And im not sore. Its just not universally true. Too bad a difference in opinion has to bring out the worst in people. But hey i read a academicstudy that said liberals forgo logic in favor of fairy dust and taxes on the rich.
Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact
translation stupid ppl gravitate towards right wing ideology and stick with their own ppl.
So what. And brock university sounds like a real esteemed junior college.
Whatever. Dont paint me w your stupid racist brush. Im out.
i have a degree in reading bullshit
Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact
translation stupid ppl gravitate towards right wing ideology and stick with their own ppl.
So what. And brock university sounds like a real esteemed junior college.
Whatever. Dont paint me w your stupid racist brush. Im out.
Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact
translation stupid ppl gravitate towards right wing ideology and stick with their own ppl.
So what. And brock university sounds like a real esteemed junior college.
Whatever. Dont paint me w your stupid racist brush. Im out.
Oh snap its canadian therefore awesome and credible.
Is it near McGill university?
i believe european cultures and social norms are superior, but i am always out to PROVE it, not simply asserting it's superiority, and trusting in european culture to succeed without any help from it's constituent members.
Holy shit that's a crazy way of thinking..
Kynes is a crazy person. That doesn't surprise me.kynes and stormfront both agree: it is important to prove your "european cultural superiority".
african contributions to civilization, science and technology have been negligible to date, as have the contributions of polynesia, and the native peoples of north and south america.
here is another startling realization: kynes and tormfront buth judge entire cultures (and thus their superiority/inferiority as people) based on the same criteria.
i'd like to ask kynes what his contributions to civilization, science, and technology have been.
people like kynes are happy to complain about how present day minorities get all these "special rights" based on injustices that they never had to personally suffer, yet the guy wants to claim "superiority" based on "contributions to civilization, science, and technology" that he was not personally part of.
the dude was stocking shelves at walmart for $3.35 an hour when he was my age.