Low IQ yet again linked to conservative ideas and racism

u like to use wiki as your sources so... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Race_and_crime_in_the_United_States
you have been owned once again. u gonna say that ur wiki is biased against black ppl now? :lol: fucking dumbass

i fail to see where that article makes any of the same claims that the white supremacist article you just cited did.

for example, here's what wiki says:

While there is a correlation between blacks and Hispanics and crime, the data implies a stronger tie between poverty and crime than crime and any racial group, when gender is taken into consideration.[SUP][39][/SUP] The direct correlation between crime and class, when factoring for race alone, is relatively weak. When gender, and familial history are factored, class correlates more strongly with crime than race or ethnicity.[SUP][40][/SUP][SUP][41][/SUP] Studies indicate that areas with low socioeconomic status may have the greatest correlation of crime with young and adult males, regardless of racial composition, though its effect on females is negligible.[SUP][40][/SUP][SUP][41]

and here is what your white supremacist article says:

  • The single best indicator of violent crime levels in an area is the percentage of the population that is black and Hispanic.

are you really too fucking stupid to notice the massive differences there?
I'm about to watch the movie the fifth estate. Can someone please tell me if julian assange is a racist, I mean, I wouldn't want to watch a movie if it is about a racist. :lol:
there's a reason why no one else espouses your retarded and demonstrably false theory.

so why arent the cops similarly cracking down on black drunk drivers and blacks drunk in public (~12% of the population and ~12% of the relevant arrests) or are these two categories of crime simply enforced by the few Non-Racist cops, prosecutors, and judges in the system?

wanna commit a crime and not get pinched?


simple idea, which works every time it is tried, or are cops walking right by crowds of honkeys smoking meth on the steps of the police station, to focus laser-like on a black guy with a doobie in his living room twelve miles away?

do try to be less transparent.

when somebody shouts "That's Racist" as often and as loudly as you do, they should try to at least back it up.

"Outcomes" is your favourite metric, because it entirely avoids causes, statistical analysis, facts, and reality, focusing solely on the raw numbers at the end.

some "Outcomes" to think about:

according to the US census in 2010 for every black person in the use (13% of population) there are 6 white people (77.8% of population)

thus any "Outcome" which does not feature 6 times more white people than black people in the final numbers must be racist.


ZOMG!! blacks represent 13.1% of college students!! exactly proportional to their representation in the population, yet honkeys make up only 66.4% of college students...
That's Racist!!!! too bad it's the wrong kind of racism. so sad.


2,518,000 blacks are unemployed. 6 times 2,518,000 = 15,108,000, so there should be no more than that many honkeys unemployed to be non-racist.
8,191,000 crackahs are unemployed, so clearly jobs are RACIST. jobs are so racist, a white guy is 2x more likely to have one than a black guy.
now thats the kind of racism you were looking for right?

ok, so college is awesomely anti-racist, ensuring that honkeys dont have an advantage any more, which is HUGE SUCCESS!, bt jobs are totally racist, cleverly keeping themselves out of the hands of black people.

but what about death? is death racist?


43,887 black people OD'ed in 2010, times 6 = 263332, so to be non racist, at least that many crackahs should OD, to ensure "Equality of Outcome"

323,640 crackahs OD'ed in 2010? aww yeah, dope isnt racist!! Huzzah!

crackahs are also drinking themselves to death at totally awesome, non-racist rates, proving that "Inequality of Outcome" is super awesome as long as it's whitey getting the shaft!

uhh ohh...


234 blacks died from syphilis, versus 204 honkies! syphillis is totally racist killing blacks at a rate of more than 6 times that of whites!
ohh syphillis, why must you be so bigoted?

61216 crackahs were gunned down in 2010, divided by six, we should see no more than 10202 blacks dead by firearm homicide.
75756 blacks shot dead by racist guns in america!
we must do something to stop the scourge of racially motivated guns! or maybe it's the bullets that are racist...

"outcomes" are so much fun.
Another recent study in 2012 raises a different concern, showing that Hispanics and blacks receive considerably longer sentences for the same or lesser offenses per average than white offenders with equal or greater criminal records.[SUP][28][/SUP][SUP][29][/SUP]

OMFG how fucking dumb can you be?

notice what you JUST posted?

please reconcile that with the white supremacist "study" you posted earlier, which said this:

Major Findings:

  • Police and the justice system are not biased against minorities.
don't blame me for pointing out that you cited a white supremacist, blame yourself for being too stupid to know you were citing a white supremacist.

hell, maybe you did know you were citing a white supremacist but thought you would anyway and no one would notice, just like when kynes cited rushton in a similar debate.

by the way, the white supremacist you cited also suggests checking out rushton!


you fucking white supremacists are so fucking dumb, it almost takes the joy out of this for me.

You mean how you cite to liberals who do mental masturbation and skew their samples to get results that liberals are smarter?

I've participated in these study's. They sample college students and then they sample people who are at home during the day.

Folks who are at home during the day probably don't have a (good) job. Those studies are invalid and nothing more than a bunch of liberals and a self-high five.

2,518,000 blacks are unemployed. 6 times 2,518,000 = 15,108,000, so there should be no more than that many honkeys unemployed to be non-racist.
8,191,000 crackahs are unemployed, so clearly jobs are RACIST. jobs are so racist, a white guy is 2x more likely to have one than a black guy.
now thats the kind of racism you were looking for right?

did you miss it earlier when i posted a study that demonstrates that simply having a black sounding name makes it tougher to get a job?
You mean how you cite to liberals who do mental masturbation and skew their samples to get results that liberals are smarter?

I've participated in these study's. They sample college students and then they sample people who are at home during the day.

Folks who are at home during the day probably don't have a (good) job. Those studies are invalid and nothing more than a bunch of liberals and a self-high five.

i look forward to your peer reviewed rebuttal to this study, just as soon as you learn how to use apostrophes properly.
so why arent the cops similarly cracking down on black drunk drivers and blacks drunk in public (~12% of the population and ~12% of the relevant arrests) or are these two categories of crime simply enforced by the few Non-Racist cops, prosecutors, and judges in the system?

wanna commit a crime and not get pinched?

i know when i used to be a hoodlum i would plan out how to rob people without getting pinched. guess which type of people were always down to ride? yep, my black kin folks. < yes i used to be a member of the 74 folk GD.

apparently i became racist as i got older. :lol: according to buck that is.
i know when i used to be a hoodlum i would plan out how to rob people without getting pinched. guess which type of people were always down to ride? yep, my black kin folks. < yes i used to be a member of the 74 folk GD.

apparently i became racist as i got older. :lol: according to buck that is.

yeah, you only cite white supremacists to back up your worldview.

then, when i point out that you just cited white supremacists, you cite wiki and try to tell me the same thing.

then, when i point out the massive contradictions between your white supremacists and wiki, you accuse me of omitting stuff.

then, when i point out that the stuff i omitted also contradicts your white supremacist bullshit, you tell a personal anecdote about how you used to rob people.

jesus christ.

i have a hard time believing anyone can possibly be this stupid, even a former member of a white supremacy group like you.
is that the to not kill living animals thing?

Vegans don't search out to kill lower animals nor do we support products which enslave them. I'm also an econaught. I support equal hard work and opportunity to those with the skills and intelligence. So I have no idea why the liberal brigade hates me. I have no love for Jesus just like them.
I am supposed to take a couple hours and read all that, to what, negate my own real world experience?

Look man echelon is dead on here about the South. Its a little secret of ours and we like all you morons thinking its just a backward ass sister fucking clan rally......what ever it takes to keep you the fuck out.

Blacks, whites and mexicans go to school together, then work together later in life.

Not sure what the official census is cause I dont give a fuck my opinion is all that matters when I state it.

The south is EXTREMELY diverse in culture my neck of the woods was equal parts black and white, with native americans, mexicans even middle eastern and indians.

I mean when all the industry flocks to your area to take advantage of skilled labor and low costs of living combined with not having to put up with union bullshit we are all black white and brown waaaaaay too busy working over time to give a fuck about racism.

In Texas, minorities are the majority making up around 55% of our population. They just don't understand.
Vegans don't search out to kill lower animals nor do we support products which enslave them. I'm also an econaught. I support equal hard work and opportunity to those with the skills and intelligence. So I have no idea why the liberal brigade hates me. I have no love for Jesus just like them.

only thing i really took from that is you are too far above buck to kill him since he is a lower and weaker species. :clap: