Killing Fields Is Killer!


Well-Known Member
Picture 024.jpgPicture 023.jpgPicture 022.jpgPicture 021.jpggot in early from work so i cloned another batch of k/f this time i cloned pheno #3 its greener & stickier than #1 but the buds arent as dense so i now have 14 jackberry , 18 pure ak & 28 killing fields if they all survive & take root lately ive had 100% survival rate on my clones here is a few pics:weed:


Well-Known Member
Picture 029.jpgPicture 028.jpgPicture 026.jpgPicture 027.jpgdecided to wait another week possibly 2 weeks before i chop i made this decision for 2 reasons #1 after a test smoke we decided its not ready trichs are crystal clear & although good the potency needs to come up a bit to live up to its potential reason#2 is my buds are still fattening up &growing im gonna feed a ripening dose of nutes & flush in the final week reason #3 is that i have a qrazy train plant in this grow & it needs more time too i had 2 q/t & 1 turned out to be a male the one thing i wasnt expecting of this strain [k/f] & it came as a surprise this stuff has solid cash-cropper potential its gonna yield very good im also getting explosive growth in my hydro grow its easily outgrowing the pure ak thats in the room with it:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Picture 038.jpgPicture 037.jpgPicture 036.jpgwell i chopped today & its hanging all of my clones took & my hydro grow is starting to show the first sighns of buds trying to develop im working on crossing a jackberry male with a superlemonhaze female


Well-Known Member
Picture 044.jpgPicture 043.jpgPicture 042.jpgPicture 045.jpgthis is a busy time for me as ive only recently fired up a second room & ive now converted back to hydro in both rooms these are pics of my homemade 3x3 e&f 600w. set up im using a 60 qt. low profile tote originaly designed to slide under a bed for my reservoir which now gives me an extra foot of heigth to work with my 1000w. 4x4 e&f grow is rapidly developing bud sites ive moved my clones into my 3x3 room & hung my t-5 light over them im gonna build a veg room for the t-5 so i can keep babies going for my rooms


Active Member
Nice job, Herk. It's funny how they shrink, eh? In your pics the living colas looked huge (maybe just no context)!

Anyway, good grow and you should post a smoke report in the Smoke Report section.


Well-Known Member
Horrible Herk: Im at day 49 of flowering with my killing fields, it smells out of this world and the colors are amazing looking. It just seems like it's not going to yield alot, its almost like the plants aren't really progressing?? I think im going to g0 82-85 days with it, does it pack on really late in flowering?? im just worried my yield isnt going to be much, and that is one of the reasons i did this strain. It would suck to go 11 1/2 weeks with this strain and get not alot. Just looking for your insight.


Well-Known Member
i had 3 phenos & 1 was absolutly beautiful but just didnt yield [1/4 oz. per plant] im averaging 1 1/2 oz. or better on the other 2 phenos by day 45 of 12/12 light cycle theyve packed on their weight i can only say what i experienced & hope you find some usable info very soon im gonna compare k/f to some other strains i have & post the results here my other strains are superlemonhaze, querkle & qrazy train there are about 5 people gonna sample over about a week & ill post what we think of it ive also got a friend about to harvest k/f as well so we'll see how it stacks up in all aspects [at least my 2 phenos] against some of our other stuff


Well-Known Member
i had 3 phenos & 1 was absolutly beautiful but just didnt yield [1/4 oz. per plant] im averaging 1 1/2 oz. or better on the other 2 phenos by day 45 of 12/12 light cycle theyve packed on their weight i can only say what i experienced & hope you find some usable info very soon im gonna compare k/f to some other strains i have & post the results here my other strains are superlemonhaze, querkle & qrazy train there are about 5 people gonna sample over about a week & ill post what we think of it ive also got a friend about to harvest k/f as well so we'll see how it stacks up in all aspects [at least my 2 phenos] against some of our other stuff
sounds like a killer way to report in on the smoke. look forward to it!


Well-Known Member
so far it seems that k/f is better than qrazy train but trails behind slh we havent fully compared everything yet & not everyone has tried any after some cure time


Well-Known Member
Picture 064.jpgPicture 063.jpgPicture 061.jpgPicture 062.jpgPicture 060.jpgPicture 059.jpgmy 1000w. hydro grow is rockin solid & im hoping the stretch is gonna slow up a bit as im about out og room to raise the light the little girls vegging under the t-5's are female seeds pure ak. for my 3x3 600w. e&f hydro grow kicking off in a week or so i think im gonna try co-co fiber for my grow medium this time in 3 gal pots:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Picture 073.jpgPicture 072.jpgPicture 071.jpgPicture 070.jpgPicture 069.jpgPicture 068.jpgthe switch to hydro has really woke this stuff up here is most recent pics gonna do smoke report probably this weekend ill see everyone i gave samples to & get their opinions too for a good evaluation this strain has met my expectations & i have another of sannies [jackberry] strains being developed on a friends grow & im crossing it with superlemonhaze right now for a future grow & ive already started a grow of female seeds pure - ak which for a bargain- basement price is performing quite well it has its own strain thread


Well-Known Member
Horribleherk: when did your clones show Buds? At what week ? And how long are you flowering your clones for?? What do you rate Killing Fields on a 1-10 scale ?