Well-Known Member
They starved the 120 dogs for 3 days and then threw the victims into a cage naked.
Hey doood! Dogs gotta eat too, know what I'm sayin' here?
They starved the 120 dogs for 3 days and then threw the victims into a cage naked.
What makes it any worse than the way his father or grandfather ruled the country?
I would hate to live in world where nobody felt responsible enough to stand up againist such atrocities, if indeed this report from the UK is true.
Never said it makes it worst, did I? Now your going to start putting words in mouth also? I don't understand why you posted this? Could you please explain? You're jumping to conclusions without the facts. Learn to comprehend what you read and you will not make these unjustified posts. Remember "think"- "type"- "read"- and then "post". It will save you from making silly posts.
Dude, you live here and hate it, I guess. It happens right here, all the time.
They dragged a black guy down the road with a truck and killed him, fairly recently. Then they tried to Blame Bush. In Las Vegas, last year, kids torched a drunk and killed him. It was caught on surveillance.
You must keep you eyes wide shut, I suppose, if you think this only happens afar.
Define "stand up." I stood up. Now what?
I read BWG707's post with sarcastic coloring.
He may not have meant it that way - just what I thought was the mark he was trying to hit.
in florida, they beat the homeless to death..regularly.
in florida, they beat the homeless to death..regularly.
in florida, they beat the homeless to death..regularly.
Dude, you live here and hate it, I guess. It happens right here, all the time.
They dragged a black guy down the road with a truck and killed him, fairly recently. Then they tried to Blame Bush. In Las Vegas, last year, kids torched a drunk and killed him. It was caught on surveillance.
You must keep you eyes wide shut, I suppose, if you think this only happens afar.
Define "stand up." I stood up. Now what?
Our weather does that quite nicely.
Last cold snap in Anchorage saw two homeless ladies succumb to exposure in a 48 hour period.
Are you trying to say that nobody in the US stands up againist these things? Be sensible and stop trying to start stuff with me every chance you get . It's really getting old and you are getting more and more ridiculous. Don't jump to conclusions. Stick to what I said and stop bending things I say for the convenience of your argument. It doesn't work. There is no comparable logic to what you are saying. Good bye to you, I refuse to reply to any more of your attempts to make an argument. And I don't think you want to know what I think YOU should do after you "stood up". Do you think that was a very intelligent remark you made there?