Moving to colorado to grow..?


New Member
Now before I make myself look like an idiot I wanted some advice from some fellow growers or Coloradans that know the laws, the business, or even if it would be worth it. First off I'll say that I have a couple grows under my belt and It's always been a dream of mine to live in Colorado, even before all the legalization. I understand that it isn't going to be a walk in the park, and I'm not looking for fast cash. I currently have a job opportunity in Denver and would be willing to move there. Pretty much what I'm trying to say is I want to run a completely legal grow op on the side to bring in a little extra profit if possible and if any of you have any information or advice on how to achieve my goal it would be greatly appreciated!


Well-Known Member
Fuck the law stay on the east side you'll make a lot more money. Also out there your gonna need to grow top shelf and your still not even coming close to the east coast prices. Plus it just feels good to be an outlaw and fight for our freedom.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Fuck, you can move just for adventure and to be who ever you want. I advocate travel and adventure to younger people. I did it and it was awesome. I still have day dreams about wanderlust.


Well-Known Member
i advocate any leaving of this bitch ass state. i never thought id hate my home. im out soon as i can make it happen


New Member
Thank you guys for the mostly positive feedback. I'm young and I definitely want to get out of my state and I feel moving there will be a fresh start. Even if growing doesn't work out I can enjoy it as a hobby.


Well-Known Member
i advocate any leaving of this bitch ass state. i never thought id hate my home. im out soon as i can make it happen
cali is the shit!!!!!!!!!!! your out of ur mind..... the main drawback is the high price of living....... come to Illinois... its about to be winter now.... then tell me about hate when its 20 below or more windchill... no prop 215 here either or 300 days of sunshine....


New Member
Fuck, you can move just for adventure and to be who ever you want. I advocate travel and adventure to younger people. I did it and it was awesome. I still have day dreams about wanderlust.
Traveling can be done at all ages. I'm in my late 20s and I'm doing (and did) heaps of traveling. I don't think I'm ever gonna stop, regardless of age.
Vagabond for Life!!


Well-Known Member
Yep, travel son. I've traveled a bit in and out of this country, but am stuck in a place I hate because I only have 6 years until retirement. I dread each and every day I have to live here. Don't do that.................


Well-Known Member
Yep, travel son. I've traveled a bit in and out of this country, but am stuck in a place I hate because I only have 6 years until retirement. I dread each and every day I have to live here. Don't do that.................
what will it take for people like you to get it threw your heads. stay in your state. rent out a house, get tents, grow your own. your going to waste 5 grand if not more moving, getting set up, getting a job, getting supplies. getting your bedroom funiture for crying out loud. stay in your state and rent out a house, its so simple a caveman could do it.

green this is my case and point, yoour spent money to travel and stay in places which you could have put towards retirement. too many people end up in this situation. why would you tell him to do it if your in a town you hate and about to retire and your not thrilled. somethings sounds really wrong about giving a guy advice and you'r not hip hip harray about retiring.


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys for the mostly positive feedback. I'm young and I definitely want to get out of my state and I feel moving there will be a fresh start. Even if growing doesn't work out I can enjoy it as a hobby.
your throwing your life away moving for a plant. plant in your own state. it's the same thing. a piece of paper isn't going to keep you from growing. if you still leave your a fool. i see people like you all the time doing this shit. get the shit out of your head and think straight. YOU CAN PLANT IN YOUR OWN STATE. its a plant, it will grow anywhere.


Well-Known Member
what will it take for people like you to get it threw your heads. stay in your state. rent out a house, get tents, grow your own. your going to waste 5 grand if not more moving, getting set up, getting a job, getting supplies. getting your bedroom funiture for crying out loud. stay in your state and rent out a house, its so simple a caveman could do it.

green this is my case and point, yoour spent money to travel and stay in places which you could have put towards retirement. too many people end up in this situation. why would you tell him to do it if your in a town you hate and about to retire and your not thrilled. somethings sounds really wrong about giving a guy advice and you'r not hip hip harray about retiring.
For real worse thing I ever did was try to move to FL I had like $4,000 I was gonna get an apartment but I ended up in motels tried to find a job no luck it kinda sucked I didn't know anyone I did chill with a few people and fucked a stripper.:bigjoint: But damn I got back on that bus dead broke kinda set me back a bit I could have set up a banging grow room with $4,000 and I was working 2 jobs so rent wouldn't even have been an issue I did still want to grow indoor back then I was just stupid. But it did all work out just kinda like two years it took me to get situated with a grow and everything. I aint trying to move anywhere too far thats what vacations all about.

But honestly you think you have enough to move right just buy the equipment run 4 1,000 watt lights for flower sell it in a year go out there stay in a nice hotel and then decide if you want to move and then put a down payment on a house just be sure to pay taxes. Just your not gonna be buying a home a year down the road even if you move there and grow top shelf its just not worth shit out west and shit you can move to Maine or mass and damn near be legal and indow is pretty damn pricey in mass anyways and in mass sale or cultivation of up to 50 lbs is a max of 2 years and its not a felony.

Really do what you want I guess you could make some money just buying large and shipping back to your buddies and even ship your home grown but your fucking with federal law there but shit I don't think FDD even got all that much time I almost think hes only gonna be in for 2 years or something not too sure but a lot of dudes sent him money so he probably had a good lawyer who knows.


Well-Known Member
Ur dumb for wanting to.move for weed
can you read?
""It's always been a dream of mine to live in Colorado, even before all the legalization."
"I currently have a job opportunity in Denver and would be willing to move there."

i can't really help you much op, but from the knowledge i have i'd say you will want to become a caregiver and once you start getting to know people in your new area you can acquire patients. i think the max amount of patients is 5 and with each patient you are allowed more plants/stored product. i'm not sure the specific numbers but i'm pretty sure providing for 5 patients would prove as some nice supplemental cash flow.