It comes down to form and function. A large single frame is going to suit some. Whilst smarter more energy conscious folk are going to get those diodes spread out and hanging low. Non lighting example, Amazon is full of local vendors, who all import the same generic products to sell, even blantantly copy pasting poorly written blurb. At least Lumatek went to the bother of getting company colour matching anodising and probably put effort into deciding what type and how many led to kit the lamps out with. With the base white Lumiled 4K 80CRI that their data shows they use, the best it will put out is 189lm/W. Compare that to the Samsung LM561C which is how old? So is their choice of led based on profit to them, or cost to customer? Sure the reds bump effeciency up.
Manufacturers are going to pump out what market can take. If growers prefer to burn excess electricity transmitting light from high above the canopy,
those manufacturers are going to rub their hands, using less material to cram diodes on. And they don't pass savings on. They push the price they think buyers will swallow.