Latest UVA vs UVB cannabinoid test results

LOL @SenseiPrawn I missed have missed the lesson about heat and your scaly mates LEDs. Its been pretty hot on this side of the equator too, so yeah ok I have dropped the EC to 2.3, 2 weeks since flip - 5 to go, my next upgrade will be some Mars UFOs
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Hey Frank, don't listen to Prawn – they look great! Are you noticing any difference between the original High Lights and the newer 420s?
Most likely, with proper nutrition and exercise, many health problems would not have appeared at all, but how realistic is this for people who do not take their ass off the couch and still order pizza at home?
And the wonderful products and technologies of "our grandfathers" may be better than GMOs, although it is far from a fact, but it would be appropriate to discuss this with a population of 3 people per square kilometer, and not 50 as it is now.
However, this is really far from the topic. I hope the topic starter will forgive us for this.:oops:

To be fair, an adult debate is always interesting. Even if we can’t all agree on something, it’s a chance to see another angle or another variable we haven’t thought about. Also interesting to see why someone is a poo passionate about their view. I half wanted to jump into this but it’s definitely not what we were talking about at the beginning of the thread, let me know if you continue this discussion on another thread and I’ll grab some popcorn!
Hey Frank, don't listen to Prawn – they look great! Are you noticing any difference between the original High Lights and the newer 420s?
I’m actually interested in the difference between these as I have three highlight uv boards that I haven’t decided what to do with since buying the 420 gen1 boards. Either I use them for one of my occasional flower rooms, mix them with the 420 boards (Shame they’re different sizes as I would like a chequerboard of old and new) or like this one, half and half?
In my experience, 660nm improves growth but my older 288 and highlight uv boards seem to give more bud density? I really need to iron out any variables on a few runs but curious if anyone else has seen similar results?
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It's all good. A little bit of debate is healthy even if it is off-topic :D I think I agree with you that exercise, relaxation and healthy eating can solve a lot of health issues in modern societies but a lot of people are just looking for a quick and easy fix so that they can keep doing what they are doing. Population pressures are an issue in many parts of the world. And maybe LEDs and food are related after all as indoor growing technology is making up for a lack of agricultural land as people build houses on it. Technology and medicine have their place but we can also learn a lot from Mother Nature.

No one is dismissing proper diet and exercise benefits, again it's backed by SCIENCE. Stating that people should "eat better" when they can't afford to and have no land is irresponsible misinformation IMO. You think these poor souls don't want nutrient dense and diverse flavors in their diet? Laughable. Golden rice saved millions of children's lives(fact) regardless on your stance, sure free birth control would help too.

It's insulting, I do this for a fucking living. I go to conferences (forced by employer) listen to some of the greatest minds in the biz. You don't think they talk about sustainability? Really!? If the giants don't follow it's all just talk and bs. They mostly agree a quick fix(GMO) is better than no fix to put it in simple terms. Again, time is not on our side!

People going on about shit like these soccer mom facefuck groups calling for round up bans and buying their "organic" goods at whole foods while their husbands spreads 2-4 d granules on their mono cropped lawns ( glypho has a way shorter half life) and doesn't affect the water table. Glypho has been revaluated since 1974 over and over for it's safety at recommended dilution rates(it's off patent anyways), Bayer's decision to remove it residentially was about stopping frivolous litigation. Atrazine, it's chem herbicide alternative will kill me faster(workers) and is worse for soil pollution/runoff. But, but Yay evil Monsanto lost! Cheering on their smartphones/internet while Amazon/ Google/internet(AWS) uses millions of gallons of unrecyclable fresh water a day to cool the servers that could be used to help CA ag.

Give me a fucking break, rant over
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No one is dismissing proper diet and exercise benefits, again it's backed by SCIENCE. Stating that people should "eat better" when they can't afford to and have no land is irresponsible misinformation IMO. You think these poor souls don't want nutrient dense and diverse flavors in their diet? Laughable. Golden rice saved millions of children's lives(fact) regardless on your stance, sure free birth control would help too.

It's insulting, I do this for a fucking living. I go to conferences (forced by employer) listen to some of the greatest minds in the biz. You don't think they talk about sustainability? Really!? If the giants don't follow it's all just talk and bs. They mostly agree a quick fix(GMO) is better than no fix to put it in simple terms. Again, time is not on our side!

People going on about shit like these soccer mom facefuck groups calling for round up bans and buying their "organic" goods at whole foods while their husbands spreads 2-4 d granules on their mono cropped lawns ( glypho has a way shorter half life) and doesn't affect the water table. Glypho has been revaluated since 1974 over and over for it's safety at recommended dilution rates(it's off patent anyways), Bayer's decision to remove it residentially was about stopping frivolous litigation. Atrazine, it's chem herbicide alternative will kill me faster(workers) and is worse for soil pollution/runoff. But, but Yay evil Monsanto lost! Cheering on their smartphones/internet while Amazon/ Google/internet(AWS) uses millions of gallons of unrecyclable fresh water a day to cool the servers that could be used to help CA ag.

Give me a fucking break, rant over
Finished my popcorn…
"Selective science" is the new catch phrase of the day!....... Later grower
Clearly it is when you start defending glyphosate and naively claim that Bayer removed it to avoid "frivilous lawsuits".

Glyphosate has been banned in countless juridictions around the world and there are studies linking it to health issues in humans, mammals and fish. But I guess you know better than them because you "do this for a fucking living".

You think these poor souls don't want nutrient dense and diverse flavors in their diet? Laughable.
You mean like the average American or Australian who would rather eat McDonalds and KFC than fresh vegetables – even though a serve of rice, vegetables and protein is cheaper?

"Laughable" indeed!

I've been to some of the poorest parts of the world and they eat more healthily than the average Australian!
Selective breeding that humans have done over centuries could also be seen as genetically modifying these organisms. Just some food for thought lol.
I would agree. And genetic manipulation (mutation) happens all the time in nature. Although it is tested over much longer periods than centuries. You could argue that GM is just speeding up nature. You could also argue that we have ignored a lot of what nature has been teaching us while we have forged ahead thinking we know better. Land clearing and chemical fertilisers have certainly increase food production. But how sustainable has it been? We have huge issues now with soil erosion and salinity in Australia.

We have lost vast swathes of arable land by clearing it and pouring salts on it for over 100 years. And what have we learnt? That we can keep doing what we're doing because we'll "science" our way out of it.

How's that been going for the environment?
Which version of sunlight would you like?
5000K mid day sun. The ambiguity of the request is not lost on me. I know it's a bit of a broad question since the spectrum changes depending on time of day.

I've been reading a lot on this lately and am a little overwhelmed with how much CRI plays a role vs the ratios of the spectral peaks. and I know blue for example promotes transpiration but I have no idea how much per percent blue fraction where does it get maxed out. How does this contrast to transpiration from IR (and general heat). Is it a case of matching the spectral peaks for blue red and and green at a roughly the same amount or do you have to recreate the full breadth of the suns spectrum.

So long story short I don't know what type of sun I want. The kind that grows the most dank easily without calcium probs when you crank the light. Lol.
5000K mid day sun. The ambiguity of the request is not lost on me. I know it's a bit of a broad question since the spectrum changes depending on time of day.
Latitude? Altitude? Time of year? Atmospheric conditions?

I'm not trying to be funny, I'm simply pointing out the obvious: there is no such thing as the "sunlight standard" because sunlight is dynamic. Yes, there are general correlations, but transpiration is not static either and plants store and move mobile and semi-mobile nutrients (like calcium) around to adapt to whatever conditions they are growing in.

And who says they use more calcium and magnesium under LED? What if, in fact, hydroponic nutrients that were developed for HIDs are actually lacking in calcium and magnesium to begin with because they lack blue light and plants don't transpire as much under them as in nature?

Perhaps we are looking at it back-to-front.

Just sayin' ;-)

MidnightSun72 said:
I've been reading a lot on this lately and am a little overwhelmed with how much CRI plays a role vs the ratios of the spectral peaks. and I know blue for example promotes transpiration but I have no idea how much per percent blue fraction where does it get maxed out. How does this contrast to transpiration from IR (and general heat). Is it a case of matching the spectral peaks for blue red and and green at a roughly the same amount or do you have to recreate the full breadth of the suns spectrum.

So long story short I don't know what type of sun I want. The kind that grows the most dank easily without calcium probs when you crank the light. Lol.
I really can't answer that because it's not just light and heat that cause plants to transpire and transpiration is only one of three or four ways plants absorb nutrients (reverse osmosis and active transport via ATP being the others via the roots, and leaf absorption being another).

All we can really do is create lights and grow plants and observe which ones perform bests under the general conditions in which we grow. To that end we can measure yields and secondary metabolite production and photomorphogenic response. But there are a lot of factors at play so I'd say there really is not "one size fits all" solution to every plant type and species.
Cross species GMOs are a step beyond what Nature does and just weird. Maybe even modify the plant to produce an addictive agent along with THC.
There is an argument that human interference is part of evolution. And I would agree with that argument because there is no doubt that humans are influncing the evolution of many species on this planet right now. That doesn't necessarily mean we know what we are doing all the time. Scientists introduced cane toads to Australia to eat cane beetles to improve sugar cane yields. The toads didn't eat the beetles but instead poisoned all the native wildlife. They have been an envrionmental disaster. But slowly some native species are learning to adapt – although it has taken almost 100 years.

And that's why I think it is the height of arrogance to believe that science is always best. Like sunlight, science is dynamic - what we know now will change in the future as our understanding of the world around us improves. I'm not saying we should give up on science, but I am saying that science needs to respect the ultimate arbiter of innovation – Mother Nature.
Supposed to be watching this so I can grow great weed with manipulating light spectrum but now I can’t stop thinking about dropping my hydro for organic soil as I originally planned? I’m serious too, if I wasn’t in financial lockdown recovery I’d just replace my nutes and start now. I think it’s a positive result.
Why not organic hydroponics? I use organic based hydro nutrients myself.
do you have any comparison vs just using white diodes...?
Which white diodes? Most white diodes have almost no light under 440-450nm and over 700nm. But there are some exceptions.
Yes, we have done testing comparing typical Samsung strips and boards to "true" full PAR spectrum + lights and we've found that added far red speeds up the flowering process and creates bigger leaves whilst UVA definitely increases cannabinoids. We've also found that too much blue light can hurt yields and that increased levels of red – especially with far red – increases yields. We're not the only ones who have made these discoveries. Photomorphogenics have been studied a fair bit.
Why not organic hydroponics? I use organic based hydro nutrients myself.
I heard it was difficult in hydro but not impossible? Any tips on trying? All my knowledge of organic was feeding the soil and I thought nutrients for organic would be lacking some things due to them normally being used in a healthy compost mix. But I’m all up for learning