Man-made global warming is a lie and not backed up by science, claims leading meteorologist.


Anthropogenic global warming at "Drastic!" rates 12,000 years ago, and again at 8000 years ago, and again at 5000 years ago, and then "Drastic!" anthropogenic Global Cooling ~3000 years ago (in preparation for Jesus's arrival we must assume) and now more "Drastic!" Anthropogenic Global Warming which has yet to bring the earth up to the previous "Drastic!" (and presumably) Anthropogenic Highs

those Koch Brothers and their Time Machine again

that would be very "Drastic!"

Bitches about "global warming" when winters are colder and storms are stronger, science emphasizes "climate change", bitches about how scientists changed global warming to climate change for the sake of accuracy and to quell the retards like Kynes..

Meanwhile, everybody is laughing at you

Fun Fact: "climate change" has been around since the 60's, alongside 'global warming', and in more than 5 decades, your idiotic ass still hasn't recognized the difference

he doesn't know the difference between weather and climate.

why should we accept your smug non-rebuttals of "The Weather Guy" in his field of expertise?

he doesn't know how to do exponents.

4x10=40 e15= add 15 zeroes which makes (1+15) SIXTEEN zeroes.

did you forget that it's four times TEN to the fifteenth? that ten is another zero.

he claimed he "missed a decimal" when plugging the number 4 into an online converter.

4 billion tonnes is 40 gigatonnes

yeah, i fucked up and lost a decimal place

^^^^that last one should be especially troublesome since there is not even a need to enter a decimal place. you simply type "4" into an online converter.

"i missed a decimal" is kynes trying to make it sound like he is sitting down at his desk with his thin-rimmed glasses and a well-sharpened number two pencil doing actual calculations. THERE IS NO DECIMAL INVOLVED IN THE CALCULATION.

kynes completely gave up his "termite farts" theory after that and moved on to his next talking point.

kynes has never provided citation for his (red1966's) claim that "water vapor is 50, no 500, no 5000 times more important!". he just gave up on that one as well.

kynes whole charade in these threads is an embarrassing escapade of lies, dishonesty, massive incompetence even when dealing with basic math like exponents, talking points, lack of citation, more outright lies, and so on.

why he even thinks he should go on doing this is beyond me, but i'll take it for the entertainment value.
Bitches about "global warming" when winters are colder and storms are stronger, science emphasizes "climate change", bitches about how scientists changed global warming to climate change for the sake of accuracy and to quell the retards like Kynes..

Meanwhile, everybody is laughing at you

Fun Fact: "climate change" has been around since the 60's, alongside 'global warming', and in more than 5 decades, your idiotic ass still hasn't recognized the difference
Even Funner Fact:
"Climate Change" has been around for about 4.5 billion years now numbnuts. it didnt suddenly start in the 60's which is the part you cant seem to grasp.

look at thos charts again dippledink. the most "Drastic!" "Global Warming" in the last 23,000 years was 12,000 years ago at the close of the last Ice Age, when temps made a "Drastic!" climb from colder than a witches titty in a brass brassier to HOTTER THAN IT IS NOW!

and that was all natural, with NO help from Big Oil.
perhaps you would care to explain that "Drastic!" "Climate Change", being an expert and all.

Anthropogenic global warming at "Drastic!" rates 12,000 years ago, and again at 8000 years ago, and again at 5000 years ago, and then "Drastic!" anthropogenic Global Cooling ~3000 years ago (in preparation for Jesus's arrival we must assume) and now more "Drastic!" Anthropogenic Global Warming which has yet to bring the earth up to the previous "Drastic!" (and presumably) Anthropogenic Highs

those Koch Brothers and their Time Machine again

that would be very "Drastic!"

View attachment 3303351

is your ignore button broken, kynes?



we have undone ~5000 years of cooling in 100 years.

to put it into a slightly different perspective with our current DRASTIC warming trend extrapolated out another 100 years or so, this is what it would look like since exiting the last ice age.


now kynes, since i know your ignore button is broken, please show me another time in history where temperatures have risen so drastically, dramatically, and suddenly.

but hey, it's only 3 degrees, right?

"Climate Change" has been around for about 4.5 billion years now

anthropogenic climate change has been around for about a century, and works a lot faster than any natural climate change ever has.

the most "Drastic!" "Global Warming" in the last 23,000 years was 12,000 years ago at the close of the last Ice Age, when temps made a "Drastic!" climb from colder than a witches titty in a brass brassier to HOTTER THAN IT IS NOW!

not even your own graph shows "HOTTER THAN IT IS NOW!".

the fact that you have to lie so consistently shows how weak your position is.

and that was all natural

now just imagine how rapidly and drastically things can change now that we are pumping hundreds of thousands of years worth of sequestered CO2 into the air over a mere century or so.
and since meaningless graphs showing measurements of shit that hasnt even happened yet and has no historical precedent is the Hot Shit...


your own graph shows that the most "drastic" temperature swing in the last 12000 years was about 4 degrees over the course of 2000-3000 years.

at our current pace, we'll do that in about 200-300 years.

but that probably has nothing to do with the massive and sudden uptick of CO2 (a greenhouse gas).

Even Funner Fact:
"Climate Change" has been around for about 4.5 billion years now numbnuts. it didnt suddenly start in the 60's which is the part you cant seem to grasp.
The fucking term 'climate change', dipshit..

Talking to you is like talking to a 2nd grader..

I guess it's just an anomaly that the hottest years on record, that is since the 1880's, have happened in the last 2 decades.. Just one big coincidence, eh?..
and that was all natural, with NO help from Big Oil.perhaps you would care to explain that "Drastic!" "Climate Change", being an expert and all.
Your argument "it's all natural anyway!" dismisses the industrial revolution. What do you think is going to happen to these natural cycles we both agree exist when they're ecologically shocked with hundreds of thousands of years worth of CO2 introduced into the atmosphere all at once?

The fucking term 'climate change', dipshit..

Talking to you is like talking to a 2nd grader..

I guess it's just an anomaly that the hottest years on record, that is since the 1880's, have happened in the last 2 decades.. Just one big coincidence, eh?..

Your argument "it's all natural anyway!" dismisses the industrial revolution. What do you think is going to happen to these natural cycles we both agree exist when they're ecologically shocked with hundreds of thousands of years worth of CO2 introduced into the atmosphere all at once?

so my argument is that "it's all natural anyway" now.

that is fascinating.

i realize you have the attention span of a goldfish, but even a retard like yourself might remember my previous insistence that we need to determine "HOW MUCH" of the observed warming is "man made"


you just keep building more straw men, ill keep laughing as they repeatedly knock you on your ass.

perhaps you should devise an even weaker fake position to ascribe to me.

this one is beating you like a naughty schoolgirl.
so my argument is that "it's all natural anyway" now.

that is fascinating.

i realize you have the attention span of a goldfish, but even a retard like yourself might remember my previous insistence that we need to determine "HOW MUCH" of the observed warming is "man made".

i am with pada here, you seem to have gone full retard lately and changed your position for the Nth time.

i just figured beenthere had finally convinced you or something. you seem to put a lot of stock into what that guy had to say.

that reminds me, i need to start a thread.
"HOW MUCH" of the observed warming is "man made"
That's what we have scientists for, to figure that sort of shit out. The problem you have is that you don't believe the scientists, so your phony "HOW MUCH!?" bullshit equates to nothing. It doesn't matter "HOW MUCH" they say, you will dismiss it because you don't believe them. You believe the fossil fuel industry, who has a vested financial interest in keeping you retarded.

So you have fun with that big guy.. You'll be gone in 20 years (max) anyway, so I really don't give a shit what you believe one way or the other, progress happens regardless of what you believe.

Thanks for playing though :D

As if more evidence was necessary to completely dismiss this dipshit..
perhaps you should explain why a random graph making random projections into the distant future based on assumptions discredits me, while a similar graph based on NOTHING but assumptions is OK if it supports your agenda?

you might also wanna explain how the Timor-Leste Institute for Development Monitoring and Analysis (an organization i have never heard of) somehow invalidates anything.

is this one of those groups that Mike Mann & The Global Warming Boys have marked as being under the control of "The Baddies?"

do they have some extensive track record of drowning kittens and laughing at retarded kids?

did they skip out without giving you your $5 after you blew them in a truck stop men's room outside Tulsa?
That's what we have scientists for, to figure that sort of shit out. The problem you have is that you don't believe the scientists, so your phony "HOW MUCH!?" bullshit equates to nothing. It doesn't matter "HOW MUCH" they say, you will dismiss it because you don't believe them. You believe the fossil fuel industry, who has a vested financial interest in keeping you retarded.

So you have fun with that big guy.. You'll be gone in 20 years (max) anyway, so I really don't give a shit what you believe one way or the other, progress happens regardless of what you believe.

Thanks for playing though :D
and yet those "scientists we have" who have taken it upon themselves to make such predictions have been caught faking the numbers, exaggerating their claims, and basing their insistence that they know what they are talking about on MISSING DATA

you may have decided that "the debate is over" on "global warming" but the scientific community isnt so sure.

also, Theories are still not "Facts" based on "Facts" and their "Factiness"

i wont thank you for playing because you suck so badly, its like punching out a 3 year old.
and yet those "scientists we have" who have taken it upon themselves to make such predictions have been caught faking the numbers, exaggerating their claims, and basing their insistence that they know what they are talking about on MISSING DATA


"those scientists" have been investigated by 8 independent agencies and completely exonerated by each and every one.

you, on the other hand, have been caught not only for being completely unable to do math, but outright lying about said incompetence (eg "i missed a decimal" (on a calculation which required no decimals)).

the only dubiousness earned has been on your part through your lies.

you may have decided that "the debate is over" on "global warming" but the scientific community isnt so sure.

yes they are.

show us a single study where "it's not humans" or "not enough data" shows up at a higher rate than 2-3% and you might have a case.

i wont thank you for playing because you suck so badly, its like punching out a 3 year old.

good job on declaring victory though.

you should focus more on figuring out how to do exponents and less time on formulating priggish declarations of victory where no victory exists.