to allow microbial action in the middle of the pile to reach temperatures of 60-70C, which will sterilise the compost & kill weed seeds. Once the bacteria & fungi have done their job of breaking down the fresh material over the first 2 weeks or so, earthworms will take over and eat the remaining material. The result is worm-casting-rich compost that can be used directly in garden beds or to make a powerful 'casting tea' fertiliser.

If your compost bin is placed on bare earth, local earthworms will find it and populate the compost matter very quickly. You probably won't have to buy any worms. Once there's a good population of worms, you can take out the well-digested compost and put it in your gardens, while leaving a bit with some worms in it in the bottom of the bin to repopulate the new material you put in. Worms reproduce quickly, so don't worry about taking out quite a few of them with the compost you put in your gardens.

Not a single bit of waste paper or cardboard packaging goes into the recycling- it all goes through my paper shredder & into the compost. Toilet paper & paper towel roll cores, egg cartons, food package boxes, newspaper, etc are all excellent compost material once shredded. I covet dry tree leaves and pick them up with a leaf blower/vacuum that chops them up finely.

I also have a branch chipper/chopper in the grow-op work area which has high-speed rotating blades that I use to mince up all cannabis waste before putting it in the compost. It's largely unrecognisable as cannabis trimmings even before it goes in my bins. Running cannabis waste through the chipper makes it break down much faster, as well.

A healthy compost bin has no odor at all. The way you achieve that is by getting oxygen into the decomposing mass by turning the compost at least weekly. A compost corkscrew is a fantastic tool for mixing & aerating compost. A stinky compost bin is caused by anaerobic bacteria taking over. Aerate often and the compost is inhospitable to anaerobic bacteria. Frequent aeration makes for a hotter compost pile and faster breakdown of cannabis cutting wastes.

It's harder to maintain a compost bin outdoors if you live in a freezing climate. Consult your local gardening centre for pointers on how to deal with compost in winter.

Hi Al,and everyone else. I have a question of course.... I am growing in E&F table 3x3 25 plants,1000hps.

Your 1000 could cover twice that area.
I started with small clones 4-5 inches and well rooted. I put them str8 to 12/12. Its been 15 days and they look healthy and happy room is perfect conditions. The clones only have grown to 7-8 inches and have started flowering already.

That's about right.

So if they are flowering is the stretch done.

No. They'll continue to gain height for the next 2 weeks.

Will they continue to grow and flower.

Yep. As long as there's no root problems, they'll continue on to about 20-24" and then go into full flowering habit.

I wanted short plants due to my height restrictions but not this I thought I might end up with 16-18 inch plants when finished.

Ought to get a bit taller than 18" if all is well.

Should I scrap this grow and try a lil more veg next time?

Be patient. If there's no root problems, they'll get a bit taller.

I am afraid to put pics up

Um, why?

but if you need to see pics I'll put them up,so you can get a better idea.

Please do.

Not sure if it makes a difference or not but this is the duckfoot strain(3 fingered webbed leaves). Thanks for any advice you can give me.

Oh. Not one of my favourites. Not sure how that will perform for you. Would prefer you use a more typical indica dominant hybrid. I've yet to see a decent yield from duckfoot.

Hey Al
I have read through both your threads a few times and there is a bunch of great info for my first grow.

Good, thanks.

1. After you mix your nutes in your reservoir, do you go back every couple days and use a stick or something to mix the stuff up again so the nutes dont start to settle at the bottom? Or is it after you mix them up the first time, they are pretty much permanently diffused throughout the water?

The action of filling & draining the flood tray as well as the action of air bubbles from your bubble curtain or airstone will be sufficient for stirring your tanks.

2. How do you empty your reservoirs? They seem like they would be pretty heavy so do you just pump the water out to a sink or something? I wouldn't want to pump them outside cause all that water would just flood my whole backyard.

A pair of lawn irrigation valves and a tee fitting make draining reservoir tanks easy.

View attachment 2289901

For normal operation, close valve #2, open valve #1.

To drain tank, close valve #1, open valve #2 and turn on pump.
Be sure to return the valves to the operating position unless you want your new tank of sauce to go down the drain!

Your tanks can't possibly be large enough to flood your yard, unless you have a yard the size of a bathtub! The waste nute sauce will be absorbed into the ground quickly and your lawn will love it!

3. Lastly, if I use perlite, is it the same watering schedule as using fytocell? 1x a day?

Should be fine 1x/day.


Newave - Circulation Pump
  • Why didnt they make these earlier??
  • Circulates your nutrient solution at very high volumes
  • No more sediment left floating on top of solution
  • No more sediment rings left around the tank
​Available in 3 sizes:
  • Adjustable 800-1600L/hr
  • 2700L/hr
  • 3900L/hr

Cute, but I don't think it's necessary. The water motion from flooding the trays should be sufficient for tank mixing. If your nutes leave any sort of sediment, use different nutes. A good inorganic nutrient like Canna doesn't have anything in it that can fall out of solution.

One thing to remember when taking clones and going to 12/12 is the strain. .... I have a G13 that remains in a veg state for two/three weeks in 12/12 and grows lots while the violator kush doesnt stretch so much and shows flowers real quick. ...

and as you say, the initial size of the clone is an important factor. whether you want large or small clones will depend on how tall you want the finished plant and of course the size of your moms...... One thing I don't do, is trim the top leaves. Since they go straight to flower, I need as many leaves in place as poss.

In SoG, you don't ever top the plants. Top pruning causes plants to be bushy and wide- the opposite of what we're trying to do in SoG. Also, there's no veg time given to plants in a SoG system. This will induce tall plants, something else we're trying to avoid in SoG.

Moe thank you for your help, here are some pics, I used my trunchon for scale,and tried to get good pics of bud formation thus far day 16. Please dont laugh.View attachment 2284194View attachment 2284195View attachment 2284199View attachment 2284200View attachment 2284204

Looks OK for 2 weeks into flowering. Your clones are a bit thin stemmed, though. Let your mother plants develop a bit more before taking cuttings so you get thicker stemmed cuttings to work with.

Hi Al,

Just a quick message to say thanks for the info you've provided over the years. your information has been the most helpful for me and my learning of correct grow procedure. I have scoured a lot of cannabis boards, but your threads on here presented me with a wealth of information.....took a while to wade through it all like, but worth it.

Thanks :)

You also influenced me to adapt a SOG F+D method of growing, before that it was coco and also a failed DWC experiment, which would have worked had i knew about H202!

I have a scaled down version of your grow, but had to start from scartch so don't have a mother plant yet, and had to start from seed....24 plants, two trays of 12, almost 4 weeks in.


Can you not use the cuttings from the pruning to use as clones, cutting out the need for a mother plant?

Cuttings from branch pruning are very thin stemmed and don't quickly become vigorous plants. Thick stemmed cuttings taken from terminal growths on mother plants perform far better in a SoG grow. My cuttings all have stems which are 8-10mm dia. If you want to run a successful & productive SoG op, you need to maintain mums under separate veg cycle (18-24h) lighting.

Here in England I can only get growth technology 'liquid oxygen' at 17.5% hydrogen peroxide, is this a problem for me? I have been using 250ml a week in my 100 litre res and it has been doing a good job, I really don't see how people can grow weed in hydro without it.

17.5% is really fairly low concentration for our purposes in hydroponics. As long as it does not contain any stannate stabilisers, it should be OK, though. I understand in that there'd be restrictions on H2O2 in the UK since it is a constituent chemical in the home-made explosive TATP which was used in the 7/7 London bombings, but have a sniff around foodservice supply companies- you might find 30 or 35%, which is used for sterilising food prep area surfaces and slicing equipment. Some alleged 'health food' shops sell 29-30% H2O2. Whatever you do, don't follow 'body oxygenation' cultists' instructions to drink the stuff!

Maximum props to you Al B Fuct, great to see that you are still around.

Thanks for that. :)
hey so al I just wanted to apoligize for that one comment I made to you a week or so ago.. I was just freekin out over my rot problem and the stress got the better of me.
been bothering me since so I just wanted to get it off my chest...
cheers hope all is well...

OK, thanks.
Takes a strong man to admit hes wrong. Ill give you that.


Hey Al, I forgot to ask you two more qustion. How are stg cubes doing? and how the yield improved when using PK?

Plants in STG cubes did much better than plants in Fytocell for the 1st 3 wks or so, then things evened up between them. However, there was a confounding factor- some fungus gnats sneaked into my op and damaged the root systems of some of the plants in the batches with STG cubes, so it's hard for me to give a straight-up comparative estimation of the performance advantage of the STG cubes. The large gaps between the STG cubes, however, may have made it easier for gnats to get deeper into the rootzones. As soon as I get the gnats eradicated, I'm going to have another go with STG cubes to see how they go. I do like them, though. Much neater to handle (no crumbs of the stuff all over the place as with Fytocell), easier to dispose of used STG media as it dries out quickly and is much lighter than used Fytocell.

PK really helps with bud density. Presently using it at 1.5ml/L in tank 3 for weeks 5 & 6 along with Canna Flores at 3ml/L. Would be safe to say that PK is good for 20% uptick in yield weight.
Al thank you so much for answering my questions, I will take thicker stemmed cuttings for the next run. I was sad to hear about the small yielding potential of Duckfoot. It was my only option, I am looking to a friend to order me Pure power plant seeds,but it will be a long while b4 it becomes a mother and cloned and then into the sog, so for now I'm stuck with it, I will let you know how it turns out for me.
I was pleased however to hear that my plants will probably continue to grow,they are still healthy and happy,and as you said they continue to grow taller,slowly but they are,only I would bitch about short plants in a sog grow,but I was looking for at least 2ft plant, I dont think I'll get my Oz per plant this run,I'll have to really baby them to get 1/2 that.
But again thank you Al for your answers and encouraging words.
Al thank you so much for answering my questions, I will take thicker stemmed cuttings for the next run. I was sad to hear about the small yielding potential of Duckfoot. It was my only option, I am looking to a friend to order me Pure power plant seeds,but it will be a long while b4 it becomes a mother and cloned and then into the sog, so for now I'm stuck with it, I will let you know how it turns out for me.
I was pleased however to hear that my plants will probably continue to grow,they are still healthy and happy,and as you said they continue to grow taller,slowly but they are,only I would bitch about short plants in a sog grow,but I was looking for at least 2ft plant, I dont think I'll get my Oz per plant this run,I'll have to really baby them to get 1/2 that.
But again thank you Al for your answers and encouraging words.

Good luck. I do like PPP. Grew it some years back- it can be a very heavy yielder.
Hey, Al! I just wanted to say thanks for all of the information you have given the grow community all of these years. You’re one of the only gurus that tell it like it is, without all the myths and bullshit. I started off growing DWC with great success, but just couldn’t get the yield I was looking for in my small space. I wanted to be able to grow enough to support myself when my unemployment ran out, plus have all I and my friends could smoke. I read for about two years before I finally got the balls to start, and apart from you guys in the growing forums, I’ve never told anyone what I’m up to (not easy, esp. when people state that I have the best weed they’ve ever had!) It was between aeroponics (mostly from Stinkbud’s thread) and F&D a la Mr. Fuct. I went with your method for several reasons, not the least of which is I am also a lazy stoner ;) Also, sog is the highest yielding method per square foot. My room is about 6wx8lx8h, and I’m growing with two 600w digilux hps in Sun Systems’ Magnum XXXLs. I have 4 3x2 trays with a 2.5 square hanging panda tent with a 250w hps (what a genius idea, man!) in which I keep 11 moms of 5 different strains: White Widow, NY-47, Trainwreck (my favorite) OG Kush and NLxBB. I’ve got 22 plants in each tray and a 36 site aerocloner running most of the time (couldn’t do your rockwool cloning, too much work for me ;)). The mom’s do make way more clones than I need, and it’s nice to choose the best to flower. You were right, I cut the shit out of them with every batch of clones, and two weeks later they’re back where they were each time. My 5.5 inch pots (I grow 4 per sf) have a layer of rockwool mini cubes at the bottom and they’re filled with perlite. I can only water once every 2 or 3 days, and I’m looking to maybe switch mediums so I can flood more often, no hydroton please. I’m pulling a little over 10 ounces each tray every two weeks, not bad for 600s but I know I can get that up to a pound per tray. I’m still a newbie. I grow in my apartment, I converted my small office into the grow room with a deadbolt. Luckily, the room has two windows; one for intake in the cooler months and a 10,000 btu a/c in the other window. I took out the a/c side panels and replaced them with two vent boots on either side of the unit. I painted the inside of the boots white and put screen over them, looks totally natural from the outside. I run the ducting into the lights from one side of the a/c, then I have to have the ducting do a 180 sharp turn back over the lights and out the other boot register on the other side of the window. I have a 8 inch vortex fan so it easily compensates for the high static pressure of my ducting bends. I have 2 six inch vortex fans with carbon filters: one just cleans the room’s air and the other is used for room exhaust in the cooler months. You can’t smell or hear a damn thing from that room.

I’ve wanted to say thanks for a long time to my mentor, so thank you Al. Here’s some pics, wish I could upload video…

Hi Al,

First time poster; although i've been lurking your threads for a couple of weeks and am just blown away with how knowledgeable and objective you are. Fantastic contribution to the community that you have done here, Thank you!.

I'm starting my first grow in a high rise building. I'm actually buying the place for this purpose but i will live there with my girlfriend (who owns a small business). My plan is to make one of the bedrooms into a stealth grow room. Being a high rise my main concerns are odour and noise. If i can find a way to vent into the central ducting without being too visible that will be my plan. Otherwise i will have to vent to a window (and i guess vent into my bathroom when the window washers come) I may need to muffle the exhaust though in either case.

Could you look at my diagram and tell me if it looks ok? I'm basically going to try and copy your design as it looks fantastic and i like the steady flow of ganj.

-ill be using STG filler and STG starter cubes in regular pots.
-mothers may be in soil i haven't decided yet
-mylar grow tents will be sealed at all times except for venting


My main questions are

1. Do you think ill be OK with just 2 600w HPS for flower room to start? Ill add a 3rd 600w if needed.
2. Do i need to areate the reservoir only while flooding or should i just let it run 24/7 so that the water is nice and oxygeny by the start of flood cycle
3. When i get a dehumidifier, what would be the best placement (that flower tent is pretty much maxed out space wise)
4. Do you think this will be too loud/smelly for a concrete high rise?
5. Is it OK that the 8 inch vortex will only be on with lights? should i consider running it 24/7?

Thanks so much for your input in advance!
hey Al quick question for ya, i believe you answered this before but i couldnt find it, didnt know if it was this thread or your harvest every week thread.

what is the fastest way to establish mother(s) from seed?
they are at day 22 in this pic.
AOS veg22.jpgAOS 23veg.jpg
i plan on harvesting every month, 2 600whps, 2 3x3 ftables

what i plan on doing is to let them keep growing till about day 40(about 10 inches tall) and top. use top as clone to determine sex while the topped plants begin to bush and form multiple tops. 2weeks later sex is determined and ill have several(hopefully) female 'moms'. get as many quality cuttings off of the remaining females to run in the first 3x3 table. by the time its time to get more cuttings for table #2, i will get rid of any moms that i dont like(i will still take a cutting and keep it just in case the smoke is amazing, then after taste/smoke test i will completely discard).

what do u think?

i was told to throw these into flower NOW and when they stretch take a cutting of each then ill know which are female. but my point is that then ill have to wait another month or more to be able to take good quality cuttings... or no? is this the way to go about it?
Thanks for answers Al. U r using Canna Substra wich is run-to-waste nutrient. Isn't it better to use nutes for recirculatin systems? Like Canna Aqua?

Canna Aqua

Formulated to provide a stable pH, Canna Aqua is specifically designed to work in re-circulating hydroponic systems such as NFT tanks and flood and drain set-ups.

Because the plants are in constant contact with the nutrient solution, and not all nutrients are absorbed at the same rate, the composition of the solution will change over time.
Canna Aqua has been designed to allow for this and also contains buffering agents to maintain the pH levels once they have been set. It also works well with both hard and soft water.
As with all Canna nutrients there is a tendency for plants to ‘lock-up’ if you haven’t got everything right but overall this is a great nutrient and a popular choice.

Also room is 520ft3
What do you think about 36 lollioped plants (Dinafem Critical+) in 1m^2 (3,3^2ft) tray? A 1000w HPS over two of them. All together 4 trays. I also plan to use 14l dehumidifier and exchange air once per minute. Can I still expect 0.75oz per plant when plants are so crowded? Is the airflow, light enough?

Best Regards