Lockdowns don't work.

There is no real data, regardless.

On all sides
You are not an American patriot or even a Canadian one, the last time I checked you were a Trump supporter and that makes your motives suspect along with your judgement. There is data, we see it in the death rates dropping a few weeks after imposing distancing rules, but testing is required to generate meaningful data, both for those who are infected and those who have been, so the effects of herd immunity can be factored in.

So do you still think the sun shines outta Donald's asshole now?
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hey thats great! so you got a few fields right down your doorstep, is that why you live there? can you already observe the corals are withdrawing from increased water temp?

Problem here is there's no way of telling how the situation would be now w/o the lockdown.

the development of a vaccine against Sars-1 has been discontinued after the virus was eradicated by other measures.
however, theres no guarantee if and when we'll have one against Sars2
It was discontinued because the during trials the experimental vaccines were causing pulmonary immunopathology.
You are not an American patriot or even a Canadian one, the last time I checked you were a Trump supporter and that make your motives suspect along with your judgement. There is data, we see it in the death rates dropping a few weeks after imposing distancing rules, but testing is required to generate meaningful data, both for those who are infected and those who have been, so the effects of herd immunity can be factored in.

So do you still think the sun shines outta Donald's asshole now?
Deaths from heart attacks and such are going down too.

Because basically any death can be attributed to the virus, especially if they had it or knew someone who did.

They do this for tracking, but i doubt they'll ever go into detail on each case
So Tucker Carlson is basically Cenk Uyger?
No he's a lot more dangerous and a traitor who even freaked out at the Trump policies to Trump. This bullshit will be all swept away after the election fox is finished, what they have done and are doing is criminal, their broadcast license will be revoked. The government will regulate the internet and satellite reception, tech companies like facebook Youtube and twitter will be on a leash.
is the distractor in chief. Little relevance.
True, he hasn't had any real relevance in the American response/spread of the virus and is just using it as a distraction to try to help his re-election hopes.

I meant more that he actually held America back when he was being warned about it. Him 'shutting down' the trips to China, is now just his catch phrase to try to rewrite history.
Screen Shot 2020-04-13 at 10.56.38 AM.png
I'm still waiting for someone to show me a flattened curve so I can show them how it had nothing to do with a lockdown.

Seems like people don't want to talk about that in this thread anymore.
I'm still waiting for someone to show me a flattened curve so I can show them how it had nothing to do with a lockdown.

Seems like people don't want to talk about that in this thread anymore.
Not to worry Abandon, I'm just here shitting on a Trumper for now, but like Arnold, I'll be back, to terminate your thread.
Not to worry Abandon, I'm just here shitting on a Trumper for now, but like Arnold, I'll be back, to terminate your thread.
Nah, you're just going to keep shit posting in it like you do in every other thread. As soon as I make a really strong argument, you'll make like 9 posts in a row about everything but the topic at hand, just to bury the arguments you can't crack. It's what you do.
I'm still waiting for someone to show me a flattened curve so I can show them how it had nothing to do with a lockdown.

Seems like people don't want to talk about that in this thread anymore.
Sorry I was writing something about it and got distracted.

ok South Korea. How did they flatten it? I am not sure it is really relevant in the USA since we don't have any idea of what our infected numbers are and locking everyone down here is impossible.
Lockdown may have had a counter effect against this highly contagious and robust virus but it should have happened earlier. Now it’s too late to be effective imo. It’s not only shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted, it’s tactically nuking the whole ranch.
Lives matter, more lives will potentially be lost in the coming Great Depression. Children will suffer most, hunger will be common.
There is no win position, it’s more like how many deaths we can prevent in the coming years. No economy, no health service.
Sorry I was writing something about it and got distracted.

ok South Korea. How did they flatten it? I am not sure it is really relevant in the USA since we don't have any idea of what our infected numbers are and locking everyone down here is impossible.
New York is a ghost town. New Orleans is a ghost town. Seattle is a ghost town. Those 3 cities all were locked down in early March. Since, numbers have skyrocketed.

Lockdowns have been implemented in many states and municipalities, ostensibly to "flatten the curve". In the 3 outbreak epicenters mentioned earlier, the curve was near vertical subsequent to lockdowns being implemented.

South Korea never implemented such a lockdown. You can go to a bar, wake up the next morning and go to class and then walk your classmate home and give her a rim-job in South Korea. No lockdown. Somehow, flattened curve. Same goes for Taiwan. Same goes for and get this, because it's remarkable, Hong Kong. 3 examples of flattened curves with no lockdowns. 3 examples of lockdowns with the opposite of flattened curves.

It's time to question the lockdowns, because they don't flatten curves, but they do flatten the economy.
Lockdown may have had a counter effect against this highly contagious and robust virus but it should have happened earlier. Now it’s too late to be effective imo. It’s not only shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted, it’s tactically nuking the whole ranch.
Lives matter, more lives will potentially be lost in the coming Great Depression. Children will suffer most, hunger will be common.
There is no win position, it’s more like how many deaths we can prevent in the coming years. No economy, no health service.
Thank you, excellent analogy with the stable door. Fomites don't obey goons.