Let's talk about guns. . . . . .


Well-Known Member
I've been catching up on older video's from Beau of the Fifth Column. Came across this three part series. It's well worth the watch. Especially for the three types of gun people. Pro gun, anti gun and the folks who understand firearms.

I love firearms, always have & always will.
I went on a mission when I was 24 to learn to hunt, because I felt that I needed to connect dots, that if I liked too eat meat/fish, therefore I should be responsible for they're acquisition.
Fuck going to the grocery store & simply buying the meat you crave (I am a proud carnivore), I want to go into the woods & earn my right to exist.
I hunted for 2 years using bow & rifle before I killed my 1st deer with a shotgun on a farm that my friends Uncle owned.
It was a life changing experience, watching the light go out of that bucks eyes as it passed.
But the cycle of life continued with me dressing the deer and feeding my family with it's bounty.
I have no problem at all with guns, they are a necessary tool
But the need for assault weapons of mass destruction is another story altogether.
They should be banned, there is no logical need or purpose for them besides killing humans & that is a fact.
The Federal Assault Weapons Ban of 1994 should definitely be revisited & when the Congress & the WH shift Democratic come November I think then it will be time for a serious discussion of gun control, no more lockstep with the NRA shit that's going down now.
I am a gun owner but not a hunter. I like going to the range and that's about it.

I have no need nor want for an assault rifle. Nobody other than military personnel should have them.

The biggest problem though is that there are virtually no laws on private sales of guns in the vast majority of states.

We need to get rid of assault weapons and implement universal background checks for all gun sales.

It's not rocket science. It's not hard either.
Hunter since I was 12 years old. Hunted a lot of white tail back in missouri. I just love shooting, if I didn't hunt (haven't in years) I would still love shooting. Also, nothing makes me feel safer at home than firearms. Someone wants to try shit around here they will have a bad time. I can consistently hit a soda can at 25 yards with a compact 9mm glock so I am no slouch. Used to be a range master at a friends range gatherings. Have owned so many firearms that I can't ever remember them all. One of my faves was a Barrett M82A1, also had an Armalite AR-50. Had a couple .500 mags. Even an H&K PSG-1 (not a clone) and a Franchi SPAS-12 with the shoulder hook for the folding stock lol. Shit ton of Kimbers, S&W's. Just LOVE guns.
Hunter since I was 12 years old. Hunted a lot of white tail back in missouri. I just love shooting, if I didn't hunt (haven't in years) I would still love shooting. Also, nothing makes me feel safer at home than firearms. Someone wants to try shit around here they will have a bad time. I can consistently hit a soda can at 25 yards with a compact 9mm glock so I am no slouch. Used to be a range master at a friends range gatherings. Have owned so many firearms that I can't ever remember them all. One of my faves was a Barrett M82A1, also had an Armalite AR-50. Had a couple .500 mags. Even an H&K PSG-1 (not a clone) and a Franchi SPAS-12 with the shoulder hook for the folding stock lol. Shit ton of Kimbers, S&W's. Just LOVE guns.
God, you're, you're so big. But, you knew that.
Hunter since I was 12 years old. Hunted a lot of white tail back in missouri. I just love shooting, if I didn't hunt (haven't in years) I would still love shooting. Also, nothing makes me feel safer at home than firearms. Someone wants to try shit around here they will have a bad time. I can consistently hit a soda can at 25 yards with a compact 9mm glock so I am no slouch. Used to be a range master at a friends range gatherings. Have owned so many firearms that I can't ever remember them all. One of my faves was a Barrett M82A1, also had an Armalite AR-50. Had a couple .500 mags. Even an H&K PSG-1 (not a clone) and a Franchi SPAS-12 with the shoulder hook for the folding stock lol. Shit ton of Kimbers, S&W's. Just LOVE guns.
Why is it that so many white guys can afford a gun but need assistance to feed your kids?
There are a LOT of people of ALL races that can afford to buy everything they need BUT the fact that they can get handouts from the gubmint makes it hard to refuse. I know a lot of people, all races, that either get state health care and even cash checks when they make all the money they need on the side so they still qualify for handouts because they look broke on paper.
Hunter since I was 12 years old. Hunted a lot of white tail back in missouri. I just love shooting, if I didn't hunt (haven't in years) I would still love shooting. Also, nothing makes me feel safer at home than firearms. Someone wants to try shit around here they will have a bad time. I can consistently hit a soda can at 25 yards with a compact 9mm glock so I am no slouch. Used to be a range master at a friends range gatherings. Have owned so many firearms that I can't ever remember them all. One of my faves was a Barrett M82A1, also had an Armalite AR-50. Had a couple .500 mags. Even an H&K PSG-1 (not a clone) and a Franchi SPAS-12 with the shoulder hook for the folding stock lol. Shit ton of Kimbers, S&W's. Just LOVE guns.
My dad took me hunting in Herman, Mo when I was 12. Most boring thing in my life. It just wasn’t for me. I don’t mind responsible people owning firearms legally, I’ve just personally never had a desire to even shoot one.
Hunter since I was 12 years old. Hunted a lot of white tail back in missouri. I just love shooting, if I didn't hunt (haven't in years) I would still love shooting. Also, nothing makes me feel safer at home than firearms. Someone wants to try shit around here they will have a bad time. I can consistently hit a soda can at 25 yards with a compact 9mm glock so I am no slouch. Used to be a range master at a friends range gatherings. Have owned so many firearms that I can't ever remember them all. One of my faves was a Barrett M82A1, also had an Armalite AR-50. Had a couple .500 mags. Even an H&K PSG-1 (not a clone) and a Franchi SPAS-12 with the shoulder hook for the folding stock lol. Shit ton of Kimbers, S&W's. Just LOVE guns.
wow, your penis must be very small.
My dad took me hunting in Herman, Mo when I was 12. Most boring thing in my life. It just wasn’t for me. I don’t mind responsible people owning firearms legally, I’ve just personally never had a desire to even shoot one.
Met my first wife at a shooting range lol. I have taught every woman I have been with for any period of time to shoot a gun. They all loved it. It's just fun. I dare you to go shooting with me and say that you didn't have a fun and safe time.
Met my first wife at a shooting range lol. I have taught every woman I have been with for any period of time to shoot a gun. They all loved it. It's just fun. I dare you to go shooting with me and say that you didn't have a fun and safe time.
your guns are 43 times more likely to be used to kill yourself or a loved one than to defend them.