Low IQ yet again linked to conservative ideas and racism

Years? How often do you read stuffs? Wait...you say you have a degree? I call bullshit. Even if you did...why the fuck is that relevant to your point of view?
Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact
translation stupid ppl gravitate towards right wing ideology and stick with their own ppl.

So what. And brock university sounds like a real esteemed junior college.

Whatever. Dont paint me w your stupid racist brush. Im out.
And im not sore. Its just not universally true. Too bad a difference in opinion has to bring out the worst in people. But hey i read a academicstudy that said liberals forgo logic in favor of fairy dust and taxes on the rich.

no one said it was universal, and no one with an IQ that is higher than two standard deviations below average would equate a correlation with universal truth, menstrualbarbie.

now talk more about the success of trickle down to prove how smart you are.
Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact
translation stupid ppl gravitate towards right wing ideology and stick with their own ppl.

So what. And brock university sounds like a real esteemed junior college.

Whatever. Dont paint me w your stupid racist brush. Im out.

no evidence yet to paint you with the racist brush, but you've already painted yourself with the stupid brush. and the latter does predispose you to the former, especially with how defensive you are.
Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact
translation stupid ppl gravitate towards right wing ideology and stick with their own ppl.

So what. And brock university sounds like a real esteemed junior college.

Whatever. Dont paint me w your stupid racist brush. Im out.

Opinion cut and pasted for your enjoyment.
Lower Cognitive Ability Predicts Greater Prejudice Through Right-Wing Ideology and Low Intergroup Contact
translation stupid ppl gravitate towards right wing ideology and stick with their own ppl.

So what. And brock university sounds like a real esteemed junior college.

Whatever. Dont paint me w your stupid racist brush. Im out.

It's a Canadian university that specializes in research, not a community college moron.

But thank you for enunciating the point.
Oh snap its canadian therefore awesome and credible.

Is it near McGill university?

It's an accredited university, with 18,000 students, 600 faculty and $300,000,000 in renovations happening. They do undergrad, graduate and Doctoral studies there...

Why the hate for Brock U?
the way I see it is the reason ur country has such a rasicm problem in your cities and in public/private office is this.

u havent been a developed country long, not as long as say the england? whit black had to sit at the bak of a bus not 70 yrs ago, u was riding horses and shoutin YEEHAAA!! a littlle over a hundred yrs ago, so OBVIOUSLY your still VERY VERY racially devided, being so young in developement terms,, i mean u only have to look at your antiquated gun laws to see how far behind the times the USA is.

while yeh thers rasism in england its mainly aimed at the immigrants wrecking outr country taking our money, unlike the USA, wer its institutional, shit a craker like me would get shot walking down certain streets.barios watever the fuk

just sayin..... give it time, but saying that gang warfare is rife in your land, if ur not in then your fucked, so that along with the life on the streets YO!

yer fucked!
kynes and stormfront both agree: it is important to prove your "european cultural superiority".
Kynes is a crazy person. That doesn't surprise me.

It does however surprise me there are Americans as crazy as he is.

No it doesn't..

American media is bullshit, and that's all he ever watches/listens to..


The military industrial complex is being shoved so far down Kynes' throat right now his dad is gasping for air!

European superiority, colonialism? You trippin! None of dat exists! Sheeeeit..

"Blacks are shit because day just shit... fuck, I mean.. you know... day don't work, day dum, sheeit,.. day want dos benefisz n shit, thay ain't even got doz keeds dat require it.. welfere bitches be just gettin it.."

Is the literal interpretation of what these idiots actually believe..

Educate your motherfucking self goddamnit..
here is another startling realization: kynes and tormfront buth judge entire cultures (and thus their superiority/inferiority as people) based on the same criteria.

african contributions to civilization, science and technology have been negligible to date, as have the contributions of polynesia, and the native peoples of north and south america.

here is another startling realization: kynes and tormfront buth judge entire cultures (and thus their superiority/inferiority as people) based on the same criteria.


But I'm sure EuroAmericanPatriot is just commenting on the significant contributions of European descendants, he's in no way diminishing or wholeheartedly ignoring or dismissing the value of the contributions made by Eastern, and Middle Eastern scientists throughout history..

Algebra? Who the fuck needs that?

Dude is willfully ignorant. "BUT, DAY HAVE MOOR!!!", yeah, "day" also kept slaves, colonized nations, subjugated entire populations, and on and on.. See, that's the part of Eurocentric history ol' Kynesey don't wanna talk about.. or why the world today is the way it is.. To him, it has nothing at all to do with the past.. It's all about the now! And right now, minorities get put in prison in America significantly more than white people, even though they make up significantly less percentage of the population, I mean, I guess those people are just more prone to violence.. Has nothing at all to do with their upbringing or circumstances..

Dudes like that are, frankly, a lost cause.. He'll be dead in a couple decades anyway.. We aren't going to change idiots like this minds, the only solution is to wait until they die off to enact any kind of change. I'm predicting 2030-2040 will be a big leap in change in the American political spectrum. People like Kynesey'll be 70-80 years old by then, waaaay too fuckin' old to get to the polls! I'll be in my mid 40's, LULZ!

Just wait their geriatric ass out, it'll get better.
i'd like to ask kynes what his contributions to civilization, science, and technology have been.

people like kynes are happy to complain about how present day minorities get all these "special rights" based on injustices that they never had to personally suffer, yet the guy wants to claim "superiority" based on "contributions to civilization, science, and technology" that he was not personally part of.

the dude was stocking shelves at walmart for $3.35 an hour when he was my age.
i'd like to ask kynes what his contributions to civilization, science, and technology have been.

people like kynes are happy to complain about how present day minorities get all these "special rights" based on injustices that they never had to personally suffer, yet the guy wants to claim "superiority" based on "contributions to civilization, science, and technology" that he was not personally part of.

the dude was stocking shelves at walmart for $3.35 an hour when he was my age.

But he's white, so he automatically gets to claim any and all advancements in white culture as his own

Blacks and other minorities haven't contributed shit (according to Kynesey), so giving them what we've rightfully earned, as white people, is unfair to white people everywhere!

He, and his generation, separate people based on skin color, not the content of their character or their actual opinions or beliefs. Nigga thinks it's 1961 still..

Time for a big fat reality check, son!