Monkey Pox

Not if you want to reduce your population.
Global population is crashing all developed countries suffer from low birth rates and it a real problem, we need way more immigration just to maintain our populations. All the developed Asian countries are in the same boat, China and Japan are among them. So in a hundred years there should be a lot less people than today. With female emancipation comes low birth rates in all developed countries. Russia is getting hit particularly hard with demographic issues.
yes, they have been. Selling them to others who use them as well.
You need to provide some evidence for such an extraordinarily stupid post like that. Not some right wingnut issue of stormtrooper either. Sounds like yer a sucker for disinformation. Where has America used bioweapons and who have they sold them to, I await evidence, not something from the 50's or 60's, but something in the last say 50 years.

I mean Japan experimented with bioweapons in WW2, but I don't think they are into it today.
You need to provide some evidence

I mean Japan experimented with bioweapons in WW2, but I don't think they are into it today.
Well there's the reason America invaded Iraq but lets go back further and have a dance!

And me and my sister's and my dad say fk America for doing it to, you cunts.

And every waring country (is there a bigger one than the US?) researches and stockpiles Bioweapons. There cheap and effective
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Global population is crashing all developed countries suffer from low birth rates and it a real problem, we need way more immigration just to maintain our populations. All the developed Asian countries are in the same boat, China and Japan are among them. So in a hundred years there should be a lot less people than today. With female emancipation comes low birth rates in all developed countries. Russia is getting hit particularly hard with demographic issues.
Water. Food. World's population is way,way, wayup. It just jumped a huge amount as you read this..Money in land and growth,
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Well there's the reason America invaded Iraq but lets go back further and have a dance!

And me and my sister's and my dad say fk America for doing it to, you cunts.

And every waring country (is there a bigger one than the US?) researches and stockpiles Bioweapons. There cheap and effective
But back to topic.

" Smallpox is believed to have been used as a biological weapon against Native Americans and again during the American Revolutionary War. "
But back to topic.

" Smallpox is believed to have been used as a biological weapon against Native Americans and again during the American Revolutionary War. "
So your saying the world is fucked up bigly …… yup it is :(.
Lucky the moron is as convincing as a flat earther.
You should research Vietnam war and Agent Orange my young and flag wavy friend. It wasn't kind to American or its allies soldiers, civilians or the "enemy" or many, many offspring.
Don't let the catchy beat lull you into a sense of comfort.
Did we just swing this from a monkey pox thread to America amassing bio weapons and former American atrocities thread leave the hate at home guys we can all go on about crazy conspiracy shit all day or we can just smile and live our lives because one day we will all be dead and gone and nobody will read what we had to say because it’ll all still be going on and being said so let’s move forward and shake your neighbors hand and do what you can for them , yourself and your country today to make it better for all of us