jesus & his ho's


Well-Known Member
its clearly stated in tha gud boook the big J like to hang out with his ho's, its not mentioned he liked to hang out with gays, pedophiles, people who 'love' animals, necrophiliacs, cannibals, muderers, thieves, weed growers, rapists, ladyboys, lawyers etc, this leaves some large questions about J's actual time spent with these ho's? WTF was he actually doing with these gals?
now J being 'purrfect' must have been a stunner, so the gals would have been throwing themselves at him like moths into a candle flame, just how did our man cope with this attention? J as stated b4 being purrfect must have therefore had the purrfect cock n balls? thereby probably in the 10"-12" range, so even in spite of the loose hippy sort of clothing of that period it would have been obvious immediately to all when he got a hardon, as mentioned elsewhere in tha gud book its naughty to spill the seed onto the ground, therefore J's sperm banks would have been bursting at their seams one can only surmise.
now we all know female tactics to lure men to mate with them have not changed much in thousands of yrs, & J being the stunner he was would have witnessed every form of luring technique used by the female to 'come hither & fuck me darling'...the questions that now remains are...what happened during those luring moments? did he just cum all over the place like a 16yr old boy at his first glimpse of a wet inviting clam? did he have a tight string permanently tied around the neck of his purrfect tool firmly held up against his body so it would not be obvious to all when he barred up?....OR...was the real reason he choose to hang with those gals was to shag the guts out of them thinking no one would believe them if they told anyone he was giving them that purrfect tool?....OR...had J in an absolute need to suffer as much as possible just cut off all his manhood & thrown it to the dogs? this would have greatly eased his natural desire to be wanting to hump every woman that offered herself to him, and remember folks...he being purrfect must have been a stunner, compare how fricken ugly mick jagger was/is & how many gals threw themselves at can imagine J's dilemma
any comments no matter how mundane, ludicrous, ridiculous, fantastical, whimsical, perverse, nonsensical are all welcome because nothing can compare to 'tha gud book' on those points
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