Man-made global warming is a lie and not backed up by science, claims leading meteorologist.

Who knows more, a kid who just moved out of his parents house or a meteorologist who's been in the weather business for over 50 years.:lol:
Pad moved out of the trailer park? Or just out of his mother's trailer? Maybe he'll quit wearing his mother's dirty underwear on his head
Pad moved out of the trailer park? Or just out of his mother's trailer? Maybe he'll quit wearing his mother's dirty underwear on his head


well played mes ami



summer ice coverage during the last northern hemisphere summer solstice at apogee (farthest point from sun) ~12000 years ago
currently the northern hemisphere summer is approaching perigee (closest point to the sun) but it's gonna get warmer still for another 200 years or so before the peak, and then it will start getting cooler. but dont worry, in around 23000 years we will be right back to this same point, and Dr Zaius will be screaming about Ape Caused Global Warming


and the worst part?

according to noaa:
"Another interesting fact shown in Figure 3 is that temperature variations in Antarctica are in phase with solar radiation changes in the high northern latitudes. Solar radiation changes in the high southern latitudes near Antarctica are actually out-of-phase with temperature changes, such that the coldest period during the most recent ice age occurred at about the time the region was experiencing a peak in local sunshine. This means that the growth of ice sheets in the Northern Hemisphere has an important influence on climate worldwide."

so the climate is racist against the southern hemisphere.
those bastards!!
I cling to life on earth. I cling to healthy coral reefs and having an ice cap. It is vanishing.
but you dont seem to be aware that ice ages come in CYCLES, and we are approaching the point in that cycle where warmth is maximum, and ALL of the ice caps have melted, several times, in the distant past.

ice caps dont ensure life on earth.

if they were required, then the earth would have been destroyed dozens of times over before the first man crawled out of the jungle and tried to walk erect


(actual photo)
but you dont seem to be aware that ice ages come in CYCLES, and we are approaching the point in that cycle where warmth is maximum, and ALL of the ice caps have melted, several times, in the distant past.

ice caps dont ensure life on earth.

if they were required, then the earth would have been destroyed dozens of times over before the first man crawled out of the jungle and tried to walk erect


(actual photo)

for those who dont know, heres a rough history of glaciations and integlacials for the last 800,000 years.


Note for some reason (????) the drafter felt the need to turn "Ice Volume" upside down, so a low mark represents high ice coverage and a high marker means low ice coverage.

temps have been MUCH higher in the past, and at those times ice volume has been drastically lower, all without any help from Big Oil. even a casual examination of this graph demonstrates that we are on a 12,000 year "warming trend" and are approaching the peak (but aint there yet) and one can expect in 200 years or so "Anthropogenic Global Cooling" will become a thing. (like it was in the 70's)
temps have been MUCH higher in the past

thanks to higher CO2 levels.

all without any help from Big Oil.

so just imagine what we can do if we take hundreds of thousands of years of sequestered CO2 out of the earth and put it into the air all at once!

we are on a 12,000 year "warming trend"

which has increased drastically in the last century.

one can expect in 200 years or so "Anthropogenic Global Cooling" will become a thing.

i can expect that the hostess display at walmart will be stocked in a half-assed manner and that you will continue to make an idiot out of yourself, but not much else.

did you totally give up on your "termite farts" hypothesis in order to learn how to do exponents?
and one can expect in 200 years or so "Anthropogenic Global Cooling" will become a thing. (like it was in the 70's)
Bitches about "global warming" when winters are colder and storms are stronger, science emphasizes "climate change", bitches about how scientists changed global warming to climate change for the sake of accuracy and to quell the retards like Kynes..

Meanwhile, everybody is laughing at you

Fun Fact: "climate change" has been around since the 60's, alongside 'global warming', and in more than 5 decades, your idiotic ass still hasn't recognized the difference