New Member
Oregon is a BACKWATER. It's a piece of Mississippi or Alabama transplanted into a rain forest.
Anything over 120 means you can basically teach yourself.
I feel sad I can't get in MENSA, though. Might as well kill myself.
u like to use wiki as your sources so...
you have been owned once again. u gonna say that ur wiki is biased against black ppl now?fucking dumbass
My vegan ideals prevent me from doing that.
there's a reason why no one else espouses your retarded and demonstrably false theory.
My vegan ideals prevent me from doing that.
They would not also prevent doing it to yourself?
don't blame me for pointing out that you cited a white supremacist, blame yourself for being too stupid to know you were citing a white supremacist.
hell, maybe you did know you were citing a white supremacist but thought you would anyway and no one would notice, just like when kynes cited rushton in a similar debate.
by the way, the white supremacist you cited also suggests checking out rushton!
you fucking white supremacists are so fucking dumb, it almost takes the joy out of this for me.
2,518,000 blacks are unemployed. 6 times 2,518,000 = 15,108,000, so there should be no more than that many honkeys unemployed to be non-racist.
8,191,000 crackahs are unemployed, so clearly jobs are RACIST. jobs are so racist, a white guy is 2x more likely to have one than a black guy.
now thats the kind of racism you were looking for right?
You mean how you cite to liberals who do mental masturbation and skew their samples to get results that liberals are smarter?
I've participated in these study's. They sample college students and then they sample people who are at home during the day.
Folks who are at home during the day probably don't have a (good) job. Those studies are invalid and nothing more than a bunch of liberals and a self-high five.
i know when i used to be a hoodlum i would plan out how to rob people without getting pinched. guess which type of people were always down to ride? yep, my black kin folks. < yes i used to be a member of the 74 folk why arent the cops similarly cracking down on black drunk drivers and blacks drunk in public (~12% of the population and ~12% of the relevant arrests) or are these two categories of crime simply enforced by the few Non-Racist cops, prosecutors, and judges in the system?
wanna commit a crime and not get pinched?
i know when i used to be a hoodlum i would plan out how to rob people without getting pinched. guess which type of people were always down to ride? yep, my black kin folks. < yes i used to be a member of the 74 folk GD.
apparently i became racist as i got older.according to buck that is.
is that the to not kill living animals thing?
I am supposed to take a couple hours and read all that, to what, negate my own real world experience?
Look man echelon is dead on here about the South. Its a little secret of ours and we like all you morons thinking its just a backward ass sister fucking clan rally......what ever it takes to keep you the fuck out.
Blacks, whites and mexicans go to school together, then work together later in life.
Not sure what the official census is cause I dont give a fuck my opinion is all that matters when I state it.
The south is EXTREMELY diverse in culture my neck of the woods was equal parts black and white, with native americans, mexicans even middle eastern and indians.
I mean when all the industry flocks to your area to take advantage of skilled labor and low costs of living combined with not having to put up with union bullshit we are all black white and brown waaaaaay too busy working over time to give a fuck about racism.
Vegans don't search out to kill lower animals nor do we support products which enslave them. I'm also an econaught. I support equal hard work and opportunity to those with the skills and intelligence. So I have no idea why the liberal brigade hates me. I have no love for Jesus just like them.