Monkey Pox

Did we just swing this from a monkey pox thread to America amassing bio weapons and former American atrocities thread leave the hate at home guys we can all go on about crazy conspiracy shit all day or we can just smile and live our lives because one day we will all be dead and gone and nobody will read what we had to say because it’ll all still be going on and being said so let’s move forward and shake your neighbors hand and do what you can for them , yourself and your country today to make it better for all of us
Just replying to LED. You can get all out of sorts and uncomfortable if you like but there's better threads for that.
RIU better still be up when i die. Slackers if they aren't, i'm in for the long haul i think. Rollie has done a great job on his forum
I dont think ive shaken any of my neighbors hands. I've spoken to most of them a few times over the last decade but im happy to keep to myself.
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Just replying to LED. You can get all out of sorts and uncomfortable if you like but there's better threads for that.
RIU better still be up when i die. Slackers if they aren't, i'm in for the long haul i think. Rollie has done a great job on his forum
I dont think ive shaken any of my neighbors hands. I've spoken to most of them a few times over the last decade but im happy to keep to myself.
Just noting nobodies reading the correspondents from 100 years ago. It’s irrelevant in certain aspects not saying it’s not applicable to today, just that most see it as irrelevant. the shake your neighbors hand I’m just implying that we are quick to attack and become defensive. sometimes it’s better to just listen and keep our opinions to ones self I prefer to stay in a solitary way also but feel this world is lacking in kindness and compassion towards others. We would get much further in life if we worked together rather than combat each other over our factual opinions or so we say. You don’t have to shake my hand for me to be kind and I don’t except etc anything from anybody for that kindness just that you smile and push forward for the better of us all. I’ve been miserable most of my life and a pessimist in mostly every aspect and it gets you nowhere just alone and regarded as a piece of shit by most. Happiness and forgiveness will take you much further.
Seven young children died of chicken pox in Holland..
Holland, Michigan? In NL 7 kids died of streptococcal bacteria this year, which they got after they had water pox, which is doing some catching up after the lockdowns and makes them more vulnerable for streptococcal bacteria infection. I’m not familiar with how all the pox are related but I don’t see the connection with chicken or monkey pox.
Did we just swing this from a monkey pox thread to America amassing bio weapons and former American atrocities thread leave the hate at home guys we can all go on about crazy conspiracy shit all day or we can just smile and live our lives because one day we will all be dead and gone and nobody will read what we had to say because it’ll all still be going on and being said so let’s move forward and shake your neighbors hand and do what you can for them , yourself and your country today to make it better for all of us
Lucky seems to dislike Americans, not sure why, pretty sure without you all he’d be speaking Japanese lol.
To my understanding covid like HIV damages the immune system but in different ways than HIV. Covid also damages the immune system in a way causing the immune system to over react and attack healthy tissue making it a autoimmune disorder in my view.
You just keep believing it, we are vaxxed and don't care that much about those too stupid not to.
Dont believe me or anyone here. Youre the believe the Science type right? There's a lot of published literature on ADE with or without Covid 19 vaccines.
You sound maybe a little regret?
The vaxxed are too stupid to trust the government, stupid enough to take an experimental treatment (its still EUA lol! Much lower bar to clear than full approval. But you're too stupid to understand the differences), too stupid to take the first version of a vaccine. Can you prove you're not stupid?
Dont believe me or anyone here. Youre the believe the Science type right? There's a lot of published literature on ADE with or without Covid 19 vaccines.
You sound maybe a little regret?
The vaxxed are too stupid to trust the government, stupid enough to take an experimental treatment (its still EUA lol! Much lower bar to clear than full approval. But you're too stupid to understand the differences), too stupid to take the first version of a vaccine. Can you prove you're not stupid?

Please never take any vaccines.
Dont believe me or anyone here. Youre the believe the Science type right? There's a lot of published literature on ADE with or without Covid 19 vaccines.
You sound maybe a little regret?
The vaxxed are too stupid to trust the government, stupid enough to take an experimental treatment (its still EUA lol! Much lower bar to clear than full approval. But you're too stupid to understand the differences), too stupid to take the first version of a vaccine. Can you prove you're not stupid?
Can you prove your not? Asking for a friend.
The problem with biological warfare is you have to vaccinate your own population first and hope it doesn't mutate. Then what would your economy look like? Aside from living in a global graveyard, there are fewer winners in biowar, than in nuclear war. Mind you it would be a great weapon in the American cold civil war, we already know who would refuse the vaccine... :wink:
you had covid for that. you could have vactinated your people with your next weapon.
you had covid for that. you could have vactinated your people with your next weapon.
Jezz, covid killed more Americans than anybody else, a million dead. Russia is probably worse, but they hide unpleasant facts, at least for now. Killing off the world population is bad for the economy and capitalism, capitalism needs constant growth. Sending Russia back to the stone age will slow things down a bit, but it's worth it.
you had covid for that. you could have vactinated your people with your next weapon.
What are you talking about? We had Covid for what? What weapon are you referring to?

China's zero Covid policies are failing, btw. This is what happens when policies do not match reality.
Dont believe me or anyone here. Youre the believe the Science type right? There's a lot of published literature on ADE with or without Covid 19 vaccines.
You sound maybe a little regret?
The vaxxed are too stupid to trust the government, stupid enough to take an experimental treatment (its still EUA lol! Much lower bar to clear than full approval. But you're too stupid to understand the differences), too stupid to take the first version of a vaccine. Can you prove you're not stupid?
I'll stick to facts. You can believe whatever you like. I'm fine with your kind's numbers declining due to their own bad decisions.
Lucky seems to dislike Americans, not sure why, pretty sure without you all he’d be speaking Japanese lol.
Nope. Like septic tanks just fine. They just get so upset when anyone dares contradict them. America doesn't have, use and hasn't sold Bioweapons?? C'mon..
Some Americans don't like pebbles thrown at their glass house and turn a blind eye to what goes on around them. But to deny it..

O we would not. Amazing that 1/2 the people on RIU think we would be speaking German and the other 1/2 say Japanese. Japan had no plans to attempt to invade Australia, nor did Germany.
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It was a country before it was a penal colony...Just like America was. Why do colonisers forget history and the original populations? Is it a Race thing?
The world has always been the same. A conquer and take society, make yours and erase the history of the loser nobody celebrates losers of conflicts.