Marijuana chaw?

I was suckin on a lip of Grizzly and I came by a good idea, or the good idea came by me.

Now, I'm a complete newbe in experience but has some knowledge.
Has anyone ever thought of curing their leaves and using them to make chaw? Or chewing marajuana?
Kinda like making your own chaw from tobacco, but instead of a syrup recipie using hash. When the hash is just slightly thinner than syrup, turn off all heat and then put the cured leaves in and make sure both sides are coated, let it sit for a few hours or overnight, take them out, package them, and wait for them to finish curing?

How would this work? Would the THC soak in? I doubt you would get dry mouth because you're not smoking, right?


one small problem with your idea thc is not water soluble and will not "soak" in the pores in your mouth.... u have to ingest thc...

have u made this hash syrup before? or do u mean hash oil?

i get cotton mouth all the time from eating baked goods
one small problem with your idea thc is not water soluble and will not "soak" in the pores in your mouth.... u have to ingest thc...

have u made this hash syrup before? or do u mean hash oil?

i get cotton mouth all the time from eating baked goods
Homemade syrup is what you use for making tobacoo chaw, i was using the syrup as a standard of measure of the thickness of the cooking hash. Dont cook it untill its a sticky ball you can roll, but just before it gets to a syrupy point. Saliva contains more than water, and it may or may not break down the THC. Your stomach contains stronger acids than are found in saliva, but things may be "digested" with saliva. Thats my questions. Ive never ate any baked goods, I smoke, but if it causes dry mouth it would be pointless to do the above mentioned.


hmmmm. pretty interesting about the syrup i never knew how they flavor chewing tobacco.

so instead of using molasses and shit... use bubble hash that's melted to a syrup like consistency... i don't think I could let myself risk fucking up that much hash, but it is an interesting thought.

yeah dry mouth isn't caused by inhalation of smoke its caused by the effects of good weed smoked or eaten...