Sure, an explanation with no content.
The world's real superpower, the Illuminati Ninja Turtles?
Don't you know the story of how North Korea came to be? So, you think China, with no Blue Water Navy is a superpower? China, who could not launch an orbital missile without our hardware help?
China, who is locked is a Continental struggle with
- Taiwan
- Russia
- India?
China, who is our lower esteemed friend, since we saved them from Japan?
You must be smoking something with low THC.
Korea was split in two back in'45, the Russians occupied the North and the US the South.
China may not have the tech ability of the US but there isn't a country or coalition in the world who would take them on in their own backyard.
They are second only to the US in military spending so it's not chump change they're spending.
Maybe some of the stories coming out about what's going on in N.Korea cannot be verified but the fact remains millions are suffering at the hands of Kim Jong Un like they did with his Father and Grandfather before him.
So why are the Iraqi's for instance more worthy of the US and UN's help and not the Koreans?
If you know so much what is the political reasoning behind this?
Worthiness? There is the problem. No one is worthy, and to accept out help is accepting the help of the top Mafia dogs in the world, USA.44
The reasons are not political, they are real. And so, I am not read in, nor want to be, of the real reason. I can only track and triangulate the false reasons.
Iraq we helped like we helped South Korea. We are standing them up, not helping, pushing Iraq up, like we did Japan and South Korea, but lost Viet Nam. General MacArthur is the only reason we were able to save the South of Korea.
Korea, was WW2.1. Iraq was WW2.4
I will tell you, and it is in his Biography. The Russian insisted on those North Islands of Japan. Mac said no, and he was the Theater Commander. The Russian said then we will have the Korean Peninsula.
Mac, said Oh hell no, and they did not get it all.
I can tell you there is no politics going on in this world. The UN is a spy joke. Inside the countries for the masses, yes, we have our @ Party Arena. But, I have shown us here time and time again, that is all lies, what we are told about it.
This is Real. And our only common enemy is ourselves, alas. Did you somehow think this was suppose to be fair? Did you think you know enough?
I think secretly, North Korea and Iran are our staunch allies.
How does that throw your equation of worthy![]()
Doer suffers from a learning disability and has a hard time keeping things together, but we love him anyway. Give it a few years of exposure and you can start to decipher them.E I really don't understand your post.
Korea was split in two back in'45, the Russians occupied the North and the US the South.
China may not have the tech ability of the US but there isn't a country or coalition in the world who would take them on in their own backyard.
They are second only to the US in military spending so it's not chump change they're spending.
Maybe some of the stories coming out about what's going on in N.Korea cannot be verified but the fact remains millions are suffering at the hands of Kim Jong Un like they did with his Father and Grandfather before him.
So why are the Iraqi's for instance more worthy of the US and UN's help and not the Koreans?
If you know so much what is the political reasoning behind this?
I figured out like everyone else a long time ago that life isn't fair, it's just less fair for some more than others.
So with respect you don't know why the North has received no help?
Maybe Dennis Rodman will sort it out.
Out of curiousity what is the public perception in the US of Rodman's trips to NK?
What the fuck are you talking about, they receive no help???? You have no idea what we do.
You only barely listen like the rest of us.
But, we send tons of food.
So, if not in the USA, you see things differnet. You are told or prestnted with the idea that Amercia is very involved with our own politics.
WE are not. We vote so we can then check out...if we vote at all.
What you see is 5% Press natter.
No one cares what Rodman does, but Rodman. Had his press agent not told you, you would not even know.
Rodman is a Soverign Citizen who dresses funny, and makes a lot of claims, of buddy buddy, so what? I bet he shakes in his boots,
but needs the press.
I think the poster above is right, no oil = no interest.
Tons of food?
I was thinking those children dying on the streets of Pyongyang were obese.
Yet North Korea don't lock people up for possessing or consuming a plant so yeah....
So, you don't know what resourse weath NC, has, right? And you can't see the value.
And you think we don't keep the country, not fat, but not dying and not rushing the gates of China, in starvation.
You thihnk you see anything? You think Rodman does.
And oil is not our only one trick pony this is all about protecting lanes, first sea lanes and now orbit launch lanes.
Between 2009 and the present the US has provided virtually no aid to North Korea.
A deal proposed in 2012 fell through when Pyongyang refused to concede on it's nuclear program.
Sometime in 2012 also the Senate voted against food aid to NK.
So unless Ronald McDonald is dropping BigMac's from the sky I doubt very much the poor of NK are eating anything American.
Ambassador Rodman is a publicity hungry idiot, I think many would agree that "celebrities" should stay out of politics.
Why do you think we even will give aid? It is not for kindness, it is only for self interests conducted by self rule success.
And I love the way you say "virtually none," but have no idea what that amount is, and no idea about what is actually done behind your back. Oh, they didn't tell you.
You still think we are told the true story when there has never been any evidence of that, even when they were reporting VC body count in Nam.
My point is they might execute a few people for what seem like bullshit reasons to us, yet the US incarcerates more of its own people than any other nation on the planet, a lot of those are minorities and small casual drug users.No they don't so that makes them "our" ally.
So you know what's goes on behind the scenes?
Have you a direct line to the White House?
I understand very well why aid would be given and it's not for humanitarian purposes.
The US or any country for that matter doesn't "help" another because of a strong moral compass, they do so for their own agenda's, you don't need a college degree to figure that one out.
So what's the the rest of the world going to do about this! Kim executed his uncle and several others by wild dogs. They starved the 120 dogs for 3 days and then threw the victims into a cage naked. They watched this spectacle for an hour while the dogs devoured the victims. When will this world overthrow this barbaric regime?
The hypocrisy is strong with these people, I said similar that serving time for a plant destroys your life, yet the US keeps looking outwards, ignoring the fact their own lawn is completely jam packed with shit itself.Don't expect the same country that encourages cops to break into houses and shoot dogs over a plant to come to the rescue. Just saying.